Image of Year 4 - Easter Artwork Walk
4 Apr

Year 4 - Easter Artwork Walk

Our Year 4 class, loved visiting the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park yesterday. And what lovely weather we’ve had for it. The children really enjoyed viewing the Easter art created in school, saying prayers and singing songs with the children from Reception class. They even came back to the classroom to write some Easter scavenger hunt clues for the other classes. We hope you and your families have a chance to visit too.

Image of Whole School Worship with Rev Ben
4 Apr

Whole School Worship with Rev Ben

Today in Worship, Rev Ben spoke about the awe and wonder in the events of Easter Sunday. He asked us about how the resurrection changed Mary Magdalene’s life and how the Easter story may make a difference in our lives.

Image of Year 5 - Easter Artwork Walk
4 Apr

Year 5 - Easter Artwork Walk

The whole school has created some fantastic artwork showing all the different parts of the Easter story. Today we went for a walk up to the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park to have a look at the pieces of work that have been chosen to be displayed. Whilst we were there we had a little sing song of some of the Easter Hymns we have been learning in our worships.

Image of Year 3 DT
4 Apr

Year 3 DT

Year 3 have completed their DT practical work today, after previous lessons thinking about what makes a composite meal, then planning our healthy sandwich, we have compiled all of our knowledge and made our own sandwiches. I think you will agree they look absolutely delicious, well done Year 3!

Image of Reception- Sensory Easter Story
4 Apr

Reception- Sensory Easter Story

In Reception we acted out a sensory version of the Easter story. We used our senses to recreate the different parts of the story, such as movement and the touch and smells that we would encounter.

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork
4 Apr

Year 3- Easter Artwork

Year 3 have been on a beautiful walk to the Rose Garden in Whitehall park today. We walked sensibly, taking in the lovely views and stopping to be still, listening to the birds and water close by. Once we arrived we explored the Rose Garden using the paths, looking at each classes art work displays. We then completed a quiz where we answered questions by finding the relevant piece of artwork. We invite you all to visit the Rose Garden during the Easter period and enjoy all of the artwork on display.

Image of Easter Eggs for DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise)
3 Apr

Easter Eggs for DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise)

A huge thank you to everyone who donated an Easter egg as part of our Lent challenge of showing generosity and kindness to others. On Wednesday they will be given to families in need in our community.

Image of Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park
3 Apr

Easter Artwork in Whitehall Park

The children have all been learning about Easter in RE. As part of their learning, they have created some Easter artwork which is displayed in Whitehall park. It will be displayed over the holidays so it is a great opportunity for you to visit with your family.

Image of Year 1 Planning Recounts
3 Apr

Year 1 Planning Recounts

Today Year 1 were planning their recounts ready to write tomorrow. They have chosen a special celebration to write about and many children had photos of their special event to help them plan their recount. We planned an example about a birthday party together before the children went off to carry out their own plans in their books.

Image of Reception: Easter Art
3 Apr

Reception: Easter Art

Reception class enjoyed visiting the rose garden to see all of the Easter art work. They chose their favourites and explained why. We then sang some Easter songs with Year 4 and said some prayers. We even had some time to develop our gross motor skills on the playground.

Image of Year 1 DT Healthy and unhealthy foods Walk to Sainsburys
31 Mar

Year 1 DT Healthy and unhealthy foods Walk to Sainsburys

Today Year 1 walked to a local supermarket to look at different types of foods that are unhealthy and healthy for breakfast. In design and technology lessons we are looking at different types of breakfast foods and where foods come from. The children enjoyed finding different types of food in the aisles in Sainsburys and seeing the variation of products on offer. They had a super walk in their wellies where we got a better look at India Mill chimney and even got to go down the slide in the park on the way home too.

Image of Year 4 DT Designing and Making Alarms
31 Mar

Year 4 DT Designing and Making Alarms

In our final DT session, we finished making our alarms and then went on to evaluate the process. We looked at what we enjoyed most/least, overcoming problems, changes to make a successful system and what we might do differently next time.