Image of Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week
13 Nov

Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week

Today, to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week, we were all invited to come to school in odd socks and shoes to express our individuality. We learned how to spot the signs of bullying and what to do if we think someone is being bullied. We saw some brilliant acting skills from some of the children who acted our some bullying scenarios. We talked about the Christian and British values we should be showing to each other at all times. At St Barnabas, bullying is not welcome so we made a noise by shouting that out in different year groups and we loved joining in with Andy and the Odd Socks 'Make some noise' song.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
13 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Ducklings visited the war memorial at Whitehall park. We had a look at the photographs and pictures of soldiers, their uniform and their armour. We noticed that there were only boy names so we discussed why. A few of our children found their forenames too! We then walked back to school through Jack Keys so we could get a little muddy!

Image of Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week
13 Nov

Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week

This week St Barnabas have launched anti-bullying week. To mark this occasion the children have come dressed with odd socks and shoes to show that we are all special and unique. During worship time the children discussed what bullying is? What we can do to stop it? If we see bullying, what can be done about it? The children all showed their individuality and personality through their odd socks and shoes.

Image of Foodie Friends Club- KS1
13 Nov

Foodie Friends Club- KS1

Today, the children had a blast creating their delicious chocolate chip cookies. We started the baking adventure by measuring the flour and sugar separately. Some children took turns cracking the eggs and skillfully blending the ingredients until the mixture became light and fluffy. After we mixed the dough, we made little balls and baked them in the oven for 10 minutes. They were very giggly when they saw that some of the cookies had stuck together.

Image of Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports
10 Nov

Sports Leaders Event - Whole School Inter House Sports

Our Sports Leaders led our Inter House Sports event today and what a huge success it was! Every single year group from Reception all the way up to Year 6 took part. The Sports Leaders decided to start with a bench ball event and organised the timetable and refereed each game. We can’t wait to hear who the overall winning house team is next week in Celebration Worship!

Image of Year 6 Golden time in the golden sunshine
10 Nov

Year 6 Golden time in the golden sunshine

It’s been a very busy morning for our Year 6 children with our Head boy and Head girl supporting the younger children at the KS1 multi-skills festival, the Sports Leaders leading the inter house bench ball competition and the rest of the class attending the Remembrance Service. After the service the children enjoyed having some golden time at Whitehall Park in the golden sunshine!

Image of KS1 Multi-Skills Festival
10 Nov

KS1 Multi-Skills Festival

This morning a group of super stars from KS1 took part in a multi-skills festival at QEGS in Blackburn. We were so impressed with how well the children represented our school as they behaved brilliantly and really got stuck into every activity. Our head boy Wilson and head girl Lucy accompanied them and encouraged and supported them throughout the morning. A huge thanks to Miss Baxendale for coaching the children.

Image of Reception Inter House Games
10 Nov

Reception Inter House Games

Today Reception were led by our sports leaders in a game of ‘bench ball’ which is a firm favourite amongst all of our classes in school. Reception were very excited to play the game together in their teams. All reception children joined in, listened well and gave it their all, well done to you reception!

Image of Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event
10 Nov

Year 4 Inter House Bench Ball Event

Year 4 had a great time taking part in the Inter House Bench Ball Event this afternoon . They played against each other and developed their skills and tactics at the same. A big thank you to the Sports Leaders for running the event.

Image of Year 2 Inter House Games
10 Nov

Year 2 Inter House Games

Today Year 2 took part in the Inter House Games, led by our Year 6 sports leaders. They all took part and were super excited to play a game of bench ball together. They listened to instructions well, showing both our sports leaders respect and each other respect while taking part. Well done Year 2!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
10 Nov

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning we started our worship by thinking about remembrance. We put all of the people who serve us each and everyday with great strength and courage in our thoughts. Our heads and deputies said some some lovely prayers for all of those who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice their lives to fight in the wars and all of those who are caught in conflict at the moment. We then observed a two minute silence. Following this, we presented our value award winners for this week. Well done to Lucy, Freddy, Elsie and Alfie in the Juniors and Lennox, Evie and Harvey in EYFS and KS1. We also said a huge well done to River Darwen for being our overall value award winners this week and Year 1, 2 and Year 4 for being our amazing attendance winners. We then moved onto celebrating our Year 5/6 football team who are through to the finals of the Darwen schools league next week after playing exceptional football through the league and we also celebrate our out of school achievers. Well done to Issac for being a super scout and swimmer, Sofia for being a wonderfully creative brownie and designing and making her own t-shirt, Annabel for working extremely hard in her ballet lessons and being a wonderful ballerina, Grace for being a fantastic gymnast, Poppy for achieving athlete of the week and ‘man of the match’ in her most recent football game, Ivy for pushing herself out of her comfort zone in her dancing and achieving a medal and Amelia and Jess for showing super courage and talent in their horse riding lessons. Finally, we ended our celebration worship by singing happy birthday to Alice, Elsie and Sophie and singing ‘A Song of Peace.’ Please remember that we are wearing odd socks and shoes on Monday to celebrate the launch of Anti-Bullying week. Our Well-Being Warriors announced that there will be a winner per class for the funkiest choice of odd shoes. We wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Image of EYFS/KS1 Remembrance lunch time crafts
10 Nov

EYFS/KS1 Remembrance lunch time crafts

Our EYFS & KS1 children really enjoyed creating Remembrance themed crafts at lunch times. St Barnabas remembers!