Image of Reception Class Mother’s Day Worship
23 Mar

Reception Class Mother’s Day Worship

Wow! A huge well done to our amazing Reception children for giving their mummies and grandmas a lovely Mother’s Day Worship yesterday. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house. Mrs Ham definitely had to get the mop and bucket out afterwards. They were all incredibly brave to speak and sing in front of all those people, so they should be very proud of themselves.

Image of Y4 Easter Art Sneak Peek
23 Mar

Y4 Easter Art Sneak Peek

We’ve been busy in Year 4 preparing our Easter artwork for the Rose Garden this week. Look out for it in Whitehall Park soon. In the meantime, can you guess which parts from the Easter story we’ve been studying? Clue 1: the betrayal Clue 2: the kiss Clue 3: the cockerel

Image of Meet our W.O.W. group
23 Mar

Meet our W.O.W. group

Here they are, our wonderful W.O.W. group, leading the way in creating fun and interactive opportunities to worship in our school. Our members are Aidan, Dominic, Harlow, Eva, Maisie, Aisha, Sienna, Lucy, Beau and Betsy.

Image of Year 6 Science- heart rate
23 Mar

Year 6 Science- heart rate

Year 6 have been learning about their heart rate in Science.

Image of Year 3 Science Investigation
22 Mar

Year 3 Science Investigation

Year 3 Science Investigation - working in groups to investigate a question connected with the length of bone in either a leg or an arm. The children have been measuring the chosen bone and also the distance they can either throw, kick or step and whether there is a connection between the two measurements.

Image of Collective Worship led by WOW group
22 Mar

Collective Worship led by WOW group

Today our worship was led by our WOW group who previously took suggestions from our whole school about what they enjoy about worship such as acting out and singing and incorporated these into their Easter worship. The WOW group retold the following parts of the Eater story: Good Friday, The Last Supper, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Road to Calvary, The Crucifixion and The Resurrection. Following on from this, they quizzed the whole school on questions linked to The Easter Story. For answer A, the children had to put their hands on their heads and for answer B, they had to put their hands on their shoulders. The whole school really enjoyed being quizzed on the story. We ended the worship with the whole school singing ‘Lord of the Dance.’ Thank you for a wonderful worship WOW group.

Image of Reception- Author visit
22 Mar

Reception- Author visit

Reception really enjoyed their visit from the author and illustrator Sean Perkins today. The children loved listening to his picture book ‘Oscar and Ben,’ meeting the characters and joining in with a song about the book.

Image of Reception Dentist Visit
22 Mar

Reception Dentist Visit

Our reception class had a visit from Darwen dental practise. The children tried on PPE and pretended to be dental nurses. They also got to help Eric the dinosaur brush his teeth. The children were really good at answering questions on how to keep their teeth clean and healthy foods you can eat to help your teeth to stay healthy and free from cavities.

Image of FOSB Mother’s Day Gift Shop
22 Mar

FOSB Mother’s Day Gift Shop

The children have all really enjoyed visiting the Friends of St Barnabas Mother’s Day gift shop today. Every child will be bringing something home for a special lady in their life. A huge thank you to our FOSB members for making it a huge success.

Image of Reception Radiographer Visit
22 Mar

Reception Radiographer Visit

Peter, a radiographer came in to visit Reception class and told them all about his job. First of all they watched a video to show how you can take an x-ray to find out if you have broken a bone. We looked at photographs of different x-rays. We found out that you have to stay extremely still when Peter takes an x-ray. Sometimes you have to stay still for half an hour! Peter gives the patients lots of cushions to keep the patient really still. Whilst the patient is having an x-ray, Peter is watching all of the photographs that the camera is taking. The children really enjoyed Peter’s visit- a huge thank you to him!

Image of Year 6 RE
22 Mar

Year 6 RE

Year 6 have been learning more about the Jewish Festival of Passover this week in Religious Education.

Image of Author and Illustrator Sean Perkins visits St Barnabas
21 Mar

Author and Illustrator Sean Perkins visits St Barnabas

Today, Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from the local author and illustrator Sean Perkins. The children absolutely loved listening to his picture book ‘Oscar and Ben,’ meeting the characters and joining in with a song about the book. The children described the characters as mischievous, cheeky and sneaky as they got up to lots of mischief on their adventures.