Image of Year 2 - Material testing
23 Feb

Year 2 - Material testing

During our science lesson we have been testing the properties and uses of everyday materials. We have had a look at a variety of materials and how their properties are very useful for construction and building everyday items.

Image of Year 4 English -The Firework Makers Daughter
23 Feb

Year 4 English -The Firework Makers Daughter

As part of our English unit, we are looking at The Firework Makers daughter. We have met various characters and today we focused on how to write a diary extract in the role of one of the main characters- Lila and her journey to Mount Merapi to find the Royal Sulphur.

Image of Year 5 - Smart School Council. How can we help Turkey and Syria?
23 Feb

Year 5 - Smart School Council. How can we help Turkey and Syria?

In today's school council meeting we discussed the results of the last vote “Shall we have a teacher swap for the day?”. The results from the whole school were in favour of having a teacher swap for a day and the Smart School Council members have set the ball rolling to arrange a day for this to happen. This week's meeting was about how we can raise money to help those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The class had a choice to vote for either a cake sale, guess how many sweets in a jar or a non-uniform day wearing the flag colours. Year 5 unanimously voted for a non-uniform day, but what will the rest of the school vote for?

Image of Reception PE
23 Feb

Reception PE

In PE the reception children started with a warm up, we talked about transport and how we can get from one place to another. The children chose a partner and they had to copy their movement around the hall. The children then went to the different stations where they practised balancing, under arm throwing, jumping into the different hoops for distance, and they practised rolling a ball on the ramps and catching it at the bottom.

Image of Reception- Magnets
23 Feb

Reception- Magnets

Some of the children in reception asked if they could have some magnets to test which items in the classroom were magnetic or not. We discussed what materials the items were made of and which ones were magnetic. The children found magnetic items such as scissors, magnetic letters, chairs and lots more!

Image of Year 2 - Problem solving
23 Feb

Year 2 - Problem solving

This week in maths we are coming to the end of our unit in money and we have been focusing on problem solving questions regarding change. Children used their rekenrek’s to solve problems relating to money change.

Image of Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer
23 Feb

Year 5- D.T- Parent Engineer

WOW!!!! The Year 5 class were thrilled to learn all things engineering. The class of engineers were very lucky to meet a parent who works as an engineer. He answered questions which the children had prepared before his visit. The children were inspired by to his journey. They were fascinated to learn about his job, what his job involves and the places he has travelled to in order to become as successful as he has today. He highlighted the importance of designing something first, then producing it and watching it work. The children learnt about different types of engineering such as constructional engineer and electronic engineer. The children have now been left with a project to make a floating ball, windmill, air conditioning unit, sailing boat and a moving vehicle.

Image of Year 6 Science
23 Feb

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been looking at the role of the three types of blood vessel and also how a blood clot can affect blood flow. We created a model to represent the blood vessels and noticed that even when the diameter is only a millimetre different, it can have a dramatic affect on how quick the blood flows.

Image of Year 6 Music
23 Feb

Year 6 Music

In music, year 6 have been learning about the history of the drum kit and learning to play in time to a metronome using drum machines.

Image of Year 4 - RE: Exploring the Importance of Trust
22 Feb

Year 4 - RE: Exploring the Importance of Trust

Year 4 had great fun playing trust games. They used great communication skills to untangle the human knot and showed how trustworthy they were to their peers during trust falls and on their blind trails. They spoke very maturely about who we trust and why we sometimes have to earn people’s trust by our actions.

Image of Year 1- Fruits in French
22 Feb

Year 1- Fruits in French

Year 1 are impressing me on a Wednesday afternoon with their amazing french lessons with Mrs Hayat! We’ve learnt colour names, animal names and now we are learning the names of fruit in french.

Image of Year 1- Signs of spring
22 Feb

Year 1- Signs of spring

Yesterday we walked to Whitehall park to look out for some signs of spring. In science we looked at the changes between winter and spring. Our walk also linked in with our R.E lesson (Easter unit) as we were looking for signs of new life.