Reception- Winter
Today we explored the snow and ice in groups. We talked about the season winter and what animals we might see in winter, what clothes we might wear, what the outdoors might look and feel like and our favourite and least favourite things about the season. The children came up with lots of their own knowledge about winter we discussed hibernation and animals who hibernate and deciduous and evergreen trees.
Year 4 English - Identifying and Discussing Dilemmas
In our English lesson today we looked at identifying and discussing dilemmas. A dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made. We watched a clip called ‘French Roast’ where a homeless man asks a rich businessman for help. He declines but then needs a favour back when he is robbed of his wallet by a thief. The children then worked on two poems - I did a bad thing once written by Allan Ahlberg and Please Mrs Butler . Both have hidden dilemmas which the children identified. Finally we developed our voice 21 skills by rehearsing our performance poetry.
Reception PE - Street Dance
Reception enjoyed their first street dance lesson with Miss Jess. They learned some new ‘street’ moves such as bounce and rock, then practised putting these moves to music. We then practised putting some moves together at the end to perform in a small sequence.
Year 3- English- Identifying features of a shape poem
This week in English, Year 3 have been identifying features of shape poems. To get the children inspired, I read some shape poems aloud, and they used their whiteboards to draw the amazing images that popped into their minds. They were incredibly creative. We also identified key features of shape poems, such as how their shape reflects the subject matter and how they often use vivid language to bring the poem to life. The children read a variety of shape poems, including examples like a mountain, a tree, a snowflake, and a raindrop, which helped the children understand how these unique forms can enhance the meaning and impact of a poem.
Online Safety in Year 4 - Using the Justalk Kids App
As part of our PSHE we looked at online safety both in and outside of school. Today we shared a poster that told us all about an app called Talkids. We looked at all the positive aspects and discussed these in smaller groups. Our main findings that we highlighted were: * specific to our group (13 and under) * a safe space to chat online * parental controls * helps prevent cyber bullying
Year 1 Science- Identifying Materials
Today in their science lesson, Year 1 explored four common materials (wood, plastic, fabric and metal). They then sorted objects into a Venn diagram based on the material that they were made from. To help them to identify what an object was made from, Year 1 looked for key characteristics such as whether it was soft, shiny, hard, brightly coloured and strong. They even challenged themselves to find objects that were made from more than one material. They found that whiteboard rubbers were made of both wood and fabric, the sellotape holder was made of both plastic and metal and the Rekenrek was made out of plastic, wood and metal. Well done Year 1- you were all super scientists.
Year 1- Retelling the Story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
In English this week, Year 1 have been learning the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Today, they retold the story with accompanying actions and loud, clear voices. We retold the repeated part as a whole class but each took one of the settings to retell as a group such as the long wavy grass, the deep cold river, the thick oozy mud, the big dark forest, the swirling whirling snowstorm and the narrow gloomy cave. We are very excited to start planning our very own version of this story next week with our own choice of settings.
Year 3- R.E- How did the arrival of Jesus change the world?
This afternoon in R.E, we explored the meaning of the word 'Emmanuel,' which means 'God with us.' We then listened to the lyrics of the song 'Emmanuel, God with Us' and created a list of what Christians believe about Jesus based on the song's message. We then engaged in a discussion about how Christians believe Jesus continues to make a significant impact on the world today. Some of the suggestions were, he provides us with hope, inspires individuals to live good lives and help others, and teaches us the importance of loving everyone. To further illustrate the concept of God's presence in our lives, we watched a captivating video of the traditional tale of Papa Pános, a heartwarming story that beautifully demonstrates how God is always with us.
Worship with Rev. Ben- God is always listening
Rev. Ben's worship began with an engaging activity exploring creative ways to get people's attention. The children enthusiastically shared their ideas, suggesting: making gestures, creating signs, standing up, dancing, doing something funny, shouting names and waving. Rev. Ben then transitioned to discussing how, in Jesus' day, people had various ways of trying to get God's attention. He explained that Jesus told his people that it was very simple to get God to listen. The children watched a short clip that highlighted some of the ways people believed they could gain God's attention. They concluded that God is always listening, no matter what and that Jesus taught there’s no need for special rituals to communicate with God. Instead, Jesus encouraged everyone to talk to God anytime, anywhere and to speak to God like a friend. Following this, the children engaged in a thoughtful discussion. They explored the question, "What did Jesus say we should do when we pray?" and shared their personal responses to the idea, "If you could ask God for one thing, what would it be?" This reflection helped deepen their understanding of prayer and the nature of their relationship with God.
Year 4 Gymnastics - Mirroring and developing a sequence
In our first gymnastics session, we looked at the theme of meeting and partnering. We developed problem solving skills to try out new ideas with our partner and use different solutions to make a good gymnastic sequence. We then worked on our mirrored shapes, developing how to travel as part of a sequence. We travelled on our feet, hands and jumped. Finally we evaluated our peer performances using our success criteria for a mirrored balance.
Year 1- Exploring 2D Shapes
This week in Year 1, we have had great fun naming, identifying and making 2D shapes. We have explored circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons. We even took our learning one step further and were able to identify the 2D shapes that form the faces of 3D shapes. We know that cubes have square faces, cuboids have rectangular faces and can also have square faces, cylinders and cones have circular faces, triangular prisms have triangular and rectangular faces and square based pyramids have a square face and triangular faces. Well done Year 1- super maths!
Year 1 RE- The Calling of the Disciples
This week in RE, Year 1 explored the story of ‘Jesus Calls the First Disciples’ through a sensory story. We listened to this story whilst exploring various objects such as figures for Jesus and the fishermen, water to represent the lake, a boat, fish and fishing nets. After we listened and explored the story as a whole class, the children acted out this story in smaller groups. After the story, we thought about why the fishermen including Simon might have wanted to be Jesus’ special friends. We said that we thought it might be because the men could put their trust in Jesus, because he was powerful and could perform miracles, because he was a good person and because he was also very forgiving.