Image of Friday 15th December- Celebration Worship
15 Dec

Friday 15th December- Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by lighting our advent candles and reflecting on this week’s theme for advent which is joy. Mrs Ham said that our choir brought lots of joy to Darwen Market Hall yesterday and how this week we have also taken part in the Christmas Fayre and Christmas lunch which have also brought lots of joy to us all. We then presented Elsie, Marley, Arabelle, Sonny, Talia, Charlie-Rose and Molly as our value award winners this week. Well done to these children who have been displaying an incredible amount of kindness, respect and trying incredibly hard with their learning. We also congratulated Tyler, Bobby, Ella, Jenson and Talia who have achieved their pen licenses and Reception and Year 4 on being our amazing attendance winners this week. Whitehall Park are our overall value award winners this week and are also this half-terms overall winners. We then said a huge well done to four of our Year 2 children who attended a Curling competition. Unfortunately, they just missed out on achieving medals but they represented school amazingly - well done to Isaac, James, Emily and Olivia! We then said well done to our out of school achievers. Well done to Olivia for being an incredible mascot at the weekend during the Ladies’ Blackburn Rovers Football game, Isaac for achieving a medal at performing arts, Ruby for attending Brownie Camp and achieving a gold award in Brownies which is the highest award that a Brownie can achieve and also lots of medals and a trophy for her survival skills in swimming, Alexis for achieving 50m in her swimming, Isaac for achieving 50m in his swimming and his younger brother Teddy for achieving Ducklings stage 3 in his swimming, Alfie for swimming 5m backstroke, Grace for attending Brownie Camp and trying lots of new activities such as caving, zip wiring and climbing, Betsy for achieving a medal in her ballet, Callie for swimming 5m, Carmen for achieving her stage 4 in swimming, Thomas for achieving stage 2 in his swimming and Eden for achieving the bronze award at Brownies and attending the Brownie Camp at the weekend. We then said a huge thank you to our Friends of St Barnabas who continue to run lots of events in school, such as our Christmas Fayre on Wednesday, to fundraise money for school to purchase lots of new and exciting things for our children. We can’t wait for our new outdoor gym. We then heard some lovely prayers from Sofia, Elijah and Mrs Ham and listened to our amazing choir who sang to us all. We thank you all again for your continued support this week and we wish you all a lovely festive weekend.

Image of RotaKids and Smart School Council - Toy collection
15 Dec

RotaKids and Smart School Council - Toy collection

The RotaKids, Smart School Council of Years 5 and 6 and the rest of the school family at St Barnabas would like to say a massive thank you for your generosity. In just over two weeks, we have been overwhelmed with donations of toys for families in need. The donations will now be distributed amongst families and refugees of Darwen. This will definitely make this time extra special for so many families and that is because of you.

Image of Choir Christmas Carols at Darwen Market
14 Dec

Choir Christmas Carols at Darwen Market

A huge well done to our amazing choir and Year 6 singers for a wonderful performance today! Thank you to Darwen Market for inviting us. Thanks to everyone who came to watch. We hope we spread some festive cheer and joy to you all!

Image of FOSB Christmas Fayre
14 Dec

FOSB Christmas Fayre

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Fayre yesterday and to our FOSB for their support in organising and running the event. A special thank you to our choir and the children who joined them on stage. You certainly brought lots of joy and festive cheer to everyone.

Image of Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre
14 Dec

Whole School -Design Technology- Christmas Fayre

This term in Design and Technology (D.T.), children from every class have been busy creating special things with a purpose. They showed off their creations at our school's Christmas fayre. Reception made cute Christmas decorations, Year 1 made Christmas-themed characters that move from a book, Year 2 put together yummy fruit kebabs, Year 3 crafted pouches, Year 4 made stockings, Year 5 created comfy cushions, and Year 6 invented their own steady hand game. Everyone should be proud of what they made because when parents and visitors saw the products, they were amazed! Each class did a fantastic job turning their creativity into awesome projects.

Image of Year 4 Fun on the apparatus
14 Dec

Year 4 Fun on the apparatus

In our PE lesson today, Year 4 enjoyed using the apparatus which included the climbing frame and vault. We practiced various sequences, perfecting our starts and finishes for the judges.

Image of Year 3 - Maths- Making equal groups
14 Dec

Year 3 - Maths- Making equal groups

This week in their maths, Year 3 have explored various multiplication methods using counters. They have been using concrete materials to demonstrate their understanding of both multiplication and division of given numbers.

Image of Year 3- A visit to Nightingales Farm
14 Dec

Year 3- A visit to Nightingales Farm

The children had an inspiring morning at Nightingales Farm today, where they saw pigs, goats, sheep, and many chickens. The children were set on a fun activity where they had to guess the number of chickens in the barn and were astonished to discover that they had over 400 chickens. They were fascinated to learn that a chicken's health could be determined by the colour of its comb – a red comb indicates good health and a peach comb chicken needs care. Steph, also assessed the children's understanding of their recent classroom lessons on bones, challenging them with questions about the human and animal skeletal system. The children displayed exemplary behaviour and respect, and actively participated in discussions about animal diets, demonstrating their keen interest and knowledge.

Image of Year 6 PSHE- Respecting differences
14 Dec

Year 6 PSHE- Respecting differences

This half term, year 6 have been focusing on valuing difference. We have discovered that although we may be different, there are many positives that can arise from those differences. On the other hand, we have considered the negative impacts differences can have. Today, we focused on the phrase ‘Put yourself in someone else’s shoes’. By doing this, it allows us to think about how different people view things. Sometimes, we need to take a minute to think about what we say as we can unintentionally upset someone. We concluded the lesson by looking at some comments and whether they were respectful or disrespectful.

Image of Year 1 RE- The Nativity Story
14 Dec

Year 1 RE- The Nativity Story

Year 1 loved watched the Reception class perform the nativity last week so this week they have really enjoyed using the figures to act out the story themselves. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1- Sorting 2D Shapes
14 Dec

Year 1- Sorting 2D Shapes

In maths, Year 1 have been exploring the different ways that 2D shapes can be sorted. They sorted them by their shape (circles, triangles rectangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons) and also by the number of sides and corners that they have e.g. 3 or less sides and 4 or more sides or 4 or less corners and more than 4 corners. Well done Year 1.

Image of Christmas Lunch 2023
13 Dec

Christmas Lunch 2023

We had a fantastic Christmas lunch together as a school family! A huge thank you to Mrs Norton, Mrs Beech and Miss Norton for the meal. Thank you so much to our staff team for all of your help. It was wonderful to see all of our children eating and having festive fun together. We loved your singing too!