Good afternoon parents and carers, we hope that you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend. We have had another short but busy week of living life in all its fullness at St Barnabas. The highlights have been:
*Reception class farm animal visitors from Nightingales Farm
* Year 1's mock Baptism and party at our church with Rev Ben
* Two more brilliant wins for our netball team
* Our WOW group leading our KS2 class worships
* Continuing learning how to play the keyboard in Junior Jam
* A glorious golden time outside in the sun this afternoon

Coming up next week:
*Our Year 6 children are very much looking forward to their free breakfasts as we have the KS2 SATs. We know that they will try their very best and make us all proud. We also know that our children have been blessed with skills and qualities that SATs don't test. 

*Our Year 5 class are very excited as they are going on their three day PGL residential to Winmarleigh with Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben. We are sure that they will make some amazing memories. 

*Years 1 and 3 have road safety officer workshops.

*Year 2 have a visit from the fire service. 

*The Year 3/4 mini tennis competition. 

* Years 4, 5 and 6 have a PSHE RSE session from Coram Life Education

*Our netball team have more matches. 

As the weather is warming up, please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school each day and that they put on all day sunscreen before coming to school. Sunhats would be brilliant too for playtimes and lunchtimes. 

Thank you for your continued support to our school family. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend in the sunshine with your loved ones, Mrs Ham