Year 6- Remembrance Service
Some of our Year 6 children took part in a special service of Remembrance this morning at Whitehall Cemetery. We are so proud of the way they joined in the service showing their respects and thanks to those who lost their lives during the world wars. After the service they had to find our adopted war graves plus two others and laid special poppy crosses on them. We took a few moments to pray for all of those who gave up their lives for us and also remembered loved ones that might have passed away who are laid to rest in the cemetery.
Y4 English - Escape from Pompeii
In our English session this morning we have been looking at how the characters may have felt whilst observing Mount Vesuvius erupting and thinking of metaphors to describe the monster. We up levelled our sentences with physical and emotional vocabulary, fronted adverbials and synonyms for watched.
Year 2 - DT
This week, we continued our new DT topic for this half term. Last week we looked at our favourite healthy foods and which food group they fit into. This week we designed a healthy sandwich using some our favourite fruits and vegetables. The children will be able to practise their culinary skills next week when we make our sandwiches.
Year 1 D&T- Can you independently make a moving picture on the theme of remembrance?
In the creative area, Year 1 were set the challenge of independently applying their learning from their last D&T lesson to make a moving picture using sliding mechanisms. They tied this in with the theme of remembrance and made some poppies growing on the battlefield after the war, some soldiers moving side to side on the battlefield as they fought and continue to fight in the war and army aircraft moving through the air.
Year 1- We Will Remember Them
Year 1 have been thinking about all of the soldiers that have unfortunately died or been injured in the war. They have also been thinking about all of the soldiers that are fighting at the moment and all of families that are being affected by the wars in Gaza, Israel and Ukraine. They have independently printed some pictures in the creative area, created some models in the construction area and shared some lovely prayers with the class.
Year 6 Science
This week, year 6 concluded their work on electricity by making their own set of traffic lights. We had to apply our knowledge from throughout the unit to create a circuit that operated only one of 3 LED’s at a time. This involved making a three-way switch made of conductive material, that would connect to the spare terminal of an LED, in order for it to illuminate.
Year 6 Parliament Week
In year 6, we spent some time thinking about parliament and how the country is actually run as part of parliament week. We looked at how the Houses of Parliament are split into two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords and discussed some current issues that are close to the children’s hearts and what they would like to see the government do to address them. I’m sure we will find out even more when we go to the Houses of Parliament on our trip to London in March.
Year 3- Parliament Week
This week, as part of Parliament Week, the children participated by taking a stance and casting their votes for the changes they wish to see. Some of the suggestions were shorter school days, lowered prices for sweets and snacks, more and better playgrounds, and reduced traffic on the roads. The children particularly enjoyed putting their vote in the Big Ben cardboard ballot box. They want people to listen to their ideas and support their rights.
Year 3 - Science- Shadow Puppet Show
For their final lesson on light, the children worked in groups to create a shadow puppet show. They used skills learnt from their previous lessons to demonstrate their understanding on how shadows are formed using props made out of black paper. They worked with great enthusiasm and creativity.
Choir Workshop
Choir took part in their second Let’s Go Sing Workshop with Gaynor and were excited to learn four new songs for the concert. Gaynor commented on how beautiful the children’s voices were and their fantastic effort, so a big well done to Choir for representing our school so brilliantly.
Year 3- Remembrance Day
In their guided reading sessions this week, Year 3 have been learning about Remembrance Day. They have guided information about when the war began and ended and why people wear poppies today. They also talked about the word 'peace' and how everyone wants to have peace in the world. They wrote individual prayers to remember the people who died in the war and the sacrifices they made for our country.
Year 5&6 War Memorial Visit
Today in their class Worship Year 5 and Year 6 took a special trip to the war memorial to pay their respects to those people who gave their lives up for our freedom. The children held a two minute silence to consider all those people and all those who have been affected by the wars. The children all wrote prayers on poppies and decorated them. They placed their poppies next to the memorial for all visitors to read. Year 5&6 also placed their amazing prayers outside of our school to show their respect to make others think about all those who have been affected.