Year 1-Bossy verbs
Yesterday we went on a walk to Jack’s Key to find a suitable route to write instructions for Reception class to guide them on a walk. Today we looked at bossy verbs and acted some out in practice for our instruction writing tomorrow.
Year 1- Human and physical features in Darwen
Yesterday we went on a walk to find some human and physical features in Darwen. This afternoon we’ve discussed what we found and wrote about the differences between human and physical features.
Year 1 - Material hunt
Following on from learning about materials we’ve been on a walk to find some materials out and about in our local area.
Year 2 - Money
This week in year 2 we have started our money unit in maths. We have been exploring the value of coins, collecting an amount and exploring many ways in which we can make a set amount of money; using different coins.
Year 6 Art- Still-life sketching
In Art, year 6 have been creating their own still-life sketches of WW2 items. We decided on this as our focus because of our local history topic in which we will look in more detaIl at the role Darwen played in WW2.
Year 2 - Designing finger puppets
In year 2 this week we have been designing our own finger puppets in DT. We have looked at a variety of methods to create a strong and sturdy puppet and linked this in nicely with our English unit of Traction Man. The children have designed their own villain that Traction Man will face and this forms a basis for our interview writing unit.
Whole School Worship: Rev Ben
The children in year 6 played a game at the start of our worship. The game wasn’t as easy as it looked! Our children showed the Christian value of encouragement to help the children complete the task. Today, we learned about a man called Daniel. Daniel was taken far from his home and asked to work in a place where nobody believed in God. Rev Ben asked the children to think about how they would feel if that happened to him. Daniel found ways to keep trusting and God looked after him. Daniel showed the king that God was important. In the Bible, when people face a hard time, they praise God and they sing. Rev Ben asked the children why they feel it is important. Jack said that it will fill up your happy tank, Leonora said it will make you feel calm and relaxed, Carter said it can change your mood and Jenson said it can help you to express how you feel. When we find things tough, lifting our eyes up to God can really help us. Rev Ben asked the children to think of a time that it is hard to feel thankful. Iris said that when your Mummy and Daddy say that you can’t have chocolate it is hard to feel thankful. Rev Ben said in those difficult times, to remember that God is always with us. We finished our worship by singing my lighthouse.
Year 1- Number bonds to 20
In maths we’ve progressed onto number bonds to 20. We worked in pairs to find different ways to make 20 with maths equipment.
Year 1- What makes a balanced diet?
In PSHE we looked at what foods we should eat to help us stay healthy. We talked about a balanced diet and what foods we should eat to make our diet balanced. We also learnt some big words such as carbohydrates, protein and fibre. We finished off by creating our friend a balanced lunch.
Reception: Muddy Monday
Today, the children have focussed on maps and why we have them. We discussed where we had seen maps. Roman said you can find a map on your phone, Marley said you can find a map at Jack Keys and Elijah said you can buy one from a shop. Eddie told the children that maps tell you where to go and Seb said that you can use a map if you ever get lost. We then went to Whitehall park and found a map. We followed it to find the duck pond. We then went to the forest school area and looked at the hedgehog house and bug house. We also made fires, our own bug hotels and climbed trees. Super exploring!
Year 2 - Jesus healed a paralysed man
During our RE unit we have been focusing on Jesus’ miracles. We acted out Jesus healing a paralysed man and discussed: How the people may have felt? Did other people believe what they saw? What did Jesus want to teach us with his miracle?
MHST Parent Webinars
Good morning parents and carer, Next week it is Children's Mental Health Week. Here are some parent webinars from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) to help you support your child's mental health. There are four webinars focusing on anxiety, social media and mental health, low mood and the importance of sleep. Please see the attached flyer for further information.