Year 1- Music
In music year 1 have been learning all the different parts of the drum and what each part does. Year 1 then had a go on an electric drum machine working in pairs.
World Book Day Information
Next Thursday, 2nd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. This year the theme is bedtime stories and stories that can fill your happy tank. We would love for all children to come dressed all cosy and warm in their pyjamas. Children will take part in a variety of exciting book related activities and competitions and will listen to stories throughout the day. There will also be a book cover competition which the children will complete in school where the children will have the chance to win a £5 book voucher. During World Book Day, a local author, Raysa Farah will visit each class. Once Raysa has been into school, the children will have the opportunity to purchase her book 'The cub that lost its mane' for a discounted price. Further information will be sent out after World Book Day. The children will all receive a £1 token. This can be used at our book fair which will be held between 15-21st March. Between the 15-17th March, the children will all have the opportunity to look at the books in school and they will create a 'wish list' which will be sent home. You can then purchase these books either using the web address on the wish list or by coming into school to purchase books on Monday 21st March and Tuesday 22nd March from 3.30pm. Payment will only be able to be taken by card or contactless payment. We can't wait to celebrate next week and further promote our love of reading.
Year 1- Darwen Library Visit
Today we walked to Darwen town centre to visit the library. It was a super trip and everyone enjoyed exploring the different areas of the junior library. There are over 4000 books in the junior library and every child found at least one book that they enjoyed reading, from shark books and comic books to stories about horses or beast quests. We had a librarian explain about the different areas of the library and she read the class a story linked to our new English unit: Traditional Tales. Over half the class got their new library membership cards too!
Year 1 Find the Difference
Yesterday in maths, Year 1 were looking at finding the difference in partners using pegboards. The children had different coloured pegs and lined them up in rows. They each had a different amount of pegs and compared the amounts in order to find the difference between the two amounts. We have been looking at subtraction within 20 before the half term and we are finishing our subtraction unit this week.
Year 5- English- Letter from the Prime Minister
The Year 5 class has been thrilled to learn that our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has taken time out of his busy schedule to reply to their letters. Last term, the children researched the impact of carbon emissions on fairtrade farmers and our planet. After collating their findings, the children decided to take action and wrote a persuasive letter to the Prime Minister to make a change. The Prime Minister was pleased to hear that young people like ourselves are thinking hard about the future of our planet. He also highlighted that the UK Government is going to continue to tackle carbon emissions. Since 1990, the UK reduced emissions by at least 44%.
Year 2 - French
In Year 2, during Junior Jam, the children have been learning all the different fruits, linking them with the colours that they have previously learnt. They really enjoyed learning all of the different variety of fruits.
Year 3 R.E- Mother Teresa
Year 3 have been learning about Mother Teresa and the wonderful things she did throughout her life. We discussed how her Christian faith influenced the way she dedicated her life.
Year 3 Science- How are fossils formed?
Year 3 have been learning all about how fossils are made. We carried out an exciting experiment where the class made their own imprints, recreating the process of fossil formation.
Online Safety: Spotify
Is Spotify hitting the right #OnlineSafety notes?
Year 4 - Creating Word Webs
In English, we were very excited to start our new class novel, The Firework-Maker’s Daughter, and began by exploring the new vocabulary we came across using a word web.
Reception - Understanding Of The World - Material Hunt
This week we have explored different materials. We have looked at different types of materials including plastic, metal, wood, glass, rubber, brick, stone, fabric and wool. We then went on a material hunt to identify different materials around our classroom and school! The children really enjoyed finding all of the different materials in our environment
Blackburn with Darwen Year 3/4 Gymnastics Competition
Today we attended the BwD Year 3/4 Gymnastics competition at St Bedes. The children have shown true dedication in learning both the body management and floor routines. Everyone represented the school brilliantly and the children really did themselves and our school family proud. We managed to achieve silver medals in the boys event and bronze in the girls! With over 16 schools taking place and over 100 children involved that is no mean feat- Go Team B!