Image of Year 1- Creating a structure for testing
15 Mar

Year 1- Creating a structure for testing

In Science this week we have created our own house made from different materials. We had to create a house that would be waterproof and strong enough to survive a hurricane. We used cardboard, tinfoil, cello tape, fabric, and cellophane.

Image of Year 5- Religious Education- How does it feel to be victorious?
15 Mar

Year 5- Religious Education- How does it feel to be victorious?

During our R.E. lesson this afternoon, we discussed the term 'Victory' as a starting point for our class discussion. Some of the things that came to mind were celebration, achievement, brave, joy, happiness and determination. The children then discussed what victorious meant to them and if victory and winning were the same thing. We then watched some of the greatest sports events. Many athletes hope to win, but they also strive to beat their personal best (PB) and so, even if they come last, if it is their personal best, they have been victorious.

Image of Year 6 English
15 Mar

Year 6 English

In year 6, we have been looking at the features of a non chronological report so that we can include them in our own writing and ensure we are writing for a purpose. This included the visible features and the choice of language used to set an appropriate tone.

Image of Year 2 - Christopher Columbus
15 Mar

Year 2 - Christopher Columbus

During our history lesson in year 2 we have begun to look at our second famous explorer, Christopher Columbus. We had a look a various pieces of historical evidence from the 1500’s to work out what Christopher Columbus was most famous for. The children were great at using their detective skills to work out what he explored and why he became a world wide name.

Image of Year 3 Maths
15 Mar

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 have been using lollipop sticks to help group numbers in their maths and notice any remainders. We made triangles to represent divisions of 3 and squares to represent divisions of 4. Well done Year 3!

Image of Year 4 - Investigating Conductors and Insulators
15 Mar

Year 4 - Investigating Conductors and Insulators

Happy British Science Week from Year 4. In science this week we have been finding out which materials make good electrical conductors by adding them to our series circuits. Tin foil and steel made great conductors.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Zoom Meeting
15 Mar

Year 4 - Linking Schools Zoom Meeting

The class have loved meeting their link class today. We played games with our linking friends, like Would You Rather...? , Red Card Green Card and Draw a Picture in which children had to draw a picture on their whiteboards while it was balanced on the top of their heads. Thank you St Matthews- we can't wait to meet you soon!

Image of FOSB Mother’s Day Cream Tea
14 Mar

FOSB Mother’s Day Cream Tea

Thank you to all of our wonderful special ladies for attending our Mother’s Day cream tea.  A huge thank you to our wonderful FOSB. They are all volunteers and juggle work to make the events a huge success. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes and it is really appreciated by us all. We are very lucky to have you. If anybody would like to help volunteer for any events then we would be really grateful. We hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Image of Year 1- Phonics
14 Mar

Year 1- Phonics

A bunch of superstars practicing our ‘v’ sound this morning.

Image of British Science Week Assembly
14 Mar

British Science Week Assembly

This week is British Science Week and the theme is ‘Connections’. The children have enjoyed an exciting assembly explaining about the events for the week and also saw some live experiments take place in the hall, as well as some amazing videos of simple experiments they can carry out at home with the help of an adult. They will be voting for their favourite experiment in their classes this week, which will be carried out next week with their class teachers. There is a national poster competition to enter, lunchtime experiments and fun with our year 5 and 6 Science Club team and live online science lessons to take part in.

Image of Science Club- Colour mixing experiment with Year 1
14 Mar

Science Club- Colour mixing experiment with Year 1

A huge THANK YOU to the children in science club yesterday lunchtime for leading such a fun experiment! They led a colour mixing experiment using skittles. It was so much fun!

Image of Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration
14 Mar

Reception: Mother’s Day Celebration

It was wonderful to welcome our Mummies and Nannies into Reception today. The children painted pictures and explained why they loved their Mummies and sang some songs. Thank you for being such wonderful ladies, have a fabulous day on Sunday!