Forest School- Lunchtime Club
What a brilliant first week of Forest School we’ve had! We’ve had an introduction to forest school and some time to get to know each other and our likes and dislikes. The children have been so enthusiastic and excited to give ideas on how they want our new forest school area to look and what they would like to focus on. We have some children who are fountains of knowledge when it comes to mini beasts and wildlife, these children are really excited to create bug houses, bird feeders and bird boxes. We have some children who are keen gardeners who would like to plant some new flowers and vegetables. We are looking forward to seeing what next week has in store for us.
PSHE Year 4 Puberty and Hair in Funny Places
In our PSHE session today we have looked at what boys and girls have in common and what is different. We labelled different body parts using the correct scientific words such as vagina, ovaries, eggs and womb on a female and penis, testicles and sperm on a male body.
Year 5- Design and Technology- Electrical System
This term in D.T. the Year 5 class has been applying knowledge of circuits to practical activities. The children worked in small groups to create a moving toy vehicle using a battery-powered electric car that is able to move forward and reverse as well as having lights that can be switched on and off, they have made an air conditioning unit, a windmill, floating boat, and a floating ball. The children took inspiration from a parent engineer, who left a set of materials for us to work with, including a battery, a DVD motor with a connector, and a propeller. The children were thrilled with the outcome.
Year 5- Music with Mr Gardiner
In Music, the Year 5 class had the opportunity to sing their hearts out in their pyjamas. They were all in full spirit and enjoyed every minute of it.
Year 5- World Book Day- Happy Reading
The Year 5 students have had an absolute blast celebrating 'World Book Day'. The children came dressed in their pyjamas which linked to the theme 'Bedtime Stories'. We carried out a series of fun activities to inspire everyone to pick up a book and read. We started the day with the whole school worship, we played guess the book and listened to Mrs. Ham read about her favourite author Charles Dickens. We also joined BBC live to listen to stories read by Michael Rosen and Kevin Tsang. We also had a visit from an author Raysa Farah who read her story, 'A cub without a mane'. The children had the opportunity to ask the author questions related to the book and her life. In the afternoon, we had a blind date with a book. The children were all given a book to unwrap and discuss the cover and blurb of the book with their partners. We then gathered what the children thought of the cover and blurb, some of the children said they would never pick the book based on the cover and blurb. However, after 10 minutes of reading the book the children wanted to know what happens next. The moral of the activity was to never judge a book by its cover. We also got creative and drew pictures of our favourite characters. Finally, we started to write a story together as a class which demonstrates the power and joy of reading.
World Book Day Year 6
Year 6 have celebrated World Book Day by having a story read to them by Mrs Hegarty; taking part in a book cover competition; producing an outstanding piece of writing based on our English unit and topped it off by showing amazing respect and asking thoughtful questions during our author visit. A huge well done year 6!
World Book Day: The Cub Without a Mane
Today, we welcomed Raysa Farah into our school to read and talk about her new book as part of our World Book Day celebration. Raysa is a successful florist who has now written a story after her little boy was diagnosed with leukaemia. 'My little boy S'aad was diagnosed with ALL in Spring 2022 at the age of two. From this experience I have found strength in writing an empowerment book for children and their carers. I want to help empower young children to feel like they’ve got a voice. The book follows a lion cub who loses his big, wild mane after developing leukaemia, but shows bravery to continue being himself and not let his illness get him down'. If you would like to order a copy of the book Raysa has offered a special price of £6.50, payment can be made through ParentPay. Thank you, Mrs Wilkinson
Years 5 & 6: Author visit
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed an author visit this afternoon. Raysa Farah came into school to read her story, ‘A cub without a mane’. She explained how her son has leukaemia and lost his hair. Whilst in hospital, she decided to write her book. Raysa explained that no matter how you look, you are still special and a wonderful person. Our children had the opportunity to ask questions. Jake asked if her little boy’s hair was growing back. Raysa said that it was. It is very short but it is growing back. It’s not as curly but it is wavy. Lucy asked Raysa if her children liked her book. Raysa said that her eldest, Adam absolutely loves it- he is in reception. Kaylen asked ‘what inspired you to be a florist?’ Raysa explained that she wanted to be a florist since she was 4. Her Mum and Dad loved gardening and she remembered being in the garden from childhood. Raysa went to university first to study psychology but still wanted to be a florist. When she met her husband, she told him her dream and within a month, he created the business and from social media, it became a huge success. We loved your visit and the children left feeling inspired- thank you so much. Raysa’s book will be available to buy on parent pay for a discounted price. Further information to follow.
Sharing Our Love Of Reading in Year 1
During World Book Day, Year 1 read and shared their books from home and our school library with great enthusiasm. They each stood up in front of the whole class to show their chosen book that either ‘fills their happy tank’ or is a great bedtime read. The children read and shared their books with their friends and designed a book cover for their favourite book too as part of a competition. In the afternoon an author came in to read their new children’s story to them and they were able to ask questions and take part in an activity celebrating their uniqueness in their house groups. We also made book buddies that they have taken home with them today amongst other activities.
Year 1 World Book Day
A super start to the day in Year 1 for World Book Day! The children were all wearing their pyjamas and bought their own books in to celebrate their love of reading bedtime stories and to share with the class. They enjoyed being read to by Mrs Pendlebury and they helped retell the Gruffalo story as a whole class. It was super to look back at this book and for them to retell and remember the words from our story writing in Autumn 2. They then had a chocolate snack (thank you FOSB) whilst listening to another favourite book by Julia Donaldson: Stickman.
Year 3 World Book Day: Design your own book cover competition
To celebrate World Book Day, the whole school have taken part in a 'Design your own book cover' competition. The book cover could be a favourite book, or a book that the children might want to write themselves one day! Year 3 loved creating their own entries and we have had such a variety of book covers, from 'Space Boy' to 'World War Ant'!
Reception - People Who Help Us
This week Reception children have learned about people who help us, specifically doctors. We discussed the jobs of doctors and nurses and when we may need to go to hospital. We practised putting plasters and bandages on and designed a doctors bag thinking about what they may need inside it! We loved exploring the doctors equipment in the role play area including stethoscopes and thermometers. We are excited to meet a real life radiologist in a few weeks time.