Image of Year 1- Can you use the clues to predict which story we will be focusing on next?
9 Nov

Year 1- Can you use the clues to predict which story we will be focusing on next?

Today, year 1 had to solve some clues involving rhyme to work out the location of the item they were looking for or the name of the item itself that they were looking for. After solving the rhymes, they found a wooded area which they thought meant that the setting of the story was a woodland or forest, some oranges with a black centre which they decided must have been eyes\eyeballs, a mouth with teeth which they decided must belong to some form of mammal and a paw with claws which they decided must belong to a mammal with paws and claws. Using this evidence, they predicted which story they thought that we might be focusing on as part of our English unit. Some children thought it was Goldilocks and the Three Bears because of the forest setting and the sharp claws, some children thought it might be the hungry caterpillar because of the woodland setting, some children predicted that it would be Little Red Riding Hood because of the forest setting and because they thought that the paws with claws belonged to a fox, one children predicted that it was My Dad is a Grizzly Bear because of the forest setting and because of the paws with claws and some other children predicted the Gruffalo because of the forest setting, the sharp claws and teeth and the orange eyes.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
9 Nov

Year 2 - Maths

In maths this week, we moved on from fact families to 10 and looked at fact families to 20. This was quite tricky but the children did really well and grasped the concept quickly. We used Rekenrek’s so we had a visual representation of the fact and then used it to write out number sentences which created the fact family.

Image of Online Safety: Microtransactions
8 Nov

Online Safety: Microtransactions

Does “free to play” really mean what it says? Many hit games cost nothing to download but make their money via microtransactions – a growing #OnlineSafety concern for parents of young gamers. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the details.

Image of Reception PE
8 Nov

Reception PE

Today Reception have been risk taking in PE, using their climbing and balancing skills to complete circuits. They really enjoyed the session and everyone had a good try at all of the stations, well done!

Image of Rhyme Time
8 Nov

Rhyme Time

Another brilliant turn out for our second week of Rhyme time, thank you to all of the grown ups who were able to come along. We enjoyed lots of interactive songs and a story! Super joining in and listening reception!

Image of Year 5 - Parliament Week
8 Nov

Year 5 - Parliament Week

This week Year 5 have been exploring the role of MP’s as part of parliament week. The children learned all about the different Houses of Parliament and discussed their role within society and the importance of the decisions that they make. The children explored the variety of processes that take place within the Houses of Commons and the benefits of our democratic system. The children then had the opportunity to discuss and choose an issue that they care strongly about and what they would change to make their issue better for society. The children came up with some excellent ideas about little changes that can have a huge impact on issues such as: global warming, NHS, homeless and many more. Year 5 then acted out a parliamentary debate and debated on many issues arguing back and forth about issues that they feel strongly about.

Image of Year 4 Science
8 Nov

Year 4 Science

Our Year 4 scientists had a rather messy time acting out the role of different organs in the digestive system this week. They used a bowl and cutlery to act out the chewing in the mouth. They added their 'chewed' crackers to a ziplock bag filled with water and washing up liquid to churn up the mixture like the stomach. They then passed the mixture through a pair of tights to act like the small intestines. They squeezed the water out of the mixture as they pushed it down. And finally they had to push the mixture out of the end of the tights (the anus). There was certainly a lot of laughter!

Image of Reception - All about Diwali
8 Nov

Reception - All about Diwali

Reception have been learning about Diwali, the festival of light which is celebrated by Hindus every year. They have been busy making Diwali cards, Rangoli patterns and Diwa lamps.

Image of Year 4 PE - Gymnastics
8 Nov

Year 4 PE - Gymnastics

Year 4 demonstrated some excellent balances and travels in PE this week. We were working on dishes and arches this week and, in pairs, the children created a routine incorporating a range of balances and travels.

Image of Multi-Skills Sports Club
8 Nov

Multi-Skills Sports Club

Today saw the start of our first multi-skills sports club session. The children took part in various activities such as speed bounce, obstacle relays and then finished with bench ball. Every child worked really hard to develop their skills and applied various tactics when working with different age groups.

Image of Y4 DT - Seasonal Stockings Commence
7 Nov

Y4 DT - Seasonal Stockings Commence

In our DT session this week we have been learning all about Christmas Stockings and where the idea originated from. We then moved onto analysing the form and function of various stockings then we looked at what makes each attractive and which people would prefer. We can’t wait to move onto designing our own on paper next week and selecting what materials we will use.

Image of Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club
7 Nov

Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club

We had a fantastic turn out for our first Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Club this week. We covered speed bounce, sprint relay and throwing events with some amazing results. The children pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and we had a lot of very red faces by the end with fun had by all!