Image of Year 2 - Junior Jam
19 Apr

Year 2 - Junior Jam

The children have been learning and applying their music skills in order to create and understand musical pulses.

Image of Year 4 - A great start to our new English topic
19 Apr

Year 4 - A great start to our new English topic

In Year 4, we have started our new English topic based on the book ‘How to be a Viking’ by Cressida Cowell. We had great fun using clues to predict events in the story and using the dice to summarise events in the story.

Image of Year 1 Lego printing
18 Apr

Year 1 Lego printing

Year 1 have been exploring different ways of creating patterns and using different colours when printing. They have painted Lego blocks using poster paint and printed different patterns in different colours.

Image of Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong
18 Apr

Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong

We read the story ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’. As a class, we discussed what shy meant and how you might feel. We then looked at what we could do if we can’t do something straight away. We discussed how we should try our best and don’t give up.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
18 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Wow, what a super session Reception had today. We found squirrels, looked for mole tunnels and saw lots of different mini beasts. The children built fires, bug huts and dens too. They climbed trees and explored the forest schools area in Whitehall park.

Image of Rev Ben’s Worship- St George
18 Apr

Rev Ben’s Worship- St George

Today in our Collective Worship Rev Ben talked to us about our Christian Value of courage. He asked us what we thought it means to have courage and we had brilliant discussions with our partners. Some children said it means to be brave, step out of your comfort zone, try new things and believe you can do anything. We then learnt all about St George through a fun quiz. He showed courage, not through fighting a dragon as legend is believed, but through standing up for what he believed. He found his courage by knowing that Jesus is always with him. We reflected on how we could show courage this week and how knowing that Jesus is always with us makes us feel. Thank you Rev Ben for another brilliant worship. We hope everyone has a wonderful St George’s Day on Sunday!

Image of Year 5- Science- Life cycles of mammals
18 Apr

Year 5- Science- Life cycles of mammals

This term in science, we will build on work from previous years and deepen children's understanding of life cycles, reproduction and animal characteristics. This afternoon we have explored similarities and differences that there are in different mammals. Using their knowledge the children created life cycles for a tiger, platypus and a wallaby.

Image of Year 2 - Pentecost
17 Apr

Year 2 - Pentecost

During our RE lesson we have been following on from the Easter Story. The children acted out and understood the messages that were told and celebrated during the Pentecost. Children explained what an important celebration it is in the Christian calendar and now it is considered to be the birth of the church.

Image of Whole School Worship- Holy Week
17 Apr

Whole School Worship- Holy Week

This morning the children discussed with each other what they had done over the Easter holidays. This made us think about how we have been ‘living life in all its fullness.’ We then reminded ourselves of the Easter story through watching Bob Hartman's Resurrection Rhyme and we talked about Holy Week. We looked at how Jesus died so we can live our life in all its fullness. We learnt from the rhyme that Easter is not just about chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies, but about Jesus who died to save all of us. Living life in all its fullness is about being kind and respectful to others, following the example of Jesus and his disciples. We reflected on how we can live life in all its fullness this Summer term and how we can love one another as Jesus loves us.

Image of Online Safety: Fortnite
12 Apr

Online Safety: Fortnite

This week … it’s Fortnite. A new season of the phenomenally popular online battle game dropped last month – our #WakeUpWednesday guide scopes out this latest update for potential #OnlineSafety risks to its legion of young players. Download >>

Image of Thank you from DARE
6 Apr

Thank you from DARE

Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise have sent their thanks to our school family for our generous Easter Egg donations. They were given out this week to families in need. Thank you to everyone who donated an easter egg and helped to put huge smiles on the children’s faces.

Image of Spring Chicken = Mrs Price
6 Apr

Spring Chicken = Mrs Price

It wouldn’t be Easter at St Barnabas without a visit from the Spring Chicken! All of the staff and children had a great time singing and dancing this afternoon to the Spring Chicken song. Then we unmasked the chicken just like the masked singer by shouting ‘Take it off, take it off!’. This year the chicken was Mrs Price as this will be her last chance to join in our Easter celebrations as she is soon flying the St Barnabas nest as she has gained a promotion to Senior School Business Manager at a Special High School in Bolton. We will be so sad to see Mrs Price leave St Barnabas on Friday 21st April as she has worked tirelessly with passion and determination at our school and has supported several schools in our Trust for the last 8 years. We wish her all the luck in the world in her new role and know that she will shine, just like she has at St Barnabas. I’m delighted to announce that Mrs Howarth will be taking on the role of our School Administration Manager and will be supported in the office by a new member of our team, Mrs Cole. She is looking forward to joining our school family after the Easter holidays. On behalf of our whole staff team, thank you so much for your continued support and we hope you have a wonderful Easter holiday.