Roman Battle Formations in Year 4
In our history lesson this week we discussed why the Roman army was so successful. We looked at why they were so powerful and disciplined. We then looked at how they used manoeuvres and drills to create various formations so that they could protect themselves from every angle in battle. We finished with a real life drill to see if Mrs Gardner could get through the children’s wedge formation that they created with their own shields. Not one boulder (ping pong ball) got through so well done Year 4 - it was a huge success!
Reception PE
Reception have had a jam packed PE session today, they played games, had music on and everyone took part in each activity focusing on the fundamental skill of jumping. As a class their listening was superb throughout which meant we could play more games and have more fun! Well done Reception!
Scholastic book fair
A huge thank you to everybody who visited and purchased a book at our Scholastic book fair. We have been given £458 in rewards to spend on new books so our librarians and Miss Flynn have been busy labelling our new books to be put in our library for our children to choose. Thank you for your support as always, Mrs Wilkinson
Year 1- No Pens Day
As part of ‘No Pens Day,’ Year One learnt the the days of the week using British Sign Language. We then played a game where I signed a day of the week and they had to sign back the day that either comes before or after it. Hopefully they can now teach someone else how to sign the days of the week too. Well done Year 1!
Year 1- Dance
Today in PE, Year 1 experimented with travelling dances. They each had a scarf (flame) and had to travel around the room in different ways. They threw the flame into the sky, wiggled the flame up and down, ran with the flame trailing behind them and spun around with the flame. As they practised these movements, the children moved around the room varying the speed, direction and the level at which they moved.
Online Safety: The Online Safety Act
New laws, new responsibilities? With the Online Safety Act now coming into effect, our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week highlights some key areas that the fresh legislation covers – and what this means for UK education providers Download >>
Year 3- Science- Labelling the human skeleton
Today in science, Year 3 learned that animals have different kinds of skeletons. They found out which animals have bones inside their bodies (endoskeleton), which ones have a hard outer shell (exoskeleton), and which ones use water pressure to move (hydrostatic skeleton). They were fascinated to learn that a giraffe, which has a super long neck, has the same amount of vertebrae as a human. We also labelled the different bones of a skeleton using technical vocabulary.
Reception PSHE- Feeling left out
Today Reception have taken part in PSHE where we discussed how our friends might feel if they were left out. Our Ducklings had some wonderful ideas of how we can help our friends who might feel left out and what they can do to make sure no one feels left out in our class. Well done Reception, lovely speaking and listening!
Year 5 - Christmas Cushions
Year 5 have been continuing sewing their designs to their cushions. They have applied their sewing skills well and have made significant progress ready for their creative decorations to be applied.
Rev Ben’s Worship- Jeremiah : Down in the well
This morning Rev Ben led our Worship about God's Compassion. We started with a fun listening game where Rev Ben blind folded some children and the rest of us had to make the animal noise of the animal on the screen. The children who were blindfolded were able to realise what it was like to not be able to see, just like the person in this week's Bible story, Jeremiah. We listened and joined in with the Old Testament Bible story all about Jeremiah being stuck in a deep, dark well. We loved joining in with the repeated refrain and we learned that God helped Jeremiah get out of the well. We reflected on how God can help us when we are feeling stuck or in a dark place. We then thought about how God sent His saviour, Jesus to rescue us all and how at this time of Advent, we are thinking about the special birth of Jesus. We finished our Worship singing 'Jesus, strong and kind'.
Year 6 DT - Christmas loop game design
Year 6 continued their unit by designing their electrical loop games. They began by developing a design criteria: - The product should be for young children and have a Christmas theme to be sold at the Christmas fair. - The wire design needs to be made up of one continuous line. - The circuit needs to be concealed in the base. - All of the components used should contribute to a fully-functioning circuit. By developing this criteria, it allowed the children to produce a detailed 3D design of their game with annotations.
Year 3- P.E- Group Sequence
During P.E., this afternoon, Year 3 was tasked with creating a story sequence using the five dance elements - travel, turn, jump, gesture, and stillness. The first step was to identify the term "villain", and some of the words suggested by the children were "evil", "torture", "threatening", "intimidating", and "mischievous". Once a villain was selected, the children worked in pairs and gradually moved into small groups. They then performed their sequences to the whole class, using music by Stealth. The students did an excellent job portraying their villains and worked extremely well in groups, demonstrating great teamwork.