Online Safety: Digital lives
#SaferInternetDay is coming!
Year 5- Maths- Fractions
In maths, the children have been finding methods to identify equivalent fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers using a variety of representations, including fractions of shapes, number lines, and fraction walls as well as the abstract form, so that they understand the relationships.
Year 5- Persuasive Writing- Letters to the Prime Minister
Over the past two weeks, the children have been researching climate emissions at great length to understand the need to support Fairtrade farmers. Farmers are most affected by climate change. It not only threatens their future but also the food that they produce for our country. The Year 5 class put their points, and evidence collated on paper and have written a persuasive letter to the Prime minister to convince the government to make a change.
Year 4 - French
In our French lesson today, Year 4 visited a virtual French market to buy fruit. We also asked how much it would cost in French.
Year 4- Writing our own lyrics in music
In music today, we wrote our own lyrics to a scene from a short film.
Year 1- Song writing
In music this afternoon we’ve been creating our own word boards to help us create some lyrics for our own song. Your creativity was impressive!
Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel Part 2
In art we have been looking at lots of different artists and analysing their work. This week we have been looking at ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel which was painted in 1506 in Brabant, Belgium. We found that there are 83 different games being played in this picture and each paints a picture and tells a story. We then recreated the artists work in our very own pic collage.
Year 4 Art - Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel - Part 1
In art we have been looking at lots of different artists and analysing their work. This week we have been looking at ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel which was painted in 1506 in Brabant, Belgium. We found that there are 83 different games being played in this picture and each paints a picture and tells a story. We then recreated the artists work in our very own pic collage.
Reception- Junk Modelling
The children have had a great time this week bringing their creativity to life in the creative area. They have made various models using junk modelling from cars and aeroplanes to hats and cupcakes. They have used amazing imagination and developed lots of fine motor and creativity skills along the way.
Reception Maths- heavy and light
This week the children have been using the pan balance to explore heavy and light objects. They have been identifying what happens to the pan balance when a heavy object is put in one side and a light object is put in the other. They have also been looking at ways to make the pan balance balance by making both sides equal.
Year 5- French - Things around the house and stationary
In French over the past few weeks the children have been learning the names of the different rooms in the house and furniture we find in those rooms. This week we finished looking around the house and began to learn the names of different items of stationery.
Year 5 - Computing - Data input and office
During computing this term we are learning how to use Office and in particular Excel. The children are learning to input data on Excel to change the colours of the blocks and create pictures. They have been able to create some fantastic pictures!