Image of World Book Day in Year 4
2 Mar

World Book Day in Year 4

What an amazing World Book Day 2023 we have had in Year 4. Designing book covers, author visits, looking at a new class novel - The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh, role play and even a special read from Mrs Lyons who shared her favourite short stories. We have packed so much into one day and Year 4 have had a fantastic time sharing all things WBD2023

Image of Years 3 & 4: Author Visit
2 Mar

Years 3 & 4: Author Visit

Years 3 and 4 enjoyed an author visit this afternoon. Raysa Farah came into school to read her story, ‘A cub without a mane’. She explained how her son has leukaemia and lost his hair. Whilst in hospital, she decided to write her book. Raysa explained that no matter how you look, you are still special and a wonderful person. Our children had the opportunity to ask questions. Mason asked how old her little boy is who is poorly. Raysa told the children that he is aged 3. Hamza asked what happens when you have leukaemia. Raysa explained that you are given medication. When Raysa’s little boy was in hospital, that was the time that she wrote her story. Leonora asked how did her older boy feel. Raysa said that he was angry and upset but once everything was explained, he was happy and really looked after his younger brother. Alice asked if Raysa has written any other books. Raysa explained that she had written a story about a mouse that has lost its squeak which is about speech difficulties. Year 4 told Raysa about a story that they have been reading about speech difficulties and explained how there are 4 different adults who sometimes help or hinder children with speech impairments! Finn told Raysa that he had cut his hair off to raise money to create a wig for cancer. We loved your visit and the children left feeling inspired- thank you so much. Raysa’s book will be available to buy on parent pay for a discounted price. Further information to follow.

Image of EYFS & KS1: Author visit
2 Mar

EYFS & KS1: Author visit

EYFS and Key Stage 1 enjoyed an author visit this afternoon. Raysa Farah came into school to read her story, ‘A cub without a mane’. She explained how her son has leukaemia and lost his hair. Whilst in hospital, she decided to write her book. Raysa explained that no matter how you look, you are still special and a wonderful person. Our children had the opportunity to ask questions. Darcy asked if she had written any other books. Raysa said she had written one other book and it is awaiting approval to be published. Raysa is also a florist so Daisy asked if she liked making flowers. Lyla asked how long it took for Raysa to write her story. Raysa explained it took around a month to write. Eliza asked if Raysa drew the pictures. Raysa explained the role of an illustrator. Her publisher found an illustrator. Raysa then asked the children to draw anything that makes them happy and feel good. We loved your visit and the children left feeling inspired- thank you so much. Raysa’s book will be available to buy on parent pay for a discounted price. Further information to follow.

Image of Year 3 World Book Day - Stories that fill our Happy Tank
2 Mar

Year 3 World Book Day - Stories that fill our Happy Tank

To celebrate World Book Day, Year 3 have been sharing their favourite bedtime stories and thinking about the stories that fill up their Happy Tank. Each child has created a book review, for their favourite book. We then shared our book reviews with the rest of the class, to give each other recommendations of books and authors!

Image of World Book Day- Staff Swap
2 Mar

World Book Day- Staff Swap

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our teaching assistants swapped classes and read a bedtime story to the children. It was lovely to see different staff members in each class and the children enjoyed seeing a new face too. Our FOSB donated chocolates for every child to enjoy whilst they listened to the story. Thank you.

Image of World Book Day- Staff Swap
2 Mar

World Book Day- Staff Swap

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our teaching assistants swapped classes and read a bedtime story to the children. It was lovely to see different staff members in each class and the children enjoyed seeing a new face too. Our FOSB donated chocolates for every child to enjoy whilst they listened to the story. Thank you.

Image of Year 2 World Book Day
2 Mar

Year 2 World Book Day

Today year 2 celebrated work book day by dressing in our pyjamas. We enjoyed collective worship with children sharing their favourite bedtime stories. In class, we completed many activities and shared all of our favourite bedtime stories that fill our happy tanks. We enjoyed listening to stories being read to us from other teachers across the school and enjoyed all the fun activities we completed today. Happy World Book Day!

Image of World Book Day 2023
2 Mar

World Book Day 2023

Today we celebrated world book day to show how amazing books are and the theme of this year’s celebration is bedtime stories and stories that fill our happy tank. During worship, Mrs Wilkinson, our reading leader, shared a variety of books through ‘the masked book’ quiz. Our school librarians shared clues from their favourite bedtime stories and asked the school to guess their book. Mrs Ham showed us one of her favourite stories, Oliver Twist, and read a 'Little people, big dreams' book about the author Charles Dickens. We learnt how he developed his love of books and became a successful author, writing stories with powerful messages. We are looking forward to a production of one of Charles Dickens famous stories tomorrow, A Christmas Carol, but in a special adaptation called Scrooge. Charles Dickens wanted everyone to know that everyday can feel like Christmas, if we show kindness and fill up each other's happy tanks. Children enjoyed stories from other teachers across the school who shared their favourite bedtime stories or stories that fill their happy tank. A special author came into school to read her latest book. The lion who lost its mane. She shared her amazing story and the message behind the story and her inspiration for making her book. Throughout the day children completed many activities to celebrate this year's themes for world book day, favourite bedtime stories or stories that fill your happy tank. This included: competitions for creating the best book cover, creating art work and reading their favourite stories to each other. Thank you to Mrs Speak, our English link Governor for joining us in our special World Book Day Worship. Happy World Book Day 2023!

Image of Reception - World Book Day
2 Mar

Reception - World Book Day

Reception class loved celebrating World Book Day! We dressed in our pyjamas and discussed our favourite bedtime stories. We made stick men inspired by Julia Donaldson’s book 'Stick Man' and created Hungry Caterpillar collages using natural materials we found around our school grounds. We met the author of ‘The cub without a mane’ and listened to her read the book. We then got a chance to ask questions about the illustrations and why she wanted to write her very first book. We have also had the chance to enter the school competition by designing our own book covers. We have had a fantastic day celebrating reading and our love of stories!

Image of FOSB Valentine's Disco
2 Mar

FOSB Valentine's Disco

A huge thank you to our FOSB for organising our Valentine's disco. The children had a brilliant time and it was a huge success. We managed to raise £373.37.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
1 Mar

Year 4 - Linking Schools

Today in our Linking Schools session we were exploring our similarities and differences and preparing for our inter-class Zoom session in two weeks’ time.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits
1 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits

In science, Year 4 class have been exploring how to make components work in a series circuit. The children were great at problem solving when their circuits weren’t working.