Image of Year 3 English- Performing Poetry
11 Jan

Year 3 English- Performing Poetry

Year 3 have been learning about shape poems this week. They chose a poem to write out in a specific shape according to what the poem was about. They then rehearsed their poem in pairs, adding expression and actions. Finally they performed their shape poem to the rest of the class. They were all super brave and even those that didn't really want to do it got up and performed. Rev Ben will be so pleased to hear how Year 3 have shown courage this week, after reflecting in Worship on Tuesday how Jesus is always there to support and encourage us during scary times.

Image of Year 3- Life Education
11 Jan

Year 3- Life Education

Year 3 had a brilliant time in their Life Education session with Karen. They learnt all about the brain and how to look after ourselves and our mental health. They then talked all about friendships and how to compromise with our friends and how we can't always get our own way.

Image of Year 2 - History
11 Jan

Year 2 - History

Our new History topic for this half term is Explorers! We began by looking at what an explorer is? What do they do? Why are they important? We also discussed the equipment that explorers may need in order to go on long, hard journeys. We touched on famous explorers that we will look in more detail at such as Christopher Columbus and Tim Peake. To finish we thought about where we would like to explore in the world. We had many ideas such as The African deserts, Antarctica and Mountains in Norway. We discussed what we might find in these interesting places. We then drew our rucksack full of the equipment we would need on our adventures.

Image of Reception PE
11 Jan

Reception PE

During our PE session Reception focused on ‘jumping’ and each child took part in 5 circuits focusing on the technique of jumping. It was amazing to see the children encourage one another as they pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 4 - RE: Hanukkah
10 Jan

Year 4 - RE: Hanukkah

To finish our Year 4 Christmas RE unit, we learned about the significance of light in the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. We discussed the story and how the Jews felt about their sacred temple being destroyed and the miracle of the oil lasting longer than it should have. We also made our own Dreidels and played a few games.

Image of Year 4 - Life Education
10 Jan

Year 4 - Life Education

The Year 4s thoroughly enjoyed their Life Education visit this week. The focus was about celebrating being unique and not always having to do what their friends are doing. The topics of health and the effects of drugs such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol were also covered.

Image of Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech
10 Jan

Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech

Out of order? Or simply outspoken? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide can help young people to recognise the difference between free speech and hate speech – and to understand why this complex area is an #OnlineSafety risk Download >>

Image of Reception PSHE - All About Me!
10 Jan

Reception PSHE - All About Me!

Karen and Harold the giraffe visited us and talked about what we have inside our body to help us stay alive. Under our ribs we have our heart that pumps blood around our body and our lungs to help us breathe. There are 3 important things that give us energy - food, drink, and the air we breathe. Then we had a look inside Harold the giraffe’s wash bag to see how we can keep our bodies clean and healthy. We also learned that it is important for our bodies to have regular exercise and the different ways we can help ourselves to feel better when we are feeling sad. Lastly, we talked about how important rest is for our bodies, especially sleep because this helps us to grow.

Image of Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education
10 Jan

Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education

Today, Year 5 participated in a Coram Scarf life education session that discussed: the importance of keeping our bodies healthy, how amazing our bodies are and how best to look after them, discussed the role that controlled drugs play within the body, friendships, the importance of healthy friendships and how best to be a good friend. We looked at and practised the difference between being aggressive, passive and assertive when dealing with conflict and issues within friendship groups. Finally the class discussed and took part in role play when given a variety of scenarios related to friendship issues.

Image of Year 5 - Soluble Materials
9 Jan

Year 5 - Soluble Materials

During our science lesson, Year 5 have been exploring soluble materials and the relationship they have with different solvents. Year 5 conducted an experiment to find out which materials were soluble and which were insoluble. The children conducted the experiment in a fair capacity ensuring that the solvent used was the same and the amount of materials were equal. The children wrote their results in a chart and explained their findings.

Image of Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets
9 Jan

Year 3 Science - Caring For Our Pets

For Science this week we continued learning about how we can care for our pets at home. We discussed what different pets need to be healthy and well looked after and looked at the five welfare needs. We then created our own care guides for our pets.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany
9 Jan

Rev Ben’s Worship: Courage and Epiphany

This morning, Rev Ben came in to talk about courage and how the wise men showed courage on their journey to meet Jesus. The children shared their bravest moments and they enjoyed joining in with the Bible story and especially Rev Ben’s impression of a grumpy and mean King Herod. We reflected on how the wise men showed courage, how we can show courage this week and how it helps us to know that Jesus is always with us. This doesn't mean that the fear goes away but Jesus helps us to face our fears and be courageous, just like the wise men.