Image of Odd Socks and Shoes Day at St Barnabas
16 Nov

Odd Socks and Shoes Day at St Barnabas

Wow! A huge THANK YOU to you all for taking part in Odd Socks and Shoes Day to launch Anti-Bullying Week. There were so many wacky and unique combinations. The Wellbeing Warriors found it so very hard to choose one winner from each class, but after much deliberation, they will be announcing the winners in Celebration Worship tomorrow.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship- Anti-bullying Week
16 Nov

Year 6 Class Worship- Anti-bullying Week

In year 6, we carried out a class worship on anti bullying. We listened to the song ‘Brave’ by Sara Bareilles and discussed how we have to be brave when we are exposed to bullying, whether we are being bullied or are witnessing it. We discussed how it is linked to our British values: how everyone is individual and how we should tolerate differences rather than target people for liking different things. We ended our worship by relating back to this year’s theme, ‘Make a noise about bullying’, and discussed who we could speak to if we ever come across any forms of it.

Image of Year 6 R.E.- Judaism Workshop
16 Nov

Year 6 R.E.- Judaism Workshop

This week in R.E. year 6 were visited by Samantha Hambling who led a Judaism workshop all about pilgrimage. Year 6 asked some impressive and mature questions and realised how religions are very similar, but also have some notable differences.

Image of Year 3- Anti-Bullying Week
15 Nov

Year 3- Anti-Bullying Week

The whole school kicked off Anti-Bullying Week on Monday by embracing individuality by wearing odd socks and shoes that reflect our unique personalities. Today in class, the children worked in small groups to create shout-out messages, each displayed on a sock.

Image of World nursery rhyme week rhyme time
15 Nov

World nursery rhyme week rhyme time

This week is world nursery rhyme week, so we celebrated this in our rhyme time! All of the Reception children took part and sang five nursery rhymes and they were then awarded with a special certificate! Well done Reception class! Thank you to all of the parents, carers, younger siblings and pre-school children who joined us.

Image of Year 3 - Computing - Algorithms
15 Nov

Year 3 - Computing - Algorithms

This term in computing we are learning all about computer science, coding and algorithms. This week the children had great fun creating algorithms to try and make shapes.

Image of Reception PE
15 Nov

Reception PE

Today reception have taken part in a PE session focusing on their fundamental skills of climbing, jumping and rolling. Everyone had a go and had lot of fun too! Well done reception, what superstars you are!

Image of Online Safety: Smart TVs
15 Nov

Online Safety: Smart TVs

Are you watching TV? Or is the TV watching YOU? As internet-enabled televisions become the norm, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some useful #OnlineSafety tips to help parents ensure their children are viewing safely Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week
15 Nov

Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week

In Year 4, we were proud to show our individuality through our odd socks and shoes on Monday. Just look at those funky feet! After our worship on anti-bullying, some of the children shared how they would help someone who was being bullied. What a kind and supportive bunch we have in Year 4.

Image of Year 4 - Judaism Workshop
15 Nov

Year 4 - Judaism Workshop

We had a special visitor in school on Tuesday. Samantha came to teach Year 4 a bit about the Jewish day of rest: Shabbat. The children were fantastic! They listened with interest and asked some insightful questions. They enjoyed trying on the traditional garments and looking at artefacts, and they particularly loved tasting some challah bread.

Image of Year 4 - Maths: Area
15 Nov

Year 4 - Maths: Area

Our Maths in Year 4 this week focuses on area. We began the topic by creating shapes with a given area using post-its. We used our post-its to solve challenges. This practical method of learning helps us to retain important knowledge and enables us to calculate area in abstract situations.

Image of FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations
15 Nov

FOSB Christmas Fayre Stalls and Raffle Prize Donations

St Barnabas CE Primary Academy will be hosting an Annual Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 13th December 3.30-5.30pm. We are looking for stall holders and local businesses to donate raffle prizes so please email if you are available to help in any way: [email protected] If you would like a stall, they are priced at £10 plus a donation to our raffle. If you would like to help by donating a raffle prize then that would be very much appreciated! It will be a wonderful event for our community, any support would be really appreciated. Thank you.