Image of Year 1- Writing using our phonics
17 Jan

Year 1- Writing using our phonics

Continuing with the story ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ we had a go at writing sentences independently. We all had a sound mat and used our phonics to sound out our sentences. I was very impressed Year 1!

Image of Year 1- Capital letters,full stops and exclamation marks.
16 Jan

Year 1- Capital letters,full stops and exclamation marks.

This morning in English we focused on the bear hunt story. Today’s task was to put in the punctuation that was missing. Year 1 felt really grown up because they all used a purple polishing pen for the first time today.

Image of Year 1- 1 less
16 Jan

Year 1- 1 less

In maths this morning we were looking at numbers up to 20 and if we could find out what was 1 less. We worked really hard as a team on the carpet to support each other to find out 1 less before going off to work independently. I was very impressed!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
16 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

This week the children in Reception built up their walking stamina by walking to Whitehall Park. They walked up a hill and were really sensible. It was freezing cold so the children saw some ice. We revisited previous learning and identified evergreen and deciduous trees. The children also explored the rose garden.

Image of Year 1- Friendship and kindness
16 Jan

Year 1- Friendship and kindness

In PSHE today we looked at friendship and some scenarios we might get into at home or at school. We acted out some of the scenarios and thought how we might feel if this happened to us and how we could deal with it. We had some very grown up conversations about being good friends and being kind to each other.

Image of Year 1- Exploring materials
16 Jan

Year 1- Exploring materials

In science we have been on a hunt to find objects made from materials such as metal, wood, plastic, glass and fabric. We found lots of objects made from these materials. I was so impressed with the work they produced in their science books this afternoon. Well done year 1!

Image of Wellbeing Workshops for Parents
16 Jan

Wellbeing Workshops for Parents

What is Flourishing Minds? Flourishing Minds is a community based, tiered service that empowers people to learn self-care and coping skills to enable them to better self-manage their mental and emotional health, alongside other health conditions. Lancashire Mind are working in partnership with Age UK, One Voice and The Wellbeing Service to provide a variety of activities and support to Blackburn with Darwen residents. All activities are designed to enable people to better understand their mental health and wellbeing and learn how to look after it. The overall aim of the service is to improve mental wellbeing across the population of Blackburn with Darwen. The Flourishing Minds project will identify and focus on the strengths and skills that exist in local neighbourhoods and use these resources to support lasting change. This approach will enable local people to discover and share their talents and resources to make long-term improvements to their community and their wellbeing. Who can access Flourishing Minds? Flourishing Minds is funded by Blackburn with Darwen council Public Health. You can access Flourishing Minds if: You are 18 or older You live in Blackburn or Darwen You are registered with a GP in Blackburn or Darwen You are struggling to maintain positive wellbeing What support is available? Lancashire Mind and our project partners offer a range of different types of support. This includes support groups, wellbeing coaching, social activities, wellbeing checks and signposting. As part of the Flourishing Minds project we have two free community workshops available. Our community based workshops are run as 1-hour sessions either on Zoom or at local community venues. The workshops will deliver an introduction to the five ways to wellbeing and how to better self-manage stress. The workshops are interactive, informative and relaxed with the opportunity to ask questions and meet other people in the local community. To find out more about the support our partners offer, get in touch or visit their websites using the links below.

Image of Whole School Worship: Martin Luther King Jr Day
16 Jan

Whole School Worship: Martin Luther King Jr Day

We started our worship with our happy tank and we practised our kindness today. We then thought about what Jesus meant when he said you should love your neighbour as yourself. Elsie said your neighbour means everybody. Mrs Ham read a book ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ all about Martin Luther King Jr. It is important to stand up for what is right and love your neighbour, just like Martin Luther King Jr did. If people like Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks hadn’t stood up for what was right then the world wouldn’t be a nice place to live in. Martin Luther King Jr had a dream that people would judge people on their character rather than their skin colour. We had a think about our character today and how others may describe our character. If we show all of our Christian values then we will have a great character. This week we will focus on treating each other fairly. We will also have a think about how we can help other people to make their lives better and we will focus on showing love and kindness towards each other. Freddie said we could be brave and stand up for what is right, Alfie said we could be respectful, Grace said we could donate items to other people, Jack said we could show friendship and Lyla said we could show courage. We then thought about what our dream for the world would be and we had some wonderful ideas such as no violence, no wars, living in peace. everyone being treated fairly and with kindness etc. We finished our worship by singing ‘Make a difference’.

Image of Whole School Celebration Worship
13 Jan

Whole School Celebration Worship

During our whole school Worship this morning, a few of our children shared their special gifts from God; being good at skating, swimming, football, gymnastics, basketball and rugby and some children said having loving and caring parents was their special gift from God. It was also lovely to hear that the children have been reflecting on their daily choices which was our Happy Tank focus for this week. The class teachers presented a value certificate to the child/children that has been demonstrating our Christian and British values and making the right choices. Prizes were given out to our 'Road Safety' winners, the entries were from last year and the children were thrilled with their winnings. Mrs Ham celebrated our sports stars for their dedication and commitments for taking part in extracurricular activities. Our amazing attendance classes this week were reception and Year 3 and the winning team for getting the most value points was Whitehall Park, putting them in first place. Rev Ben ended our Worship with a lovely prayer and blessing. What another brilliant week at St Barnabas and the children really have been achieving great things!

Image of Year 6 English
12 Jan

Year 6 English

Year 6, have been working hard on their independent writes in English. They have begun their emotion-driven narrative based on the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ and have made a superb start. Keep it up year 6!

Image of ADHD Parent Support Sessions
12 Jan

ADHD Parent Support Sessions

Does your child have ADHD or some of the signs of ADHD? If so, please see the attached poster if you would like to learn and understand how to manage your child's ADHD.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
12 Jan

Year 6 PSHE

In PSHE this week, we have focused on mixed messages in the media. We discovered that we need to make sure any information we come across has come from a reliable source and that not everything we see is reality. It is important that we have our own mind and if we are unsure of anything we ask a trusted adult.