Image of Betrayal, trust and forgiveness art - Year 4
7 Mar

Betrayal, trust and forgiveness art - Year 4

In Year 4 RE today, we looked at artwork showing Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. We talked about how the artwork showed Judas betraying Jesus and why Jesus didn’t stop him. After discussing the artwork, we then took inspiration from it and created our own pictures of Judas’ betrayal.

Image of Verse speaking competition
6 Mar

Verse speaking competition

This afternoon some of our super talented children took part in a verse speaking competition at QEGS, with other local schools in our school improvement group. They each had to perform a poem in front of a large audition and a judge called Paul Jenkins, who is a poet. We are so proud of them as they showed lots of courage and performed with confidence. A huge well done to Freya for winning her category. We really enjoyed listening to Paul perform his poems and it was wonderful to watch the other children perform too.

Image of Whole School Worship: Rev Ben
6 Mar

Whole School Worship: Rev Ben

We began our worship by taking a moment to remember those who have been affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Rev Ben began his worship by playing a game. 10 children were split into 2 teams and they had to use chopsticks to transport grapes from one container to another. The children worked well as a team and team 2 won! This morning we are thinking about grapes. Jesus said “I am the vine, you are the branches”. We need to stay connected to him in order to keep growing. We watched a short video to help us think about what Jesus meant. Christians believe that Jesus wants us to have fruitful lives. We can do this by sticking close to Jesus. What does being fruitful mean? Ella thinks it means to live a faithful life and Annabel said to be thankful. Rev Ben explained that to live a fruitful life, we need to show the fruits of the spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self control. We had time to think about what Christians believe the secret is to being fruitful. Daniel said connecting to other pupils and to Jesus. Isaac said showing our Christian values and following the 10 commandments. Archie said by putting other people first. We finished our worship by singing ‘way maker’.

Image of Year 1 Medicine Safety
6 Mar

Year 1 Medicine Safety

Year 1 have been learning about medicine safety and looked at different empty medicine boxes. They discussed what the different types of medicine were and looked at the difference between harmful and helpful items. We discussed the importance of adults always administering medicine and looked at different scenarios where medicine might be administered safely. The children then worked in groups to sort items into harmful, helpful or both of these categories.

Image of Year 1 Counting in Tens
6 Mar

Year 1 Counting in Tens

Today year 1 were counting in tens using different actions, games and songs. They counted up in tens and used base ten equipment. They ended the lesson with a game to see how many tens they could score using an underarm throw.

Image of Year 1 Traditional Tales
3 Mar

Year 1 Traditional Tales

Today we looked at different traditional tale settings, book titles and characters. Year 1 then tried to spot different objects and characters that might feature in a traditional tale. A great start to the beginning of our new English unit this half term.

Image of Scrooge by Charles Dickens
3 Mar

Scrooge by Charles Dickens

This morning all of the children enjoyed watching a theatrical production of Scrooge, which is a stage adaptation of the classic story 'A Christmas Carol', which was written by Charles Dickens. We were so proud of how well they joined in and the performers said they were a fantastic audience and couldn’t praise our school enough for the warm welcome they received. The children said 'It was even better than the film', 'It was amazing', 'I loved the songs' 'Everyone needs to show kindness' and our Year 6 children said this had made them even more excited to go and see the Lion King in London with school in a couple of weeks! The classic story highlighted our school focus on kindness as mean Scrooge learnt to be kind after being visited by three spirits who showed him the error of his ways. A huge well done to Daisy for showing lots of courage when she was chosen to join the actors on stage. Thank you so much FOSB for paying for the performance. It was a delight to see the childrens' faces as they were a picture and made several of our staff team, including myself, rather emotional watching them. What a great end to world book day week!

Image of Forest School- Lunchtime Club
3 Mar

Forest School- Lunchtime Club

What a brilliant first week of Forest School we’ve had! We’ve had an introduction to forest school and some time to get to know each other and our likes and dislikes. The children have been so enthusiastic and excited to give ideas on how they want our new forest school area to look and what they would like to focus on. We have some children who are fountains of knowledge when it comes to mini beasts and wildlife, these children are really excited to create bug houses, bird feeders and bird boxes. We have some children who are keen gardeners who would like to plant some new flowers and vegetables. We are looking forward to seeing what next week has in store for us.

Image of PSHE Year 4 Puberty and Hair in Funny Places
3 Mar

PSHE Year 4 Puberty and Hair in Funny Places

In our PSHE session today we have looked at what boys and girls have in common and what is different. We labelled different body parts using the correct scientific words such as vagina, ovaries, eggs and womb on a female and penis, testicles and sperm on a male body.

Image of Year 5- Design and Technology- Electrical System
3 Mar

Year 5- Design and Technology- Electrical System

This term in D.T. the Year 5 class has been applying knowledge of circuits to practical activities. The children worked in small groups to create a moving toy vehicle using a battery-powered electric car that is able to move forward and reverse as well as having lights that can be switched on and off, they have made an air conditioning unit, a windmill, floating boat, and a floating ball. The children took inspiration from a parent engineer, who left a set of materials for us to work with, including a battery, a DVD motor with a connector, and a propeller. The children were thrilled with the outcome.

Image of Year 5- Music with Mr Gardiner
2 Mar

Year 5- Music with Mr Gardiner

In Music, the Year 5 class had the opportunity to sing their hearts out in their pyjamas. They were all in full spirit and enjoyed every minute of it.

Image of Year 5- World Book Day- Happy Reading
2 Mar

Year 5- World Book Day- Happy Reading

The Year 5 students have had an absolute blast celebrating 'World Book Day'. The children came dressed in their pyjamas which linked to the theme 'Bedtime Stories'. We carried out a series of fun activities to inspire everyone to pick up a book and read. We started the day with the whole school worship, we played guess the book and listened to Mrs. Ham read about her favourite author Charles Dickens. We also joined BBC live to listen to stories read by Michael Rosen and Kevin Tsang. We also had a visit from an author Raysa Farah who read her story, 'A cub without a mane'. The children had the opportunity to ask the author questions related to the book and her life. In the afternoon, we had a blind date with a book. The children were all given a book to unwrap and discuss the cover and blurb of the book with their partners. We then gathered what the children thought of the cover and blurb, some of the children said they would never pick the book based on the cover and blurb. However, after 10 minutes of reading the book the children wanted to know what happens next. The moral of the activity was to never judge a book by its cover. We also got creative and drew pictures of our favourite characters. Finally, we started to write a story together as a class which demonstrates the power and joy of reading.