Image of Dance Warriors in Year 4
2 Nov

Dance Warriors in Year 4

We began our new dance unit today in PE and linked this to our history topic based on the Romans. We watched different examples of choreography and then selected which piece of music we would like to perform to. The majority of the children chose ‘Warriors’ and then we worked both individually and in pairs to create exaggerated movements that a soldier makes.

Image of Why did the Romans invade Britain?
2 Nov

Why did the Romans invade Britain?

Today we have started our new history unit on Roman Britain. We focused on why the Romans came to Britain. After watching a video, we added our ideas to a mind map. We found out that the Romans came for our natural resources including iron, wool, tin and gold. They invaded over 2000 years ago but we now know that after Julius Caesar failed, Emperor Claudius was successful.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
2 Nov

Year 6 P.E.

This week, year 6 have been working hard on developing sequences in their P.E. lessons. They have looked at applying counter and counter tension balances, rolls, jumps and travels into their sequence and conclude it with a mirror image.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
2 Nov

Year 4 Smart School Council

In today's Smart School Council session, we discussed if we should take part in National No Pens Day on Wednesday 29th November. The children looked at whether it would be a good idea to focus more on speaking and listening activities all day or not. It was a unanimous vote with all six groups voting to take part and suggesting great reasons to do so. We can’t wait to hear the whole school outcome!

Image of Reception Rhyme Time
2 Nov

Reception Rhyme Time

Our first Rhyme Time was a great success! Thank you to those grown ups who came along to join in the fun, Reception certainly enjoyed all of the songs, joining in with enthusiasm, what a lovely start to the day!

Image of Online Safety: X
1 Nov

Online Safety: X

Would you get an A for your knowledge of X? This #WakeUpWednesday, our free guide tells parents and carers about the #OnlineSafety risks – both new and familiar – to stay alert for on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Download >>

Image of Year 1 D&T- Sliding mechanisms
1 Nov

Year 1 D&T- Sliding mechanisms

Year 1 explored sliding mechanisms in their first D&T lesson. They had to make the car move backwards and forwards along the street and the bunny rabbit move up and down in the hat. They are working towards planning and making their own moving pictures.

Image of Year 1 Art- Arctic Landscape Collages
1 Nov

Year 1 Art- Arctic Landscape Collages

As part of their Art unit last half-term, Year 1 have been building up the skills of collage for several weeks. They have learnt about warm and cool colours, the composition of a landscape, how to use watercolours to create a background and how to use different materials to create the different textures of a landscape. Their final piece of artwork incorporates all of these skills and they have done a wonderful job. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1- Solving additions within 10.
1 Nov

Year 1- Solving additions within 10.

This week, Year 1 have been solving addition problems within 10 using their ten frames and completing a challenge involving number bonds within 10 using dominoes.

Image of Year 6 School Council Meeting
1 Nov

Year 6 School Council Meeting

Year 6 held their latest school council meeting today and discussed whether we should hold a ‘No Pens Day’. Again, they spoke with fantastic maturity and acknowledged the importance of using pens, but expressed that having no pens would give the opportunity to talk about subjects more and learn from each other.

Image of Year 1 English
1 Nov

Year 1 English

Year 1 are preparing to write their non-chronological reports. Today, they were set the challenge of matching a caption to its correct picture. They then wrote their own captions for some animal pictures using capital letters, full stops and some of the vocabulary that they have learnt in their science lessons such as mammal, amphibian, bird, reptile, fish, hairy, scaly, fury, slimy, herbivore, omnivore and carnivore.

Image of Reception circle time- sharing news
1 Nov

Reception circle time- sharing news

Today, Reception class took part in circle time and each child shared some news with the class. We were so impressed with their speaking, recall of detail and waiting for their turn. Lovely to see, Reception!