This afternoon, KS2 enjoyed a special Science show led by Adrian, a former primary school teacher. The kids had a blast learning about different types of forces and examples and discovering more about Isaac Newton. Some students were selected to come to the front and test which parachute would land first: one open and the other tied. They made predictions and discussed air resistance. The children were intrigued by the various types of magnets, including bar and ring magnets, and they learned about repelling and attracting forces. Adrian even showed them how static can keep bubbles in the air, which left the children in absolute amazement with many "wow" moments. They asked Adrian why he chose to leave teaching and do science shows instead. He explained that while he loved teaching, focusing solely on science was his passion, which wasn't always possible in primary school. Delivering science shows allows him to do just that, and he thoroughly enjoys it. What an outstanding show it was!