Good afternoon parents and carers, well what a busy half term it has been with residential visits, an ofsted inspection, lots of sports events and SATS. We are so proud of how hard the children have worked so far this year, they really have worked their socks off. Our Year 2 and Year 6 children tackled their SATS with confidence and determination and really tried their best. After the holidays our Year 1 children will be taking their phonics screening 'quiz' and our Year 4 children will be taking their multiplications quiz. We are sure that they will try their best and make us all proud.
For all the latest news, please click here:
We have lots of exciting events next half term including sports day, lots of sporting events, trips, father's day celebrations, the Summer Fayre, leaver's celebrations and our transition day. For all of the upcoming events after the holidays, please click here:
Thank you so much for your continued support as we couldn't do what we do, without your support. A huge thank you to all of our staff team too for the fabulous support they give to our school family.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful half term holiday and I hope the sun continues to shine for us all. We will see you all on Monday 12th June. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham