Netball Club
Tonight was our final netball club session for this term as the nights draw in! It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch this group develop their netball skills so quickly. We can’t wait to see how the netball season progresses in the spring. In the meantime - keep those drills going and shoot the ball.
Year 2 - Local History
This afternoon, Year 2 set off on a local history walk to explore the events that happened when Gandhi came to visit Darwen in 1931. We visited the lodges that were home to mill workers and this was also the place that Gandhi stayed during his visit. The children learnt why Gandhi was invited to Darwen by Percy Davies the owner of Greenfield Mill. We walked past where this mill used to be and there is now a stone in place to show where it once stood (see photo). Mill workers wanted to speak to Gandhi to discuss his campaign for Indian independence from the British Empire which resulted in the cotton boycotts. One Darwen lady said ‘your boycott is putting us into poverty’. I’ll let the children tell you how Gandhi responded. The walk was really enjoyable in the sunshine, we ended with a story in Jacks Key. The story explores the remarkable life of Gandhi and the interesting events of his life.
Year 1 Science
Year 1 have been investigating poo this week. They have been looking for clues to decide whether they think the poo is from a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. The clues included fur, bones, leaves, twigs, shell, hair and nuts. They have also been looking at the teeth of animals and deciding whether they think the animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore before sorting them into a Venn diagram.
Performing arts workshop
Year 6 were very lucky to take part in a performing arts workshop with Lucy from Rothwell Arts Dance Academy. She very kindly linked the session to the children’s end of year performance, ‘The Jungle Book’, and choreographed a dance routine for them. Year 6 showed fantastic enthusiasm and really let themselves go. Well done year 6!
Wellbeing Worship
This morning, year 6 took part in a virtual wellbeing worship. The focus of the session was that any time spent online should make you feel good and not bad. One of the presenters compared online time to eating doughnuts and explained that although doughnuts are very tasty, too many of them would not be good for you. This applies for screen time too.
Year 6 P.E.
In P.E. Year 6 have started to develop their passing and receiving skills in netball. They started by focusing on chest and bounce passes and later applied these in a 4v1 game situation.
Year 6 Art
In Art, year 6 discovered that the ancient Maya are born with a spirit companion. These are accompanied with a symbol so year 6 produced a symbolic tile full of images that best represent them as a person.
Week 4- Sports club
This week we worked in teams to create our own obstacle courses for our team and the rest of the club to try. Each group got the same set of equipment and had 5 minutes to create a fun and interesting obstacle course for the rest of the teams to try. We had so much fun!
Reception- P.E
I’m so proud of Reception class in P.E this week. It was our first P.E session together in the hall using all the equipment. We had 4 stations set up to practice our fundamental skills. We had a go at balancing, jumping, hopping and jumping.
Year 4 Information Texts - All About the Amazon
Over the past few weeks in our English lessons, we have been looking at information texts. We have looked at the features, vocabulary and how to build sentences using quantifiers and openers. We have learnt so many new things about tribes, animals, plants and deforestation. Our final pieces of writing include all of the above and they are all beautifully presented.
Reception subitising to 3
This week in Maths, Reception have been learning to subitise. This means they can say how many objects there are without counting. They have done brilliantly at this and can subitise to 3. We also looked at the number blocks 1, 2 and 3 and the houses they live in.
Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4
In the Be Internet Legends Wellbeing special Worship this morning, we looked at how we can look after our digital wellbeing. We discussed lots of ideas and focused on the importance of finding a balance with our on screen use. Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the group chats and were amazed when we got two personal shout outs! We are going to look at the top 5 tips again in our PSHE session tomorrow and design posters that share these messages.