Image of World Book Day- Staff Swap
2 Mar

World Book Day- Staff Swap

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our teaching assistants swapped classes and read a bedtime story to the children. It was lovely to see different staff members in each class and the children enjoyed seeing a new face too. Our FOSB donated chocolates for every child to enjoy whilst they listened to the story. Thank you.

Image of Year 2 World Book Day
2 Mar

Year 2 World Book Day

Today year 2 celebrated work book day by dressing in our pyjamas. We enjoyed collective worship with children sharing their favourite bedtime stories. In class, we completed many activities and shared all of our favourite bedtime stories that fill our happy tanks. We enjoyed listening to stories being read to us from other teachers across the school and enjoyed all the fun activities we completed today. Happy World Book Day!

Image of World Book Day 2023
2 Mar

World Book Day 2023

Today we celebrated world book day to show how amazing books are and the theme of this year’s celebration is bedtime stories and stories that fill our happy tank. During worship, Mrs Wilkinson, our reading leader, shared a variety of books through ‘the masked book’ quiz. Our school librarians shared clues from their favourite bedtime stories and asked the school to guess their book. Mrs Ham showed us one of her favourite stories, Oliver Twist, and read a 'Little people, big dreams' book about the author Charles Dickens. We learnt how he developed his love of books and became a successful author, writing stories with powerful messages. We are looking forward to a production of one of Charles Dickens famous stories tomorrow, A Christmas Carol, but in a special adaptation called Scrooge. Charles Dickens wanted everyone to know that everyday can feel like Christmas, if we show kindness and fill up each other's happy tanks. Children enjoyed stories from other teachers across the school who shared their favourite bedtime stories or stories that fill their happy tank. A special author came into school to read her latest book. The lion who lost its mane. She shared her amazing story and the message behind the story and her inspiration for making her book. Throughout the day children completed many activities to celebrate this year's themes for world book day, favourite bedtime stories or stories that fill your happy tank. This included: competitions for creating the best book cover, creating art work and reading their favourite stories to each other. Thank you to Mrs Speak, our English link Governor for joining us in our special World Book Day Worship. Happy World Book Day 2023!

Image of Reception - World Book Day
2 Mar

Reception - World Book Day

Reception class loved celebrating World Book Day! We dressed in our pyjamas and discussed our favourite bedtime stories. We made stick men inspired by Julia Donaldson’s book 'Stick Man' and created Hungry Caterpillar collages using natural materials we found around our school grounds. We met the author of ‘The cub without a mane’ and listened to her read the book. We then got a chance to ask questions about the illustrations and why she wanted to write her very first book. We have also had the chance to enter the school competition by designing our own book covers. We have had a fantastic day celebrating reading and our love of stories!

Image of FOSB Valentine's Disco
2 Mar

FOSB Valentine's Disco

A huge thank you to our FOSB for organising our Valentine's disco. The children had a brilliant time and it was a huge success. We managed to raise £373.37.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
1 Mar

Year 4 - Linking Schools

Today in our Linking Schools session we were exploring our similarities and differences and preparing for our inter-class Zoom session in two weeks’ time.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits
1 Mar

Year 4 - Science: Series Circuits

In science, Year 4 class have been exploring how to make components work in a series circuit. The children were great at problem solving when their circuits weren’t working.

Image of Year 6 London Trip Information Meeting
1 Mar

Year 6 London Trip Information Meeting

Dear Year 6 parents and carers, thank you so much to everyone who attended the London meeting this evening. I hope you found it informative and it's great to see how excited the children are. If you weren't able to attend, please see the powerpoint and letter on class dojo for further information. I will also send home a printed copy with your child tomorrow. If your child has medical needs and/or needs medication whilst in London,please complete the following google form. If you haven’t done so already, please complete the google consent form ASAP so that we have emergency contact numbers, information on allergies etc If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. This trip is a great way to develop their independence and resilience before they go off to high school, as well as having lots of fun with their friends. We are sure that all of the children will have a wonderful time and will make memories that will last a lifetime.

Image of Year 2 - Repeated Patterns
1 Mar

Year 2 - Repeated Patterns

During our art lesson, year 2 children learnt and perfected their repeated pattern designs. The children explored a variety of patterns using paint and many everyday objects to create shapes. They practiced the printed shapes and then created repeated patterns based on the ones they think turned out the best.

Image of Year 5&6 Police Football Tournament
1 Mar

Year 5&6 Police Football Tournament

Our Year 5&6 football team entered a police ran football tournament at the soccer dome. The team played extremely well to get through to the group stages and into the final, where they came up against Shadsworth. After a very close final, unfortunately our team lost and placed second place. A huge well to the football team who showed: team spirit, resilience, determination and amazing talent. Well done St Barnabas Football Team!

Image of ADHD Course Information
1 Mar

ADHD Course Information

Good morning, Please have a look at the flyer from ADHD North West regarding a course that they are running (again) from March 13th, parents can self-refer to this, the course covers: Characteristics of ADHD Other difficulties Associated conditions Diagnostic criteria Sensory difficulties The Brain Medication Effective communication Use of praise Behavioral strategies Testing & Manipulation

Image of Reception: Rhyme time and Story time
1 Mar

Reception: Rhyme time and Story time

We enjoyed our first rhyme and story time since half term. The children enjoyed singing a variety of nursery rhymes and we listened to ‘The tiger who came to tea’. Thank you to all of the grown ups who came and it was lovely to see some of our preschool children too. Rhyme time and story time continues next Wednesday at 9am and reception families and preschool children are welcome to join us.