Good afternoon Year 6 parents and carers, the week of Year 6 SATs is nearly here. We will be keeping the week as relaxed as possible and I will be sharing the attached poems with the children in worship tomorrow morning & will be explaining that we are so proud of them already and just want them to try their best, as we already know they are superstars.

The children are to arrive at school for 8.45am and they will have breakfast together. Monday and Wednesday will be a hot breakfast of bacon and/or sausage baps. Tuesday and Thursday are a continental breakfast with a choice of pastries such as pain au chocolates and croissants plus yoghurt and fruit. Toast will also be available.

Please feel free to give them their usual breakfast before they arrive though if they are used to having their breakfast earlier or have large appetites.

We will be carrying out the assessments in the Year 5 and 6 classrooms whilst Year 5 are on their residential trip.
Myself, Mr Prescott, Mrs Pendlebury and Mrs Hegarty will be supervising the children during their assessments.

For further SATs information, please click here:

It is really important that they are in school and on time each day as the tests have to be carried out on certain days and times. Please see the attached timetable.

Please ensure that your child gets lots of rest and food this weekend and next week and try to reassure them that SATs are only a small part of their primary school experience and to not put too much pressure on themselves.

We are so proud of how they have grown in confidence and flourished throughout their time at St Barnabas and we know they will continue to shine and achieve great things when they start at high school.

Thank you for your continued support. I wish the children all the luck in the world in their SATs, although we know that they have been blessed with so many amazing and wonderful skills that SATs don’t test and are kind, polite and fantastic little superstars, Mrs Ham