Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been an extremely busy week at St Barnabas and here are the highlights:
*Today Reception class released their butterflies that they had watched grow from tiny caterpillars.

* Year 1 and 3 had a fun and informative road safety workshop.

*Year 2 had a firefighter visit and learnt all about fire safety.

*Years 4, 5 and 6 had RSE workshops today and learnt all about how their bodies change as they grow up.

*Year 5 had a fantastic time at Winmarleigh Hall PGL and made lots of amazing memories. Photos can be found here:

* Year 6 made us all extremely proud by the way they tackled their SATs with determination and positivity. The main focus of the week has been what was on offer at the free breakfast each day and they've loved having extra break times. It has been fantastic to see how much you have all flourished over the years and have shown us your many amazing qualities and gifts that SATs don't test. If SATs were awarded for showing courage, friendship, generosity, laughter and kindness then you would all achieve greater depth!

Over the next few weeks all of our children in Years 1-5 will be completing their end of year assessments, like they have done at the end of each term so far. We are so proud of the progress that they are making and how they always face the 'quizzes' with positivity and enthusiasm. Information on their progress will be shared with you all in their end of year report in the last week of term.

For all of this week's news in more detail, please click here:

Next week we have another busy week in the lead up to the well deserved two week half term break. It is walk to school week and outdoor classroom day is on Thursday.

On Thursday Reception class and Years 3-6 will be taking part in a walk around our local area. Years 1 and 2 will be going to BeWilderwood in Cheshire and we can't wait to hear all about the fun adventures they will have there. A quick reminder to please complete the consent form, if you haven't done so already, and thank you to those of you who have already paid the voluntary contribution. The cost of transport has hiked up over the last few years so all of our trips run at a loss if we do not receive enough contributions.

Yesterday we had an Academy Review by our Trust CEO, Mr Ashworth and one of our trustees, Mrs Underwood, who is a Headteacher at one of our Cidari schools. They were extremely impressed with our school environment, the high quality teaching and learning taking place, the high standards of presentation in books, how articulate and confident our children are and the many wider opportunities that we offer our children through our clubs, visitors and trips. I was so proud to hear that they recognised what a special place St Barnabas is and it is an honour and privilege to lead such a wonderful school family.

Thank you so much for your continued support and for trusting us to help your amazing children to learn and grow. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and I hope you enjoy the sunshine, Mrs Ham