Image of It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
1 Dec

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

All of our children helped to decorate our real Christmas tree today at lunch time. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Image of Celebration Worship- 1st December 2023
1 Dec

Celebration Worship- 1st December 2023

This morning in celebration worship, we started our worship by lighting a candle of hope to represent the first week in advent. We then presented our value award winners with their certificates for showing an exceptional work ethic and demonstrating the Christian Values. Well done to Teddy, Heidi, Isaac, Daisy, Alice, Lily-May, Jake and Rio. We then said a huge well done to River Darwen who were our overall value award winners this week and Reception and Year 5 for being the amazing attendance winners this week. We then moved on to our wonderful out of school achievers. We said a huge well done to Tristen who achieved his red and yellow belt at kick-boxing, Lydia who has got Olivia from rainbows for super tidying up, Seb for achieving his 5m without armbands in his swimming, Elliott for achieving a trophy for incredible football, Evie for being awarded a medal for demonstrating incredible skills in her gymnastics, Grace for achieving a medal in her lyrical dancing, Alby for achieving 50m in his swimming, Ed for achieving 20m in his swimming, Betsy for working extremely hard in her ballet lessons and working hard towards achieving her point shoes and Summer for achieving 20m in her backstroke. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers from Lilly, Wilson, Isaac and Sofia and a prayer from Mrs Ham about remembering the true meaning of Christmas. We also sang ‘Come and Join the Celebration’ and ‘Little Donkey.’ Thank you for all of your support this week and we wish you all a lovely weekend.

Image of Year 2 - Science
1 Dec

Year 2 - Science

During our previous learning in science, we have looked at habitats and microhabits in our local area. This week we moved onto world habitats which included Desert, Rainforest, Artic and Ocean. We sorted animals depending on which habitat you would find them in. We also added the conditions of these habitats and thought about why these animals would prefer these habitats to others.

Image of Year 2 - RE
1 Dec

Year 2 - RE

This week, we completed our RE topic looking at Holy books from different faiths. We have been learning about the Bible and understood that different faiths have their own book which they follow. We looked in more detail at the Jewish Torah and the Islamic Qu’ran. We spotted similarities between how religions see their holy book as special and one that should be looked after. We also found that each book contains rules and stories which are used to help people be good citizens.

Image of Year 3- Class Worship-  Who is responsible for Antarctica?
30 Nov

Year 3- Class Worship- Who is responsible for Antarctica?

WOW! Year 3 were amazed as they learned about drastic changes in Antarctica's weather because of melting snow and ice. Penguins are struggling to find a place to live, because plants and flowers are being replaced by ice and snow. A polar explorer named Robert Swan is extremely worried about these changes, he wants schools to encourage children to recycle more. Year 3 have volunteered to become champions of Antarctica, and they have promised to recycle more. They hope their actions will have a ripple effect on the environment and the world. We ended the class worship by thanking God for giving us the wonderful world.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
30 Nov

Year 4 Smart School Council

In our Smart School Council session we discussed if we should be able to buy healthy snacks at break time. The vote was a unanimous yes as everyone thought that this was a great idea and we can pay on parent pay beforehand to help things run smoothly.

Image of Year 4 - Our No Pens Day Show & Tell
30 Nov

Year 4 - Our No Pens Day Show & Tell

On Wednesday Year 4 marked No Pens Day with a bit of show and tell. The children were invited to bring an object or photo in to represent a hobby they enjoy doing out of school. They all had one minute to talk about their hobby, and then accept three questions. The children showed great preparation and oracy skills when presenting about their hobbies. We had some fantastic questions too, demonstrating super listening skills.

Image of Year 4 - Practical Maths
30 Nov

Year 4 - Practical Maths

This week in maths, our focus has been on spotting patterns in times tables. We took a hands-on approach, using equipment to calculate times tables, matching up fact families and solving Tarsia puzzles. It’s been great fun!

Image of Year 5 - Christmas Cushions
30 Nov

Year 5 - Christmas Cushions

Today, Year 5 completed their Christmas cushions and added their final details to match their designs. The cushions look amazing and Year 5 have been incredible making them. Well done.

Image of Year 5 - Peace Chains
30 Nov

Year 5 - Peace Chains

Year 5 have been creating their class peace chain during our worship. We looked at all the conflict that is happening in the world around us and how it can impact us. We wanted to spread the word of peace to reduce conflict around us and show that a peaceful world is much better than one filled with conflict.

29 Nov


Year 3 had a great time supporting 'NO PENS DAY' today. To encourage children to speak and listen to each other, the class took part on playing 'Who am I', imaginary show and tell, played snaps using multiplication and division cards and made some Christmas decorations using salt dough. They had a great time and it was a wonderful opportunity to give everyone a chance to talk about something they love and feel proud of.

Image of Year 4 Christmas Stockings Commence
29 Nov

Year 4 Christmas Stockings Commence

In our DT session we have finally moved onto the application of sewing skills. This week we added to the front of our stockings using over and running stitches. We used appliqué to add further embellishments and some children even managed to add bells and buttons.