Image of Year 5 - Science- Investigating Force and Air- Resistance
14 Mar

Year 5 - Science- Investigating Force and Air- Resistance

Following on from our previous science lesson, today the children worked in small groups to investigate whether a ball's mass affects gravity's force. They used weighing scales to measure the mass of 5 different balls, then from the same height observed how long they took to touch the ground. Only one variable was changed to conduct a fair test. The children changed the ball. We then explored the term Air- Resistance in detail and carried out an experiment using two sheets of paper. We screwed one up into a ball and left one as a sheet, we then dropped the ball of paper and sheet at the same time and observed what happens. The sheet of paper fell slowly as there is more air under the paper.

Image of Let’s Go Sing Performance 2023
13 Mar

Let’s Go Sing Performance 2023

A huge well done to our school choir for their fabulous performance at the let’s go sing concert tonight. It was a delight to watch you all sing your little hearts out. Thank you so much to Miss Ashworth and Miss Bentham for their commitment to our choir. Thanks to all of the parents, family and friends who came to show their support. I’m sure the children made you so proud as I know they certainly made me the proudest Headteacher ever. Well done you little superstars!

Image of Parents' Evening
13 Mar

Parents' Evening

Dear Parents and carers, we are holding a face to face parents' evening on Wednesday 5th April in our school hall. Our teachers would also like to share your child's books with you too so that you can see how hard they have been working and you can see what they have been learning this term. Five minute appointments will be available from 2.00pm and 6.00pm. If you are flexible and can attend during school hours and after school, please select in school hours then we can give priority for the after school appointments to parents who are working through the day. Appointments can be booked through the same booking system that we used last year. Please click on the following link to book an appointment. Please note that the information in the software has been taken from our school management system so please use the information such as title, name, email etc that we have on your child's records. Hopefully you will be able to log in with the same details as last year as those of you who attended last time will already have an account. We politely ask that separated parents try to attend the same appointment so that our teachers don't have to repeat the same information and this also ensures that we have enough appointments for each child in school. However, if there are exceptional circumstances that require you to have separate appointments, please let our class teachers know. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school to share how well your child has progressed this term. Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any issues booking an appointment. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 5- Rotakids- Discussing our next project
13 Mar

Year 5- Rotakids- Discussing our next project

This afternoon, the Year 5 class received a certificate for the outstanding work that they are doing. The children could discuss the work they have already done for the local community and the international project. The children were keen to share their next project, a movie night for KS1 and KS2 to raise money for our school minibus.

Image of Reception class- Palm Sunday
13 Mar

Reception class- Palm Sunday

In Reception we learnt all about Palm Sunday. We retold and role-played the story and created our own palms using paint and collage. Heidi said “Jesus asked his disciple to find him a donkey”. James said “the people put palms on the road”. Marley said “the crowd shouted Hosanna!” Mila said “Jesus was a king being welcomed”. The children really enjoyed role-playing the story and continued during continuous provision.

Image of Rhyme Time Notice
13 Mar

Rhyme Time Notice

Reception’s rhyme time and story time will begin again on Wednesday 22nd March. Rhyme time is not on 15th March due to a special Mother’s Day celebration for our current Reception children and their special ladies.

Image of North West Air Ambulance Visit
13 Mar

North West Air Ambulance Visit

We had the pleasure of welcoming Laura from North West Air Ambulance Charity today. Laura explained that the air ambulance colours are yellow and blue. North West Air Ambulance service is a charity and Laura’s job is to help raise money to keep the ambulances in the sky. The charity looks after over 8 million people and provides free emergency pre-hospital care. In addition to helicopters, the charity also has emergency vehicles. They are used when it is foggy, at night or when it is deemed not safe to fly. Darcy held the emergency bag that the crew carry. It is heavy and has everything they need to treat an injured person. The ambulance also carries blood on board. Wilson showed everybody the jacket that the crew wear and Harry showed the helmet that the crew required to wear. We watched a video which showed an air ambulance in action. Laura explained to us what happens in an emergency. We played Simon says to role play what we should do. If we notice somebody has hurt themselves, we would look around to check if it was safe and then go and find a trusted adult to call to 999. If there wasn’t a trusted adult around, it would be up to us to call. The crew would then be dispatched. Once the helicopter lands, there is a Lucas machine that can perform CPR if necessary so that the paramedic and doctors hands are free to help the patient further. Laura said it is brilliant that we have our invacuation procedure to help air ambulances land safely. Thank you to Mrs Price for teaching the children what to do in an emergency. Air ambulances can land on a beach, a field, a stadium, a car park and a helipad. Laura thanked everybody and said that St Barnabas are now part of the crew! Donations can still be made on parent pay to support this charity and during Lent it is the perfect time to give something back.   The charity needs to raise 12 million pounds each year in order to provide the amazing service and it relies solely on donations. Thank you to everybody who has donated so far. 

Image of Support for Turkey and Syria- non-uniform day
10 Mar

Support for Turkey and Syria- non-uniform day

Smart School Councillors Subject: Fundraising for Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief. Following our last class meeting, the children voted to hold a fundraising event on Friday 17th of March, where they will wear the flag colours of Turkey and Syria to show their support for those affected by the earthquakes. We are asking for a minimum donation of £1.00 for each child who participates in this cause, via parent pay. The colours are red, black, green and white. Do not go out to buy anything new, please wear what you have at home. All funds raised will be donated to a reputable charity actively working to provide relief to the earthquake victims. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support. Smart School Councillors and Miss Kachwalla

Image of Snow challenge
10 Mar

Snow challenge

Good afternoon, normally on a Friday afternoon the children have golden time for working their socks off all week. For golden time this week we would love for your child to enjoy some time in the snow or if they have already done that, get snuggled up and watch a film or read a book. I've attached a build a snowman challenge. I challenge the children to make the most creative snowman, snowwoman or snow animal. Or have fun: * Sledging * Making snow angels * Building an igloo or fort * Have a snowball fight * Create a bird feeder I can't wait to see your fun snow photos so please send them to me via class dojo! Stay safe and have fun!

Image of Virtual Celebration Worship
10 Mar

Virtual Celebration Worship

Please join us for our virtual Celebration Worship on Zoom at 9.05am. Mrs Ham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Virtual Celebration Worship Time: Mar 10, 2023 09:05 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 744 9000 0410 Passcode: 8CX4At We look forward to seeing you there.

Image of School closed due to the snow
10 Mar

School closed due to the snow

Good morning parents and carers, Mr Tierney and I are in school now and have assessed the snow situation. The roads around school are awful as there is ice underneath the snow and the road near school hasn’t been gritted. It is still snowing now and not due to stop for several hours.  We have taken the difficult decision to close, which those of you who have had children at St Barnabas for a while know, we haven’t taken lightly, as we always try to stay open. However as the children know, my number one job is to keep everyone safe and that includes the children, staff and parents. Several of our staff live far away and are unable to get into school safely and it isn’t safe for our children or parents to be travelling to school. The snow is drifting in places as we seem to have our micro-climate up at St Barnabas! Our teachers will be in touch with remote learning and you are all welcome to join virtual celebration worship at 9.05am. Further details to follow.  Please keep safe and I hope the children are able to enjoy the snow once it is safe to do so. Thank you in advance for your understanding. ❄️ ⛄️

Image of Year 5- Collective Worship
9 Mar

Year 5- Collective Worship

During our class worship today, we discussed the importance of looking after wild animals in our local area. Through class discussion, we learned that the children have spotted dears, rabbits, hedgehogs, and squirrels in their areas. The children were shocked and sad to learn that from around 3.5 million to only 750,000 hazel door mice numbers have dropped. We then reminded ourselves about the story from the Bible (Noah's Ark), Noah did what he was asked by God and he cared for the animals. We can care for and protect animals like Noah did. The children have suggested bird feeders, and building homes using twigs and branches on the school grounds during forest school sessions for the animals. Our British Value of' Democracy' teaches children to speak and take action and the children have decided to do just that.