Year 1- Computing
In computing this afternoon year 1 have been having a go to make their own 2D animations using whiteboards and the app stop motion capture.
Year 4 - Considering the qualities of a good King
In RE this week, we have been looking at the story of David and King Saul and deciding why David would have made a better king. We also realised that the qualities of a good king were very similar to the qualities of a good friend.
Year 4 - Researching ecosystems in the Amazon rainforest
In science, we have been conducting research on ecosystems in the rainforest. We were surprised to find out that there was typically only one season all year round - 'humid' season.
D.T Club- Papier Mache Mask Making
This week, Years 4, 5, and 6 have been busy making a start on their props for the Year 6 end-of-year performance in our DT after school club.
Football EFL Cup Final
St Barnabas football team took part in the EFL Cup final hosted at the Blackburn Rovers senior training ground. We faced St Paul’s and unfortunately lost the game on narrow margins. The team played exceptionally well and represented their school very well. They met some first team players and had an academy tour. A great pleasure and an unbelievable experience for our football team.
Super skills after school club
How much sport can you fit into an hour? A LOT! What a busy and fun club on Thursday. We had a go at lots of different sports including gymnastics, basketball,football and some target over arm throwing.
Reception: Keeping safe indoors and outdoors
This week, the children in Reception went on a hunt to see how many things could be dangerous and how many things keep us safe. Archie spotted the benches and said that they could be dangerous if you didn’t use them properly. Eddie pointed to a fire door and said that you would open this if there was a fire. Connie found a wet floor sign and we discussed how this would be used to stop you from slipping. Fletcher found cones outside which are used to stop people from parking on the path. Charlie pointed to the rail and said that we hold this to stop you falling on the stairs.
Year 1- Describing materials of objects
Yesterday afternoon in science we looked at some objects and what materials they are made from. We looked at objects made from wood, metal, fabric and plastic. We then looked at the properties of the materials such as bumpy, hard, soft, stretchy, opaque and transparent.
Year 2 - Jesus healed the blind
In year 2 we have started our new unit in RE - Jesus our friend. We looked at his miracles and in particular, Jesus healing the blind man. We acted out the story and gained a detailed understanding of Jesus’ messages and how we can be the light just as Jesus is.
Year 2 - Exploring travelling and movement
In year 2 this week we have been exploring the variety of ways we can move and techniques to improve movement linking in with a giant story. We linked movements through travel, jump, turn, gesture and stillness.
Monday Worship: Forgiveness and Friendship
This week, we began our worship with our happy tank. We learnt all about affirmations. An affirmation is when we say a positive thing about ourselves. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to show what an affirmation was. Our job this week is to think of affirmations to say to make us feel good. Mrs Ham’s affirmation to share was “I am amazing!” The children all joined in with this affirmation. The heads and deputies read lots of affirmations which the children copied to help fill up their happy tanks. Charlotte read an affirmation that said ‘it is ok to make mistakes’. Bobby read out “It is ok to ask for help” and Elsa read the affirmation “I matter in this world”. Today we focussed on our Christian values of friendship and forgiveness. Mrs Ham asked the children if they had ever broken anything. Lots of things can be broken but most of the time they can be fixed. If a book has a rip, Ella suggested that we could use cellotape instead of throwing it away. If a handle falls off a mug, Alfie said that we could use superglue. If we hurt ourselves, Jack suggested that we could use a plaster. Mrs Ham asked the children to think about what we could do to fix a broken friendship. Jesus said if somebody does something mean, you should always forgive them. Jesus told a parable called the unforgiving servant. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to retell the story. If we do not forgive others, then God will not forgive us. Jesus said that we should forgive people 70 x 7= 490 times! We shouldn’t keep track, we should forgive every time. God always forgives us for big and little things so we need to do the same to each other. For our reflection this week, we are going to have a think about how we can mend a broken friendship and how we can show forgiveness. We finished our worship by singing ‘As one’.
Year 2 - 3D shapes
In year 2 we have been exploring the various properties of 3D shapes; looking at vertices, faces, name and looking at similar objects in the real world.