Collective Worship- Love at Advent
This morning in our collective worship we walked in to the song 'Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas' which is from one of Mrs Ham's favourite Christmas films, The Muppets Christmas Carol. We then signed and lit our trinity candles and then lit our advent candles of hope, peace and joy. We then learnt about the fourth candle, which represents love. We watched a special video called from God with love which told God's big story and how he loves us so much that he sent his special son, Jesus. We then reflected on how we can show love to others this Christmas and we had some wonderful ideas such as smiling, giving our time, hugs, food for the homeless, giving presents and showing gratitude for everything we have. We thought about all of the lovely ways we have shown love to others over the last week through singing in care homes, delivering Christmas cards to East Lancs Hospice and bringing joy to others with our Nativity and Christmas Cracker Concerts. We then said a special prayer thanking God for his most amazing gift of Jesus and sang some Christmas carols. Whilst we were singing, Mrs Ham gave every single child in our school family a special gift of a small wooden heart with love engraved on it to remind us that God loves us, she loves us, all the teachers love us and our friends and family love us. She explained that everytime we look at it we can remember how loved we are and it can encourage us to show love to others in all the fantastic ways we thought of earlier.
Autumn Amazing Attendance Alert
A huge congratulations to all of our children who were awarded with an amazing attendance award for having over 96% attendance, for the whole of this Autumn term! We are so proud of you all! There have been quite a few winter bugs doing the rounds so if you didn't manage to get a certificate this time due to being off poorly, we are hopeful that you will achieve one at the end of the Spring term, if you continue to have good attendance.
India Mill Winners Disco
Well done to our children who are in India Mill House Team. Their team won the most Values points this half term and were rewarded with a non-uniform day and a disco. The children enjoyed some sweets, danced lots and played musical bumps too.
Year 2 - Artwork in Whitehall Park
We had a lovely afternoon in Whitehall Park. We walked to the Rose Garden to look at the amazing artwork being displayed there. Children from across school, have put lots of effort into making beautiful pieces of artwork for the public to enjoy. It was lovely to see a few pieces from Year 2! We also had time for a Advent quiz linked to the artwork.
Year 4 Adventure Art and Trail Quiz Walk
Year 4 have had a great day today taking part in the Advent Art and Trail Quiz Walk. We walked to the Rose Garden first where we did the Advent Trail Quiz and the children worked really well to follow the clues and answer the questions. Next we walked around the garden admiring the beautiful pieces of artwork that the children from St Barnabas had completed. After that we walked to Mrs Gardner's home to enjoy hot chocolate, marshmallows and cream or a hot vimto with a side of chocolate biscuits. Finally, we walked back to the park and went on the playground before heading back to school. The children were great at showing the 4 Bs both in and out of the classroom and it was lovely to watch them all with huge smiles on their faces too.
Year 2 - Christmas Cards
Year 2 enjoyed make our Christmas cards for our chosen loved ones. We created a starry night background box mixing paints. Then we added a Christmas image of their choice to the front. They all looked brilliant and I’m sure who ever receives them will love them!
FOSB Fundraiser Thank you
Good morning, A huge thank you to you all for your support with our recent fundraisers. Our total profit from our spooky disco was £426.89. Our total profit from our Christmas gifts and cards fundraiser was £222.12. Our total profit from our Christmas Fayre was £810.08. This means we have raised £1459.09 Thank you to our FOSB for all of their support and help with planning and running our fundraisers. The money will help us to purchase chrome books and repair our trim trail. Thank you, Mrs Wilkinson
Year 2 - Fruit Kebabs
Over the past couple of weeks, in English we have been learning how to write a set of instructions. We learnt that each instruction must have a time conjunction and an imperative verb. We also found that some instructions need an adverb. In our final set of instructions we wrote, we told the reader how to make a fruit kebab. As a result of our instructions being superb; I thought it was only right we got the chance to follow our own instructions and make a fruit kebab in class!
Year 4 PE - Using the Climbing Frame and new Gym Equipment
For our PE session today we incorporated all of the skills that we have learned over the past few weeks and transferred these into the new gym equipment. We also got the multi use climbing frame out to give the children more ways to explore travelling, changing position and direction, jumping and landing. It was a great session and all of the children loved it!
Reception Christmas Party
Reception class had a brilliant Christmas party. We played musical bumps, musical statues, had a dance competition, pass the parcel, the limbo and we even did the conga!! What a wonderful afternoon we all had together making memories! Please see the following gallery for the party photos:
Reception: Santa Visit
It is safe to say that all of our children are on the good list! Reception class loved their visit from Santa Claus. Thank you for their presents, we had lots of excited children. Please have a look at our gallery for more photos.
Online Safety: Safety on Social Media
Ofcom has found that, overall, 99% of children in the UK are using social media. That’s almost 14 million young people using sites just like this one. So, how do we keep them all safe? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide and the latest episode of our podcast give you expert advice on effective safety practices while using social media. Download >> Listen >>