Image of Year 1- French
27 Apr

Year 1- French

In French we’ve learnt all about colours, animals and the names of fruit. This week we learnt how to say “I like” and “I don’t like”. We were so impressed that we can now say a sentence in French.

Image of Reception - Maths - 3D Shape
27 Apr

Reception - Maths - 3D Shape

This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes. We identified and described a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and a cone. We compared these to real life objects and tried to find things in our classroom shape hunt. The children enjoyed playing the mystery bag game, describing their shape for the group to guess!

Image of Year 5 - Smart School Council - Movie Choices
27 Apr

Year 5 - Smart School Council - Movie Choices

This morning for our class meeting the children were able to vote on what genre of movie they would like to watch at movie night. We had the choice of action, Disney, comedy and sport. The majority vote in class was a sports film but let’s wait and see what the rest of the school vote for.

Image of Year 2 Class Worship
27 Apr

Year 2 Class Worship

During our class worship we have been looking at all the children across the world who aren’t able to go to schools as a result of natural disasters. The children prayed for those in need and made us all appreciate what we have and we came up with many ways in we can help those in need such as raising money for charity and raising awareness.

Image of Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!
27 Apr

Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!

Year 1 took part in the hop, skip and jump challenge in order to help raise money for the East Lancashire Hospice, which the children have been learning about today during their class worship. They have really enjoyed the activity and wearing their Easter crowns!

Image of Year 6 DT
27 Apr

Year 6 DT

In their second DT session on structures, year 6 focused on truss bridges. They found out that the simple triangle can make such a difference to the strength of a bridge as it shares the weight out evenly. They had lots of fun making their own truss bridges out of spaghetti, but will start to look at the importance of using the right material for the job and why spaghetti probably isn’t the best choice.

Image of Year 3 English
26 Apr

Year 3 English

Year 3 have been looking at a biography text all about Sir David Attenborough. Their challenge was to highlight ‘key facts’ from the text. We then built on this, using the same text, they had to decide if certain key facts were true or false. Year 3 really impressed us by how well they were able to locate and recall information from the text while confidently expressing their answers, giving reasons why they thought the fact was true or false. Well done year 3!

Image of Year 3 Hop, skip and jump
26 Apr

Year 3 Hop, skip and jump

Year 3 have had some fun in the Darwen sunshine, taking part in our school ‘Hop, skip and jump’ challenge supporting the East Lancashire Hospice.

Image of Reception- Habitats
26 Apr

Reception- Habitats

Today, Reception have been learning all about habitats of different animals. They said that rabbits live in hutches, chickens live in a coop and badgers live in a sett. The children then went outside to build some mini beast and hedgehog habitats. They gathered materials such as leaves, twigs, sticks and rocks to create their own habitats.

Image of Year 2 - Exploring Drama Techniques
26 Apr

Year 2 - Exploring Drama Techniques

In year 2 we have started our new unit based on A Winters Child. The children explored many drama techniques and retold the story of the child and conveyed many emotions during their acting to influence their writing. The children were amazing and really embedded the characters they were playing and this really helped to make emotion jump off their page with their writing.

Image of Year 5 - Hop, Skip and Jump
26 Apr

Year 5 - Hop, Skip and Jump

On Monday we hop, skipped and jumped our way around the MUGA to help raise money for East Lancs Hospice. Today during class worship we have learnt all about East Lancashire Hospice and what they do.

Image of Year 2 - French
26 Apr

Year 2 - French

During year 2 Junior Jam French lesson the children have been learning and understanding the variety of ways they can explain what they like and what they do not like. The children came up with many creative and amazing ideas and really enjoyed explaining to their peers their likes and dislikes.