Image of Monday Worship: God’s Promise
30 Jan

Monday Worship: God’s Promise

Last week for our happy tank, we thought about affirmations. Mrs Ham shared Harlow’s affirmation, “You are worth it and are loved”. This week, we learnt about gratitude. We took a few minutes to think about what we are grateful for. Leonora said she was grateful for her life, Eliza said she is grateful for the staff, Ella said she was grateful for her family and Aisha said she is grateful for her hair. Mrs Ham explained how in the bible, God made up to 7000 promises. In Noah’s Ark, God made a promise to not flood the earth again. God’s promise to show this was a rainbow. God promised Mary that she was going to have a baby. God made lots of promises to us all. He said he will love us forever, he will comfort us, he will never leave, he will keep us safe and he will keep his promises. We watched a video that retold the story of Noah’s Ark. God wanted to see kindness. During our reflection, Mrs Ham asked for us all to think about a time when we made a promise and broke it. We had a think about how we felt and what we could do next time. Mrs Ham also asked for us all to think about a time that a promise has been broken and how we felt. We finished our worship by singing Waymaker.

Image of Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club
27 Jan

Gifted & talented Gymnastics Club

Another awesome G & T Gymnastics club session led by coach Jill. Tonight, the children have been perfecting their routines with a focus on cartwheels and arabesque. The children have been working hard on both the body management and floor exercises.

Image of Holocaust Memorial Day
27 Jan

Holocaust Memorial Day

Today our thoughts and prayers are with the 6 million victims of the Holocaust and their families. This morning in Worship we lit a special candle and held a moment of silence to remember them.

Image of Celebration Worship Sports Stars
27 Jan

Celebration Worship Sports Stars

A big WELL DONE to all of our Sports Stars this week. What a wonderful range of activities that you have all been taking part in! We would also like to congratulate our school football team on coming runners up in the EFL Utilita Kids Cup this week. We are super proud of you all, showing great team spirit, determination and encouraging each other at every step.

Image of Celebration Worship 27.01.23
27 Jan

Celebration Worship 27.01.23

In Celebration Worship this morning, we remembered all of the victims of the Holocaust as part of The International Holocaust Remembrance Day. We also celebrated our values winners across both key stages. All of our classes across school have been working extremely hard, with a special focus on our ‘Happy Tank’ and filling it with positive affirmations this week. Well done to Years 1 and 3 for this week's best attendance and also to Whitehall Park for their achievement of Overall House Winners for values points this week. We finished our worship with Rev Ben leading us in prayer.

Image of Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls
27 Jan

Reception Gymnastics- Types of Rolls

Today in PE, the children started with a warm up, where some children were chosen to be sharks and they had to catch the starfish by tagging them. To save the starfish that had been caught, they had to duck under their arms to help them. The children were then given different stations, where they practised the different types of rolls, including the teddy bear roll, a forward roll, a rock and roll and a pencil roll.

Image of Year 4 Class Worship - How much control do influencers have over our choices?
26 Jan

Year 4 Class Worship - How much control do influencers have over our choices?

In our class worship we looked at how much control influencers have over our choices. The latest craze for PRIME was our key topic and we definitely know a lot about it! We discussed that although the influencers may guide some of our choices, it’s important for us to remember to make our decisions with an open mind, considering both positive and negative consequences.

Image of Year 4 Geography- What is the Congo Rainforest like?
26 Jan

Year 4 Geography- What is the Congo Rainforest like?

Our focus in todays lesson was to study what life is like in the Congo Rainforest. We looked at the plants and trees we would find there, various animal species and tribes such as Babongo and Aka. We found amazing facts such as how the UK could fit into the rainforest 16 times over!

Image of Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers
26 Jan

Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers

During our class worship this morning, the Year 5 class explored the term ' Social Influencer' in detail. The children then came up with a list of people that they look up to and admire, such as; football player, actor, singer, golf player, darts player, BMX rider and a Diablos. We then discussed why they look up to these people in detail. I then showed the children three drinks which I had prepared earlier, In order to influence the children I made them believe that the orange juice was by far the best drink. We then took votes on which drink they would choose to drink, from apple juice, Vimto and orange juice. It was great to see that the children were not influenced by my choice because the majority of the children voted for the apple juice. We then discussed the choices we make, we can choose the people we want to listen to, be influenced by and follow. Jesus always set a good example when he told others to do something, such as to love each other, he did it himself. He asked his followers to do the right thing. Whilst influencers may guide some of our choices, It is important for us to remember both positive and negative consequences. Every child has the right to be protected from social media.

Image of Year 1- Lunch time MUGA session
26 Jan

Year 1- Lunch time MUGA session

Year 1 had such a fun Muga session! Thank you to the sports leaders for planning such a fun lunchtime session!

Image of Year 2 - Use of everyday materials
26 Jan

Year 2 - Use of everyday materials

In year 2 we have been exploring the use of everyday materials. We took a trip to Whitehall park to see what materials we could find, what they were being used for and if they were fit for purpose. The children found lots of interesting materials being used at Whitehall park.

Image of Year 3: Performing our own dialogue!
26 Jan

Year 3: Performing our own dialogue!

Over the past few weeks, Year 3 have been looking at the clip 'Soar'. The story begins with a young girl called Mara. A thirteen-year-old who dreams of one day becoming an airplane designer. But every day, she test flies her model airplanes in the fields behind her house and every day, they crash. She is feeling downhearted and wants to give up, until a young boy falls from the sky and changes everything! We have been discussing how even though there is no dialogue in the clip, we can still follow the characters and understand their journey. In this lesson, we started to create our own dialogue for the story in pairs! This was also a great opportunity for the children to practice their performance and drama skills! Next week, we will be planning and writing our own playscripts for 'Soar'.