Online Safety: Smartphone safety
Smart phone – smart user? A whopping 98% of over-12s in the UK now have their own phone, with many younger children also using one regularly. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert tips to help them avoid #OnlineSafety risks Download for FREE here >>
Year 3 - French - Days of the Week
This week the children have been learning the days of the week in French. They had to use their previous knowledge of colours to give each day a different colour. Next week we will be looking at the months of the year.
Reception: Rhyme and Story Time
Our Ducklings enjoyed their first rhyme and story time of 2024. We sang lots of songs and read Oi, Frog! The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming couplets. Rhyme and story time continues next week at 9am. Our Reception parents, toddlers and pre school children from our community are welcome to join us.
Year 5 - Sportshall Athletics
Today, Year 5 practiced the varying events in sports hall athletics. The children took part in long jump, vertical jump, relay races, chest pass and speed bounce.
Year 4 - RE: Looking in Hearts
If there’s one thing our Year 4s are good at, it’s demonstrating our Christian values. In RE, this week, we discussed how God chose people to do important jobs and that it was all about what was in their hearts. The children wrote about the values in their hearts and what actions they take that show the good in their hearts.
Year 4 - PE: Throwing Skills
In PE, our Year 4s were consolidating the throwing skills they practised last week by throwing through various targets. They chose the best throws for passing forward through a target over short and long distances, taking care of position and footwork.
Year 3- Art- Mood Board
Today in art, Year 3 created mood boards uniquely representing their personalities. They carefully selected various craft items that showcased who they were. The children drew pictures of things they enjoy, used words and colours that highlight their personality, chose personal images of places that are significant to them, cut out images that they found appealing and selected pieces of coloured fabric, pastels and crayons to express their feelings and mood.
KS2’s Super Snowmen
Mrs Ham set our KS2 children a challenge to build the biggest and best snowmen at lunchtime. We are so lucky to have such large school grounds as we ended up with a whole family of snowmen! Well done Years 3, 4, 5 and 6!
KS1 having fun in the snow
Year 1 and 2 had great fun in the snow during their break time today.
Reception: Snow much fun!
Our Ducklings loved exploring the snow today! They learnt how to make snowballs and we discussed the shape of them and how they look like balls we throw! We problem solved to build a snowman and enjoyed creating snow angels. The children loved throwing snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson! We had lots of fun!
Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?
Today in PSHE, we discussed what is safe to go onto our body. We drew around two of our friends and discussed what we put onto our body during the day and at night. The children came up with lots of different objects. We then discussed why we use them. Leila said we put plasters on to stop us from bleeding. Joey said we put a scarf on to stop us from getting cold. Alayna said we use soap to stop germs from spreading and Lydia said we use shampoo to keep our hair nice and clean.
Let's Go Sing tickets now on sale!
Our choir will be taking part in a brilliant concert at King George's on Wednesday 6th March. They have been busy rehearsing for months and we can't wait to see them perform! Audience tickets are available online at or by ringing the King George’s Hall box office on 01254 582579. Tickets are £8 per adult, U18 £3.50. There is also a small booking fee per ticket charged by KGH.