Image of Year 6 P.E - Gymnastics
5 Feb

Year 6 P.E - Gymnastics

In P.E, year 6 have been continuing to work on their gymnastics skills. They have focused on counter-balances to create a routine with their partner, adding in transitions. Some children have even used the apparatus to create interesting shapes and balances. This involve placing a lot of trust in your partner and all of the children’s routines are looking fantastic!

Image of Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly
5 Feb

Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly

In Year 4, we took part in the Great Big Live Assembly for Children’s Mental Health Week. We heard stories from various children about how they try to look after their mental health and things that can affect their mental well-being. The children said their key takeaways were that there are children around the world getting only one meal a day, that these children have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, and also that it is important for us to address and share our worries so that they don’t get out of control.

Image of Year 6 Geography - Wind Energy
5 Feb

Year 6 Geography - Wind Energy

In geography, year 6 have been discussing the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy. We talked about how we use energy in our everyday lives, they types of energy we use and whether these are renewable or non-renewable, why wind energy is a good and sustainable energy source, but also why some people have concerns about its use. We used the key vocabulary from the lesson to produce some super writing.

Image of Year 4 - RE with Rev Ben: Prayer
5 Feb

Year 4 - RE with Rev Ben: Prayer

One of the key experiences in the current Year 4 RE unit is to learn from a Christian visitor about what Christians believe and how this is revealed in the way they pray. Rev Ben loves coming into school to explore faith with the children, and the children, in return, always offer their own insights. This lesson offered a fantastic opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas, and we fully encourage respectful discussion of different worldviews in RE. The children loved exploring Christian belief through song, liturgy and 5 finger prayers. Thank you, Rev Ben.

Image of Year 2 - Creating a unique gymnastics routine
5 Feb

Year 2 - Creating a unique gymnastics routine

This afternoon, year 2 took ownership of their own gymnastics routine. As a group they decided which movements they wanted to include in their routine and in which order. It was important that each group communicated well in order to agree on a routine. The children were tasked with memorising their routine so they could perform to the class with confidence. Next week we will continue with our same routines but perfect our techniques of the individual movements.

Image of Year 1 Class Worship- Picture News
5 Feb

Year 1 Class Worship- Picture News

Today in class worship, Year 1 explored the following question, ‘How do you become the best at a sport?’ Miss Flynn was really impressed that many of us already knew who the sportsperson Luke Littler was and why he had become famous. We thought about what skills Luke Littler would have needed to demonstrate in order to become the famous darts player that he is today. The children came up with some very thoughtful answers such as having the patience and perseverance to practise again and again. They recognised that he wouldn’t have got to the advanced level that he is at now at without making mistakes along the way and having to continually work hard to improve his skills. For example, the aim of his throw. We thought about how we can show courage when we are working on a skill in order to improve and be the best that we can be.

Image of 3rd place at Yr 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final
4 Feb

3rd place at Yr 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Final

We are immensely proud of our Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics team for their grit and determination, which resulted in them gaining 3rd place out of 27 schools across Blackburn with Darwen. A huge thank you to Mrs Gardner for her dedication to our squad through extra training after school. Thanks to Mr Bloomfield for his support today in organising the field events. We really appreciate the support of the parents who helped to transport the children. Mrs Gardner led the girls team and Mrs Ham led the boys team and we couldn’t be prouder of the whole squad for their effort in each event and their encouragement towards each other. We may be small, but we are mighty! All of the action photos can be found here:

Image of Year 1 Class Worship- Children’s Mental Health Week
4 Feb

Year 1 Class Worship- Children’s Mental Health Week

Today in class worship, we engaged with the Blackburn with Darwen Children’s Mental Health Presentation on the theme of ‘Know Yourself and Grow Yourself.’ We started by discussing what mental health is. Olivia said that mental health is looking after yourself on the inside, Alessia said that it is having a happy heart and mind and Callie said that it’s about how you feel. We then thought about the following question, ‘What are the signs that our mental health is good?’ We recognised that our mental health is good when we are feeling happy, we can can concentrate and enjoy lots of things in our lives. Isabella said that this could be enjoying spending time with our family, Alayna said that this could be enjoying spending time with our siblings, Samuel said this could be enjoying going to places such as the play centre and Vienna said this could be enjoying playing with our friends or having some alone time to practise a skill or talent. We learnt that to have good mental health, we must recognise when we are feeling negative feelings such as sadness and anger so that we can support and comfort ourselves by doing something that we enjoy. We also learnt that if a feeling is becoming too big to manage or cope with and it is stopping us from sleeping, having fun or not being able to concentrate then we must seek support from someone that we trust. The children decided that they would ask the support of their mummy, daddy, other family members or teachers at school. To end our worship, we had some beautiful prayers.

Image of Reception: Wonderful Writing
4 Feb

Reception: Wonderful Writing

Our children have really enjoyed our under the sea topic. It is wonderful to see how much progress they are making with their writing. The children have been writing sentences independently in continuous provision- well done!

Image of Reception: Class Worship- Children's Mental Health Week
4 Feb

Reception: Class Worship- Children's Mental Health Week

At the start of our worship we lit our candle and signed the trinity. We then burnt our Frankincense incense stick to create a calming environment. We discussed what mental health was. Mental health is all about our feelings and our emotions. We discussed how we know when we have good mental health. Eleanor said we have lots of friends, Marnie May said we will feel happy, Beau said we might feel excited and Luna said we will be able to complete lots of challenges. If we have big feelings that are negative, we might feel sad. We were reminded that it is good to talk when we feel sad. We discussed who we could talk to. The children said Mummy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandad and the teachers. We discussed what we could do to look after ourselves to make us feel good. The children said they could write, draw, colour, play football, play with our toys and play with our friends. We were reminded that feelings come and go but talking to someone we trust can help. Thank you to MHST for a wonderful worship. We finished our worship with a dance to make us feel good and then sang Who is the king of the jungle.

Image of Year 6 P.E - Netball Skills
4 Feb

Year 6 P.E - Netball Skills

Year 6 have been continuing to practise their netball skills. The focus has been on chest pass, throwing and catching with good hand-eye co-ordination. The children have also had to work well as a team, making sure to adjust their pass depending on the team member. All the children are making super progress!

Image of Year 6 Worship - Children’s Mental Health Week
4 Feb

Year 6 Worship - Children’s Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and this was our focus during class worship. The children listened to a live stream that gave strategies and advice for improving our mental health, for example that worry isn’t actually a bad thing, as long as we deal with it in a positive and healthy way. That dodging our worries doesn’t help us and that we should stop and think about our feelings and connect with others. We heard about the experience of other people around the world, for example refugees from the Ukraine and children living in Ghana. An important message we took away from listening to these individuals, was the importance of hope.