Year 4 - Linking Schools: Poems
The class are LOVING our linking work. We have a couple of pieces ready to send to St Matthew’s now, including these poems we’ve been working on. We have been thinking about the things we love and the things that make us unique. We hope Kestrels Class enjoy reading them.
WOW Group Worship: Respect and Tolerance
Well done to our fantastic WOW Group, who led their first whole-school worship this year today. In recognition of Inter Faith week, they talked about respecting each other’s differences and they taught us about tolerance and how we can show it to one another.
Rev Ben’s Worship: Samuel and David
This week in Rev Ben’s Worship, we learned the story of Samuel, Jessie and David. We talked about the qualities God looks for in a king and the importance of having a kind heart.
Reception-Den building
For the second part of our forest school session we headed back to school to have a go at den building. Just look at these amazing dens they have created!
Reception- Bug hunt
For the first part of our forest school session we headed out of school and up to Jacks Key to go hunting for mini beasts. We found beetles, snails, slugs and lots more.
Year 5 - Debt Awareness Visit
Today in Year 5 we had a visitor who discussed the important issues regarding debt awareness. The children worked really hard looking at the difficulties people go through regarding money and ways in which we can save money. The children looked at debt in lots of detail and discussed the difference between good and bad debt. Year 5 discussed each of them in great detail and completed module one on debt awareness.
Year 2 - Maths
This week in maths we continued to practise our addition. Today we consolidated our work on adding through 10. This can be tricky when you have to add past 10 but our games help us to keep practicing. We discovered the key to making it easier is ensuring we know our number bonds to 10. We will move on to subtracting next week.
Year 3- English- Story prediction activity- 'The Last Bear'
In English today, the children made predictions based on the cover and title of 'The Last Bear' book. They made predictions about who the characters might be, what themes the story could have, where it takes place, and what genre it falls into. Following this, Year 3 explored the map of Bear Island. Initially sceptical about its existence, we researched on Google, and the children were fascinated to discover that Bear Island is situated within the confines of the Norwegian and Barents Seas.
Year 4 - English: Researching Roman Soldiers
Year 4 had a great time exploring the Roman history box today. The children watched videos, examined artefacts and researched from information books to find out about what life was like for a Roman soldier in Britain during the 1st century AD. They will be using these facts to help them write in role throughout this English topic.
Year 3- Science- The importance of nutrition food labels.
In Science this afternoon, Year 3 have been learning about nutrition food labels. They now know that the labels on the packaging tell us what's in the food, help us pick healthy options, and give detailed info about the different food groups in a product. For their activity, the children were provided with different food packets. They looked at the labels and decided if the food was a good choice for every day or just once in a while. They know it is important to have a balanced diet. The more green light a label displays, the healthier the food is.
Year 5 - Sewing Practice
Today in Year 5, the children have been practising their sewing skills in preparation to make our own Christmas cushions for our school Christmas fair. The children have been practising running and zig zag stitches and being able to start and finish a line of stitching.
Parent Governor Vacancy
Good afternoon parents and carers, I hope that you've all had a lovely weekend. We are still looking for a new parent governor to join our wonderful, supportive Local Governing Committee (LGC). We welcome applications from all parents and carers who are interested in making St Barnabas the best school it can be. The role doesn't involve a huge commitment as there is only one evening meeting each half term (six a year) and a termly meeting with a subject leader, but this can be virtual and at a time that suits you. If you would like to learn more about the role of a Governor, please contact Jen at [email protected] or feel free to contact me via class dojo or speak to me on the yard about it. In the past when we have had applications for parent governors there has been an election process and a vote amongst all of the parents, if we had more than one parent application. This has often put parents off applying to be a Governor. However, our Trust have now changed this and it becomes the responsibility of the LGC to decide which parent would be the most suitable candidate, based on what skills they have to offer the LGC. If you are interested in applying to become a parent Governor, please see our school webpage for the application or email our school office: [email protected] The closing date is Wednesday 6th December.