Good afternoon parents and carers, well what another busy week at St Barnabas!
Highlights of the week:
* Our netball team represented BWD at the Lancashire school games in Blackpool on Tuesday and reached the quarter finals.
*We met Rev Matt, who will be working with Rev Ben at St Barnabas and St Paul's.
*We had a special worship led by Archdeacon David.
*Year 4 visited their linking school, St Matthew's in Blackburn.
* We welcomed our new Reception children into our school family.
* We had a wonderful transition day and everyone got to meet their new teaching team.
* Year 5 had a bikeability day.
*We had fabulous head and deputy head speeches in Year 5 along with sports leader speeches. We will soon reveal who our new heads and deputies are along with our sports leaders.
* We had a brilliant celebration worship where India Mill (red team) won the values points award for this half term. They can have a non-uniform day next Friday.
For all of this week's news, please click here:
For the upcoming events, please click here:
Thank you so much for your generous donations of toys and chocolate today. We are looking forward to our FOSB Summer Fair next Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm and we would love to see you there.
End of year reports will be sent out in the final week of term via class dojo. End of year awards will be presented to children in Reception-Year 5 next Friday morning at 9.05am. If your child is being given an award, you will have been notified via class dojo.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and I hope that the sun continues to shine, Mrs Ham