Odd Socks Day
On Monday 13th November we will be launching Anti-Bullying Week with our usual ‘ODD SOCKS DAY’. After our weekly meeting our Wellbeing Warriors would also like to make it ‘ODD SOCKS AND ODD SHOE DAY’. They will be on the look out for the strangest, most unique socks and shoe combo and there will be a prize for a child in each year group. This will be announced in Celebration Worship on Friday 17th November when the team will be giving an overview of the day and how we have promoted Anti- Bullying Week in school.
Reception: Vicars are special!
Today, our Ducklings had a lovely visit from Rev Ben and Rev Matt as part of their RE unit. They told us all about their special job. Rev Matt showed us his special garments and Rev Ben showed us his special collar. Rev Ben explained how being a vicar is all about showing how we love, know and follow Jesus. We watched a video about how Jesus chose his special followers called disciples. Rev Ben explained that the disciples were ordinary people just like vicars are! Rev Ben showed us how vicars celebrate holy communion and we held the special chalice and plate. Rev Matt then explained how vicars invite people to be part of the church through baptism. We all enjoyed our visit, thank you so much!
Year 5 - RotaKids
As part of Year 5’s pledge to supporting Darwen Rotary, Year 5 have sorted and organised books to be donated to children and families that are less fortunate than ourselves. They have come up with some amazing and fantastic ideas of how they can support their local community and work as a team to make their community a better place.
Y4 English - The Escape from Pompeii
As part of our English sessions, we have been reading The Escape from Pompeii which directly links to our history topic on the Romans. Each day we have been using sentence stacking with a different focus in order to build our stories.
Rev Matt’s Worship: God’s Compassion for Gideon
Rev Matt’s Worship this week was about victory against the odds and staying faithful to God. He told us the story of Gideon and how he defeated the Midianites, even though his army was small. He trusted in God and God showed Gideon compassion. We also discussed how we can show compassion to people who need our help.
Whole-School Worship: Remembrance
With Remembrance Day fast approaching, Mrs Ham began the week with a worship about why and how we remember those who have died due to war and those who serve our country and protect us. She explained the significance of the poppy and we discussed which Christian and British values are shown by people in the armed forces. We ended our worship time with a prayer of thanks to those in the armed forces and prayed for peace around the world as we sang ‘A song of peace’.
Year 5 - Dance
Year 5 have started their dance unit in PE. They have begun creating a dance sequence that demonstrates making a cup of tea. The children worked really well as part of a team and began to use emotions and metaphorical actions to represent the different stages of making a cup of tea. As part of a team, the children evaluated each stage of their routine to make it better and discussed how to make it more appealing to an audience. Year 5 were extremely creative and created very exciting and engaging routines.
Foodie Friends Club
Today, after school, the Year 1 and Year 2 children in our 'Foodie Friends Club' had a great time. They made yummy cornflake cakes. The best part was when they broke the chocolate bar into pieces and saw it melt in the microwave. They had so much fun licking the extra chocolate from the spoon and bowl. They've decided that next week, they want to make chocolate chip cookies.
Save the Date for our Christmas Fayre
Our wonderful FOSB will be hosting our Annual Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 13th December 3.30-5.30pm. Please save the date and come and enjoy lots of stalls, food and games. Our children’s Design and Technology products will also be available to purchase. FOSB are looking for stall holders and local businesses to donate raffle prizes so please email if you are available to help in any way: [email protected]
Reception: Remembrance Day
Reception have been learning all about Remembrance Day. They created poppies in provision using playdough, creative materials, felt tips and paint.
Year 3- P.E- Superheroes dance
This term in P.E., Year 3 will be learning how to move and dance with partners, focusing on the theme of superheroes. They will use their faces and bodies to show different actions and feelings related to superheroes. In today's lesson, they practised using their faces and bodies to show superhero gestures.
Year 3- Design Technology- Running stitch
The Year 3 class have started their new project in Design and Technology (D.T.). They will make a Christmas-themed pouch by the end of the unit. However, before making the final design the children will be acquiring the necessary skills for pouch-making.Today, the children looked back at what they learned in Year 2, especially how to thread a needle. Then, they practised sewing with a running stitch on a piece of felt. This will help them make their pouch.