Image of Palm Sunday Worship
28 Mar

Palm Sunday Worship

Today we learnt about Palm Sunday. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he didn’t arrive in a fancy carriage but on a little donkey. People waved palm branches and were so pleased to see him. Many people gave him a warm welcome but some people were not impressed and were filled with feelings of jealousy. Mason said they could be feeling cross and Leonora said they could be angry. We helped Mrs Ham retell the story of Palm Sunday. Mrs Ham showed everybody a palm shaped as a cross. The crowd shouted Hosanna to welcome Jesus. Later in the week, leaders who were angry turned people against Jesus and he was crucified. This was all in God’s plan and on Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. In times of sadness, we can all be kind to cheer everybody up. Our Wow group led our singing and we sang ‘ We have a king who rides a donkey’.

Image of Outdoor Adventure Activities in the sun
25 Mar

Outdoor Adventure Activities in the sun

What a fantastic afternoon we have had in Year 4 taking part in all sorts of OAA. Millipede trails, problem solving and electric fences. Teamwork, cooperation and listening skills in full flow! All done in this beautiful sunshine.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Valuing Diversity
25 Mar

Year 3 PSHE - Valuing Diversity

Year 3 PSHE - The children have been discussing statements about stereotypes, for example: Women can’t be in the armed forces / People with white skin don’t like spicy food, and whether the statements are true or false.

Image of Year 1 Maths- Measuring using a ruler
25 Mar

Year 1 Maths- Measuring using a ruler

As part of their maths unit on measuring length and height, Year 1 were introduced to measuring with a ruler today. The concentration as they measured various lines of different lengths was amazing. They were very accurate with their measuring, always making sure they had the beginning of their line starting at 0cm. Well done Year 1.

Image of Reception PE
25 Mar

Reception PE

Reception have had a super PE lesson this morning where they have been practising climbing on and off the apparatus with confidence. Lots of children showed courage when climbing up high on the climbing frames and jumping off the horse box with control. Well done!

Image of Mrs Ham's weekly message to parents
25 Mar

Mrs Ham's weekly message to parents

Wow, what another busy week at St Barnabas. We have welcomed the Commonwealth Games baton from St Peters and have passed it on to St Pauls, had visits from an author, two dentists, a radiographer and the Dog's Trust. It was wonderful to hear that our children made all of our visitors feel so welcome and they showed them lots of respect and kindness. Please click on the following link to see our latest news for this week. I'm pleased to announce that after a rigorous interview process, Mrs Wilkinson has been appointed as our permanent Deputy Headteacher. She has been doing a wonderful job as Acting Deputy Headteacher so we are really pleased that she will continue to be part of our school family as our new Deputy Headteacher. Congratulations also go to Miss Bentham, our Reception class teaching assistant as she will now be staying with us until the end of this school year. Well done Miss Bentham! From Monday we are going to change our lining up system in a morning after receiving complaints from a few of our local residents about parents and children lining up across their drives. We also acknowledge that this isn't the safest place to line up either. The bottom gate will now be opened slightly earlier so parents and children can line up on the rainbow path. There will be a red and white chain barrier across the top of the path to signal that children can not enter the school grounds until myself, Mrs Wilkinson or Mr Tierney move it at 8.45am. I would like to politely remind you that school doesn't officially start until 8.55am but we do open the doors early at 8.45am to ensure that all children are in class and settled with their coats off and ready to learn for 8.55am. There is no need to arrive too early and children should not be left unsupervised before 8.45am as staff members aren't on the yard until 8.45am. A quick reminder that the top exit gate is only to be used as an entrance for children who walk to school from the top gate direction e.g. Jacks Key, Knowsley Meadows and Cranberry. It is NOT to be used by children who have been dropped off in cars at the end of the cul de sac or on the zig zags as this is dangerous and causes congestion outside of school. We would encourage you to park further away from school and walk to the bottom gate please. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Mummies and Grandmas a lovely Mother's Day this Sunday. The children have all promised to give you a rest and look after you so make sure you hold them to that promise. Wishing you all a beautiful sunny weekend, Mrs Ham

Image of Celebration Worship- Living life in all its fullness
25 Mar

Celebration Worship- Living life in all its fullness

It was wonderful to hear from all of our class teachers this morning how their class has been 'achieving great things' and 'living life in all its fullness' this week. We have had several visitors in school this week including an author, two dentists, a radiographer and the Dog's Trust and we were so proud to hear how the children welcomed them into school and showed them kindness. We also reflected on how we can show the special ladies in our lives how much we love them and say a big thank you for everything they do for us. Wishing all of our mummies and grandmas a lovely Mother's Day on Sunday. What another fantastic week at St Barnabas! To see the powerpoint from today's worship, please click on the following link.

Image of Celebration Worship
25 Mar

Celebration Worship

This morning in Celebration Worship we started our sports star awards off with our swimming squad who were the overall winners of the swimming gala last Friday evening and also the winners of the girls medley relay and girls freestyle relay. We have never won these awards before so we are over the moon and are so proud of our amazing swimming squad. We then presented a 3rd place skiing award to Isaac who represented our school in the North West Schools Skiing competition , a morris dancing trophy to Eva for the most improved morris dancer, a 2nd place art award to Ivy and a goalkeeper of the week trophy to Iris who wanted to show how proud she was of her big brother Luke. We also had awards from our uniformed groups too- Isaac showed us his disability awareness badge from cubs and Grace won Olivia from Rainbows for helping to tidy up after they made Mother's Day Cards. If you would like your child to join one of our uniformed organisations such as rainbows, brownies, beavers or cubs, please click on this link to our community page.

Image of Online safety warning- Huggy Wuggy
25 Mar

Online safety warning- Huggy Wuggy

Dear parents and carers, we wanted to make you aware of a character named ‘Huggy Wuggy’ that some of the children are talking about. Please see the photo and links for further information.

Image of Reading Notes Clarinet- Year 5
25 Mar

Reading Notes Clarinet- Year 5

The children have been really enjoying their music lessons with Mr Gardiner. On Friday, they learnt how to read notes and were able to play them on the clarinet by breaking the song down into smaller sections.

Image of Cooking and Nutrition- Year 5
25 Mar

Cooking and Nutrition- Year 5

Year 5 had the opportunity to practice some food skills in this lesson. We first watched the food skills videos ( peel, chop and grate) and then practiced them. The food that the children prepared was then used to create a salad bar which they were able to taste from at the end of the lesson.

Image of School Skiing Competition- 3rd place for St Barnabas
25 Mar

School Skiing Competition- 3rd place for St Barnabas

A huge congratulations to Isaac P in Year 5 for coming 3rd in the North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2022. He represented St Barnabas and came 3rd in his race. Well done Isaac, we are so proud of you!