Year 2 - PSHE
During anti-bullying week, we have been looking at the impact our words and actions can have on others. We have been reflecting on times where we have shown kindness to others and how that made us feel. Some children said they get a funny feeling in their tummy when they are kind to their friends. We continued to look at bullying and if someone is unkind towards us, what should we do next? We discussed various people the children would tell if they're upset or worried. These included family members, friends, school staff and other trusted adults. We wrote these people onto our helping hands to help us remember all the people that can help us.
SPAR Lancashire School Games Launch
Our Sports Leaders and PE lead Mrs Gardner have been lucky enough to represent Blackburn with Darwen at the launch of the Lancashire School Games today at SPAR Headquarters. We also met the Olympic Athlete Holly Bradshaw who won Bronze for pole vault at the last Olympic Games. Our Sports Leaders did both the borough and Team B proud!
Reception’s Toy Party
Well what a fun start to the day reception have had! They have really enjoyed showing their friends their toys from home, we have played games and have danced our socks off!
Year 3- Class Worship- Can a robot do that?
During our class worship, the children discussed the advantages and disadvantages of having robots in our lives. Some of the advantages that the children came up with were, that the robots could clean their bedrooms, help them with their homework and have a little dance with them. The disadvantages they thought that could happen were the robot could get lazy, the robot could get bored or get carried away and throw a house party. We ended our class worship with a prayer thanking God for the technology enhancing our lives and the wonderful world.
Year 5&6 - DPSSA Football Winners
Today, our Year 5&6 were crowned the league winners for the Darwen schools football league. They did not lose a game and won their game on the final night. A huge congratulations to the whole team, we are so proud of you.
Year 5&6 - Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented
Today, our Year 5&6 football team took part in a gifted and talented 3v3 tournament hosted by Blackburn Rovers. The boys played exceptionally well and made it all the way through to the final but narrowly missed out at the end. A superb performance from all the players.
Scholastic book fair
Our Scholastic Book fair will be back in school on 20th and 21st November after school. Children will be visiting the fair over the next few days and will bring home a wish list of potential books they’d like to buy at the fair. You can purchase books at the fair from 3.30-4.30pm next Monday and Tuesday (20th and 21st). It is the perfect time to purchase books ready for Christmas! Card payments will only be accepted, we unfortunately cannot accept cash.
Year 2 - Microhabitat Walk
During science today, we went on a walk to find different microhabitats in our local area. We explored grassland and woodland areas looking for logs, rocks and streams where animals could live. We identified a variety of insects such as woodlice, snails, spiders and millipedes. We took clipboards so we could record our findings in a table. When we arrived back at school, we wrote up our findings and wrote a short summary of our investigation.
Year 4 Visit the Book Fair
Today Year 4 were given the opportunity to visit the book fair in order to complete their wish lists. The children really enjoyed looking at the blurbs to get a good idea of what each book was about. It was lovely for them to engage with their peers and discuss why they had made certain choices about books.
Odd Socks and Shoes Day at St Barnabas
Wow! A huge THANK YOU to you all for taking part in Odd Socks and Shoes Day to launch Anti-Bullying Week. There were so many wacky and unique combinations. The Wellbeing Warriors found it so very hard to choose one winner from each class, but after much deliberation, they will be announcing the winners in Celebration Worship tomorrow.
Year 6 Class Worship- Anti-bullying Week
In year 6, we carried out a class worship on anti bullying. We listened to the song ‘Brave’ by Sara Bareilles and discussed how we have to be brave when we are exposed to bullying, whether we are being bullied or are witnessing it. We discussed how it is linked to our British values: how everyone is individual and how we should tolerate differences rather than target people for liking different things. We ended our worship by relating back to this year’s theme, ‘Make a noise about bullying’, and discussed who we could speak to if we ever come across any forms of it.
Year 6 R.E.- Judaism Workshop
This week in R.E. year 6 were visited by Samantha Hambling who led a Judaism workshop all about pilgrimage. Year 6 asked some impressive and mature questions and realised how religions are very similar, but also have some notable differences.