Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
27 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

As part of our learning all about caring for our environment, we went on a litter pick around our local area. We used our fine motor skills to collect the litter using the litter pickers. We collected lots of litter and all received a certificate and sticker for being great litter picking superheroes. Thank you to Blackburn with Darwen Council for providing all of the resources we needed for our litter pick.

Image of Year 1- Toy story dance.
27 Feb

Year 1- Toy story dance.

On Friday in PE we use 4 characters out of toy story to try out some moves to put towards our dance routine. We used Forky, Woody, Slinky and Buzz as our characters. We came up with some amazing moves!

Image of Whole School Worship - Fairtrade Fortnight
27 Feb

Whole School Worship - Fairtrade Fortnight

In Worship today, we began by lighting a special candle and had a moments silence to pray for the families affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Mrs Ham then showed us some foods that she had bought over the last week. We then had to guess why Mrs Ham was showing us these foods and what was special about them. Darci said that they were all fairtrade products and Hamza spotted the fairtrade logo. Mrs Ham explained that today was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. We joined in with a quiz about fairtrade products, thought about our foods, where they come from and how climate change is affecting farmers and their crops in tropical countries. We also thought about how the Fairtrade Foundation supports these farmers, and how we can do a bit by opting for Fairtrade products. We reflected on how we can show kindness and support our neighbours around the world by buying Fairtrade products and how we can show our Christian values of generosity, friendship and respect this Fairtrade Fortnight and through Lent.

Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
24 Feb

Year 5 - Gymnastics

Today we had our first lesson with our fantastic gymnastics coach. We have learnt about how to use our core strength to help keep our balance. I think the children now appreciate just how tough some of these moves really are and are all a little worn out!

Image of Year 1- Food origins
24 Feb

Year 1- Food origins

In PSHE yesterday afternoon we had a look at different food origins. We had a really good discussion about where our food comes from. We had a go at putting foods into Origins. This will eventually help Us to create a healthy breakfast in a couple of weeks time.

Image of Year 1- Rolling a ball with accuracy
24 Feb

Year 1- Rolling a ball with accuracy

In P.E yesterday we looked at rolling a ball with the correct technique.Then our session got a lot harder when we added a target. We spoke about what we need to roll the ball to hit the target. We all agreed we need good hand-eye coordination.

Image of Celebration worship- Super Sports Stars
24 Feb

Celebration worship- Super Sports Stars

Well done! Well done to all our amazing ‘sports stars’ this week. It is wonderful to see such a variety of activities being enjoyed. Our Year 3/4 gymnastics team have done us so proud this week representing our school beautifully, your progress is excellent and a direct reflection to your hard working attitude as gymnastics takes practice, perseverance and a positive attitude, which you all show in buckets. Well done!

Image of Celebration Worship
24 Feb

Celebration Worship

Well done to all of our children this week on another busy week in school, working so hard and showing all our Christian values and gaining so many value points. A huge congratulations to Reception and Year 3 for being the amazing attendance winners again this week! Well done Darwen Tower team for winning the overall value points prize which you get to choose, will it be a disco, non uniform, or maybe an extra MUGA session with coach Baxendale? A massive well done to all our class Value Award winners, your hard work and determination really does show both in the classroom and around school, we hope you are super proud of yourselves.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
23 Feb

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 completed their first orienteering session this week. They were working on keeping their maps set whilst moving.

Image of Year 6 History
23 Feb

Year 6 History

In history, year 6 have been focusing on how Darwen helped Britain stand firm against the German threat during WW2. We found out that the people of Darwen raised funds for a spitfire plane through public subscription and that they also raised money for a warship and three tea wagons through national savings. The people of Darwen thought of many creative ways of raising money: collecting tins, selling paper dollies and jumble sales.

Image of Year 5/6 Netball Club
23 Feb

Year 5/6 Netball Club

Today we returned to our after school netball club. We worked hard on drills such as pass and follow, with a focus on accuracy of passing the ball. The children worked hard on their footwork and pivoting too.

Image of Year 4 PE - Invasion Games - Basketball
23 Feb

Year 4 PE - Invasion Games - Basketball

In our first session today we have been looking at various ways of passing, finding space and then we moved on to a quick game on the MUGA. The children worked hard to develop their dribbling and passing throughout the lesson and really tried hard to move into space.