Image of Where has Darwen Tower gone?
16 Jan

Where has Darwen Tower gone?

We can’t see Darwen Tower this morning as there is so much snow in the sky. Thank you so much to all of our parents and carers who took extra time and care this morning on the school drop off. Everyone got into the warmth of school safely and sensibly. Please take extra time and care during pick up at hometime.

Image of Rev Matt's Worship- Courage
16 Jan

Rev Matt's Worship- Courage

After the fun of finding that it has snowed this morning, we had a whole school worship led by Rev Matt. He showed us lots of different images of people waiting and then read us the Bible story of Anna and Simeon waiting for Jesus. They had to wait a long time, many years, but they trusted in God and knew that he would send his special son, Jesus. We enjoyed joining in with the 'tick tock, tick tock' everytime Rev Matt said the word waited. We then reflected on how Anna and Simeon showed courage and thought of ways that we can show courage this week. We finished singing one of our favourite songs, My Lighthouse. How will you show courage this week?

Image of Brilliant Bowling!
15 Jan

Brilliant Bowling!

Mrs Ham had the privilege of taking a group of boys to a special SEND bowling competition at Blackburn Bowling this morning. She was so proud of the way they behaved and represented our school. They all did so brilliantly and got a medal each. One boy said he had never won a medal before so was extremely proud. Well done boys!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring a different forest schools area of Whitehall park. They created dens, roleplayed in a restaurant, searched for hedgehogs and loved climbing trees.

Image of Martin Luther King Jr Worship
15 Jan

Martin Luther King Jr Worship

Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day and the 15th January was actually his birthday. In Worship we learnt about how unfair it used to be in America as black people didn't have as many rights as white people and they were segregated. Martin Luther King wanted to make a difference and we watched a video all about the dream he had and what he did to stand up for what he believed in. He did this in a peaceful way and encouraged people to spread love, not hate and judge people by their character, not their appearance. We thought about how Jesus taught us that God wants us to love our neighbours. We reflected on how we can spread kindness and love to our neighbours and discussed our dreams for the world. We had some brilliant ideas such as no wars, world peace, everyone to treat others with kindness and respect etc We finished with a prayer thanking God for Martin Luther King Jr and for the difference he made to the world. We then sang 'I can make a difference' and reflected on how we can make a difference to the lives of others.

Image of Year 3- Gymnastics- Travelling with control on four points.
15 Jan

Year 3- Gymnastics- Travelling with control on four points.

Today in P.E. the children began their gymnastics unit. They concentrated on moving with precision and balance. Additionally, our character value for the day was trust. We had a conversation about the significance of trust and how crucial it is. The activity involved partnering and relying on each other to enhance our gymnastic abilities. The task was to work closely with a partner, demonstrating trust by accepting and appreciating their constructive feedback to improve their skills. The children focused on travelling using their hands and feet. They practised placing their hands on the floor with flat palms and thumbs pointing forward.

Image of Year 1- Exploring the Outdoor Gym
12 Jan

Year 1- Exploring the Outdoor Gym

Year 1 absolutely loved exploring the outdoor gym this afternoon and they made sure that they were using the equipment safely and sensibly at all times. They are really looking forward to starting to make use of it during their lunchtimes. Well done Year 1!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship- Spring 1 Week 1
12 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship- Spring 1 Week 1

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our first week in school of 2024. We reflected on our learning about The Epiphany in collective worship, how much fun we’ve had exploring the new outdoor gym and all of our learning during the Life Education sessions with Harold the giraffe. We then presented Skye, Seb, Alfie, Jack, Walter, Tilly, Daisy, Lucy and Amelia as our value award winners this week. Well done to these children for being incredible role models. We also congratulated Oscar and Ivy on achieving their pen licenses and Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our overall value award winners this week with 436 points. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Ella for achieving the Christmas Cup for being an exceptional team player at football, Charlie for achieving Stage 3 and 25 meters in his swimming, Eliza for achieving several badges at Pony Club including learning how to groom horses and provide them with first aid, Marley for achieving 10 meters in her swimming and a badge at Rainbows, Scarlett for getting Olivia at Rainbows for being a team player and doing wonderful tidying up, Sophie for achieving a trophy for Athlete of the match and several medals for representing Blackburn Harriers as part of Lancashire, Annabel for achieving Skate Excel’s grade 1 in her ice skating and Daisy for being a wonderful gymnast. We then heard from Rev Ben who finished our worship with a lovely prayer. We thank you all again for your continued support this week and we wish you all a lovely restful weekend.

Image of Rhyme time and Story time returns
12 Jan

Rhyme time and Story time returns

Reception parents and carers are welcome to come and join us for rhyme and story time. Younger siblings, preschool children and toddlers are more than welcome to join us too. This half term rhyme time will be on Wednesday 17th, 24th and 31st January between 9-9.30am in our school hall.

Image of Year 4 English - Exploring the meaning of new vocabulary in context
12 Jan

Year 4 English - Exploring the meaning of new vocabulary in context

In our English session today, we have been exploring the meaning of new vocabulary in context. We are starting to read Balaclava Boy by Jenny Robson as our class novel in Year 4, but before we get any further we having been using PTV ( Pre Teach Vocabulary) to identify and explore less familiar words. We broke each word down looking at syllables, is it short, medium or long and what you do with it? What does it do? The children worked really well in their pairs and moved onto putting the words into their own complex sentences with an adverb starter.

Image of Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club
12 Jan

Year 4 G & T Key Steps Gymnastics Club

This evening we saw the launch of our Year 4 Gifted and Talented Key Steps Gymnastics Club. The children have been working extremely hard to develop both their floor and body management sequences by working on various applications. We hope that every week we can learn something new and push ourself to be our Barney’s best!

Image of Year 6 Geography- Population
11 Jan

Year 6 Geography- Population

Today, year 6 investigated where people live in the UK. They looked in more detail at where they live and identified that the most populated region in England was the South East. We discovered that this was more than likely because of it being so close to London and the access to well-paid jobs and famous landmarks.