Image of Year 1 Science
16 Jun

Year 1 Science

Today in science, Year 1 measured their hand spans and the length of their feet. They worked in groups to construct a bar chart so that they could easily compare the measurements. In some groups, it was true that people with the longest feet had the biggest hand spans and people with the smallest hand spans had the shortest feet but in other groups it wasn’t. Therefore, we decided that it is only sometimes true. We are going to continue our pattern seeking in science next week by exploring questions such as do people with the longest feet jump the furthest? And can people with the biggest hand spans hold the most sweets? We are excited to continue our investigations.

Image of Reception Environment Explorers!
16 Jun

Reception Environment Explorers!

This afternoon, Reception went on a walk to Jacks Key to be environment explorers! The children were looking for different plants, buildings and animals that make up our local environment. They loved looking at all the different types of flowers and animals we share our environment with and we talked about how important certain things like trees and bees are to our environment.

Image of Year 2 History
16 Jun

Year 2 History

This week in History, we started our Victorian Seaside topic. To start, we thought about the things we think of when we think of the seaside. We then discussed together the places we think of, when we think of the seaside. Over the next few weeks, the class will be exploring what seaside resorts were like in the past and comparing them to now.

Image of Year 2 Geography
16 Jun

Year 2 Geography

Our topic in Geography is all about Weather and Pollution and this week, Year 2 have been identifying the hottest and coldest countries around the World. We used globes and atlas to help us research and identify the countries with the hottest and coldest climates.

Image of Year 3 English - Fables
16 Jun

Year 3 English - Fables

In English, Year 3 have been retelling the story of The Hare and The Tortoise to each other using sequenced pictures as a prompt.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit
16 Jun

Year 3 Class Worship - Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit

In Class Worship, Year 3 watched the story of Pentecost and wrote prayers to the Holy Spirit. They ended their worship by singing “Way Maker”.

Image of Year 4 Geography- Rivers
16 Jun

Year 4 Geography- Rivers

In geography today, we started our new topic all about rivers. We looked at the water cycle, what a river is and researched the ten longest rivers in the world, locating them on a world map with the help of an atlas and chrome books. We look forward to our class visitor next week who will help us to broaden our knowledge even further.

Image of Father’s Day Stay & Play
15 Jun

Father’s Day Stay & Play

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended the Father’s Day Stay and Play in Reception this morning. The children were so excited to share their classroom with their special grown ups and show them all the different areas they use. It was wonderful to see everyone and we hope you enjoyed it. We look forward to more stay and plays in Reception over the next few weeks!

Image of Junior Jam
15 Jun

Junior Jam

This morning year 6 used a variety of instruments to follow beats in music, the level of difficulty increased as they worked their way through. Although the classroom was a little noisy, much fun was had and they were given the opportunity to perform their piece at the end of the lesson.

Image of Maths- Year 5
15 Jun

Maths- Year 5

This week in maths, the children have been identifying different types of angles and measuring degrees. Today, they were introduced to protractors. They began by measuring angles less than 90 degrees by careful placing the protractor on the baseline and starting at 0 on the inner scale and following it round until we see the line of the angle. They then compared their answers with their partners.

Image of Father’s Day Breakfast
15 Jun

Father’s Day Breakfast

This morning we were thrilled to invite our dads into school for a special Father’s Day breakfast run by our fabulous Friends of St Barnabas. Judging by all the smiling faces, it was a huge success!

Image of Year 4 Cricketers
15 Jun

Year 4 Cricketers

In PE this week, Year 4 have been coaching each other to help develop bowling skills. They were fantastic at using technical language to direct their teammates and applied this to our match at the end of the session.