Year 4 - Junior Jam Music
The children in Year 4 are thrilled to be learning how to play ukuleles this half term. They are doing an excellent job of playing the chords and reading music.
Year 4 - Exploring Habitats
We loved getting out and exploring an urban woodland habitat in science this week. Our Year 4 scientists investigated the plants, animals, climate and conditions in the area. Unfortunately , we didn't see many animals but we could use our prior knowledge to say which animals we would expect to find there.
Year 2- Music
For our music lesson today we learnt how to change the pitch on our ukulele.
Multi skills sports club
Our first week of multi skills club and what a great time we had! We had lots of different stations set up to practice our fundamental skills followed by a very exciting game of bench ball.
Year 2- P.E
This week we linked our P.E lesson to the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We took parts of the story into our lesson to practice different skills such as climbing and over arm throwing just like Jack's mum throwing the magic beans out of the window.
Year 2- Computing.
In music this week Year 2 have been creating their own piece of dance music by using app “garage band” on the iPad.
Year 5 - RotaKids
As part of RotaKids, Year 5 are raising money for the families that have been affected by the earthquakes in Morocco. In order to raise money, Year 5 are hosting a non uniform day and children must come into school wearing the colours of the Moroccan flag to show their support and compassion for those affected. The money raised by the school will help provide: food, water, shelter, medical essentials and survival equipment to help. We are asking for a minimum donation of a £1.
Year 2- Jack and the beanstalk.
Following on from Fridays P.E lesson linking our story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. Our skill today was climbing. We had to climb the apparatus just like Jack climbs the beanstalk.
Year 2- Handwriting
What a bunch of fantastic handwriters!
Football Club
This week, football practice started for all KS2 children. The sessions were divided and the children played a variety of football matches with many restrictions placed upon their game in order to target a particular skill set. The children took part in: a two touch passing zone game to target skill within an opposed setting, 1v1 mini games to target and look at attacking and being positive with the ball and finally a game whereby the children had to complete a certain number of passes before being able to score. This worked on space awareness, moving forward with the ball and inclusivity within the game. All the children had an amazing time and showed an amazing attitude towards the game.
Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes
Year 5 have been exploring reversible and irreversible changes in our science unit. During this experiment, the children had a variety of ingredients that they would test when mixed with water. The children described the reaction that took place and used an abundance of scientific vocabulary to decide what change has occurred. The children were able to then explain how a reversible change can be reversed using evaporation.
Reception: RE
Last week our Ducklings learnt about the creation story. Following on from this, we learnt about how we are all unique and how God made us all to be special. We looked at our hands and fingerprints and learnt how nobody is the same as us! God made us all special. We read a story called ‘When God made you’.