Image of Design and Technology- Year 5
30 Nov

Design and Technology- Year 5

On Friday, Year 5 learnt the fundamental skills of threading a needle, tying a knot and creating a running stitch. This will help us over the next few weeks when we stitch our designs made out of felt, sequins, buttons and other accessories onto our Christmas t-shirt.

Image of Year 2 D.T
29 Nov

Year 2 D.T

On Friday, Year 2 had a busy afternoon planning and designing their own Christmas fruit kebabs. We looked at some images of fruit kebabs and came up with our own designs. We also decided which fruits would be the most suitable and how much our fruit kebabs will cost!

Image of Reception: Winter
29 Nov

Reception: Winter

Today the children made the most of the snow and ice to help them to explore the signs of Winter. They found bird prints, explored ice melting, felt fresh snow and even threw snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson!

Image of French- Year 5
29 Nov

French- Year 5

In Year 5 today, Miss Woodcock from DACA taught us how to read and write the time in french.

Image of Knife Angel Message
26 Nov

Knife Angel Message

Two of our WOW (Worship our way) group members told our whole school, in Worship on Friday, about the Knife Angel. They attended a conference at Blackburn Cathedral a couple of weeks ago and learnt about angels being special messengers and they particularly focused on the special Knife Angel. It is made up of over 100,000 knives that have been used in knife crimes around the country. Many of the knives have writing calved into them which are messages asking for forgiveness to the victims and their families from the person who used the knife. The message is to try to eliminate knife crime in our local area and a knife amnesty box is next to it to encourage youngsters to surrender any weapons they may have. Most knife crimes occur by accident and it’s usually the person carrying a knife that becomes injured. Thank you to our WOW group members for delivering the important message of the Knife Angel to our school family. We hope this will discourage any of our children from carrying weapons when they are older. The Knife Angel will be at Blackburn Cathedral till 30th November if you are in the area and would like to admire it.

Image of Celebration Worship
26 Nov

Celebration Worship

Today in celebration worship, we revisited our focus from Monday’s whole school worship which was tolerance. We reflected on how we had lived this out by showing respect to each other and celebrating each other’s differences. We heard from some members of WOW group who told us about the knife angel and it’s very important message. The knife angel is currently outside Blackburn Cathedral until 30th November. We also heard from Mrs Govan who told us about a wonderful advent art competition that the children can take part in. We are asking the children to create a piece of artwork to show a part of the Christmas story e.g. The 3 wise men, the star of Bethlehem or baby Jesus. This can be done in any media such as painting, drawing, photograph, collage and 24 pieces will be selected to go on display at Whitehall park. The deadline is Monday 6th December. Finally, we celebrated some out of school achievements and Mrs Ham read some of the beautiful prayers that our children have added to our prayer tree. 

Image of Year 1- Great Fire of London Workshop
26 Nov

Year 1- Great Fire of London Workshop

Year 1 throughly enjoyed a visit from The Freshwater Theatre company this afternoon. Alison the facilitator was amazing and she took the children back in time to 1666 where they heard from Mary Porter who had experienced the fire first hand. They took part in various drama activities to really bring the topic alive. It was a wonderful experience.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: How to report bullying or other hurtful behaviour.
25 Nov

Year 2 PSHE: How to report bullying or other hurtful behaviour.

This afternoon In PSHE, we thought about the difference between teasing and bullying and explored different scenarios of both. We recorded ideas about what we can do to stop bullying and how to report it.

Image of Thank you from Children in Need
25 Nov

Thank you from Children in Need

A huge thank you to you all for putting on your spots and for your generous donations to Children in Need last Friday. You have raised a fabulous £256.50 so have helped to make a positive difference to the lives of many children in the UK.

Image of Advent Art Competition
25 Nov

Advent Art Competition

After the success of last year's Advent Art competition, we have decided to run another one for this Christmas. This is a chance for the children to get creative at home and get into the festive spirit! We are asking the children to create a piece of Art work to show a part of the Christmas story, e.g. The 3 wise men, the star of Bethlehem, baby Jesus - There are lots of ideas online for inspiration. The Art work can be created using a variety of media such as painting, drawing, photographs, collage, etc but we ask that it is no larger than A3 in size and flat enough so that we can laminate them. 24 entries will be selected to go on display at Whitehall Park for an Advent Adventure trail and there are prizes to be won! The deadline for all entries is Monday 6th December, judging will take place shortly after this to select the final 24. Please give any entries to Class Teachers when they are complete.

Image of Class Worship- Year 5
25 Nov

Class Worship- Year 5

During our class worship this week, we have been discussing the news about one travel company ‘expedia’, who have banned all trips that include experiences with dolphins. We discussed why some people don’t agree with keeping dolphins and whales purely for entertainment.

Image of Year 1- Making Tudor Houses
25 Nov

Year 1- Making Tudor Houses

Year 1 were set the challenge of independently making a Tudor house in the creative area this week. They have used scissors, sellotape, staples, glue and masking tape independently to do this. Well done Year 1.