Image of DT - Food Technology - Basic Biscuit Making
3 May

DT - Food Technology - Basic Biscuit Making

As part of our DT unit this half term we are focusing on Food Technology. In this session we followed a recipe to make biscuits. We weighed out the correct amounts and then followed the step by step instructions. We used various pieces of equipment such as a sieve, spatula, rolling pins and biscuit cutters in various shapes and sizes. The children took on various roles to prepare the dough and then Miss Carol popped them in the oven for 10-12 minutes. The final product was delicious and we look forward to designing our own versions and adding different ingredients for a targeted audience.

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
3 May

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had a short but busy week due to the school being used as a polling station yesterday. We hope all of our school family had an enjoyable day in the sunshine. This week the children have continued to achieve 'great things' and have lived life in all its fullness. The highlights of the week were: * The fantastic Science shows on Monday. Thank you Miss Kachwalla for organising them. * Our high fives netball team won their Bee Stinger qualifier by winning every game so are through to the grand final. Thanks Mrs Gardner for training the team and supporting at the matches, even on your days off. * Year 2 visited Four Seasons Garden Centre to learn more about plants and growing. * We had great fun learning about perseverance by trying to keep two giant inflatables off the floor in Worship with Rev Matt on Tuesday. * We've had some fantastic clubs such as Little Voices, Cricket, Jag Tag, Netball, Forest Schools and Mad Science. Miss Flynn and our librarians also ran a wonderful lunchtime story and craft club too. * Year 5 and 6 had another brilliant Jag Tag session each this afternoon. For all of this week's news from each class, please click here: On Monday we won't be in school as it is bank holiday Monday but we look forward to welcoming our school family back to school on Tuesday. Wishing you all a wonderful bank holiday weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
3 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about how we have lived life in all its fullness this week. We kickstarted the week on Monday with two amazing science shows, had a wonderful worship about ‘The Road to Emmaus’ with Rev Matt on Tuesday and enjoyed a variety of lunch time and after school clubs. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 5/6 netball team for performing amazingly on Wednesday night at the High 5s Bee Stinger Qualifiers. They will be attending the grand final in a few weeks. We then presented Alessia, Ella, Bobby-Ray, Desmond, Edward, Jacob and Sophie as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for always working exceptionally hard and demonstrating great enthusiasm, respect and kindness. We also congratulated Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and River Darwen as the overall value award winners this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Alessia for achieving her stage 1 swimming certificate, Hayden for winning ‘The Little Darreners’ Player of the week,’ James for also achieving ‘Player of the Week’ as a goalkeeper for his football team, Elsie for achieving a fabulous 25m in her swimming, Annabel for showing both generosity and courage to complete a swimathon to raise money for Marie Curie and Cancer Research, Marley for being awarded with the Rainbow Bronze award, Harry for achieving his green stripe at kickboxing, Molly for being awarded her green belt at jui jitsu, Darcy for achieving her Stage 4 at gymnastics, Daisy for participating in a gymnastics competition in Lancaster and taking 2nd place, Grace for achieving an honours in her classical ballet exam and we congratulated Archie for winning the East Lancs Cup alongside the rest of his football team. We then presented all of the children in school who have achieved their WOW badges this month. Well done to these children for their efforts in walking to school. Finally, we ended our celebration with a wonderful prayer from Rev Ben and a sing along to ‘Shine from the inside out.’ Thank you to those who attended celebration worship and we wish our whole school family a lovely and restful extended weekend.

Image of Year 5 - Jag Tag
3 May

Year 5 - Jag Tag

Another amazing Year 5 Jag Tag session today. The children were putting into practise their throwing and catching skills while beginning to focus upon their defensive and attacking tactical play. The children chased and defended their side learning how to deceive their opponent best.

Image of History - Exploring the features of a Viking Longboat
3 May

History - Exploring the features of a Viking Longboat

In our history session today we have been exploring the features of Viking longboats. We looked at how each feature was used such as the sail, rudder, hull, oars and bow. We then went on to design our very own fact file. We found out that the longboats could carry about 100 men and were up to 30 metres long and in good weather conditions, they could reach speeds of up to 17 knots!

Image of Year 5 and 6 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice
3 May

Year 5 and 6 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice

Last Friday, year 5 and 6 took part in a fundraiser for East Lancs Hospice. It involved them hopping, skipping and jumping around the school yard. They took part with such enthusiasm. Well done year 5 and 6!

Image of Year 6 P.E.
3 May

Year 6 P.E.

Year 6 continued their athletics unit. This week, we focused on our running, jumping and throwing skills. As always, we emphasised the importance of being in competition with yourself and trying to better your own personal outcomes. Year 6 took part with great enthusiasm and listened attentively on how to better their technique.

Image of Year 3 Computing - Podcasts
1 May

Year 3 Computing - Podcasts

This term in computing we are writing and recording our own podcasts. We have been really putting our imagination to use and have written podcasts all about football, video games, magic and even one based on the book, The Day The Crayons Quit.

Image of Year 5 - Creative Writing
1 May

Year 5 - Creative Writing

Year 5 have been working extremely hard on their creative writing. We have been focusing on the book The invention of Hugo Cabret and the children created their own journal extract from the perspective of the main character; conveying his emotions and feelings as the main character’s invention comes to life. The children used lots of complex grammar to convey their emotions and senses to create atmosphere within their writing.

Image of Reception- Caterpillar PE
1 May

Reception- Caterpillar PE

Reception have had a fun packed PE session today, carrying on with our Hungry Caterpillar theme we used the apparatus to move like a caterpillar and turn into a butterfly. We crawled, climbed, balanced and jumped and all of the children had a try on all of the stations and are really developing those key fundamental skills. Well done Reception!

Image of Reception and KS1- Story and Craft Club
1 May

Reception and KS1- Story and Craft Club

At lunchtime today, Miss Flynn and the school librarians led a story and craft club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They read ‘Room on the Broom’ and then led a craft activity which involved the children decorating their own witches hat. Both the school librarians and the children in the infants really enjoyed themselves.

Image of Year 4 - Computing
1 May

Year 4 - Computing

In Computing this half term, the Year 4s are creating an e-magazine about our local area. They took photos around the school grounds and then used a photo editor to make changes and improvements.