Image of Year 4 - Learning about Holy Communion
24 May

Year 4 - Learning about Holy Communion

It’s been a busy week in RE in Year 4. At the beginning of our Church unit in RE, Year 4 was given the opportunity to pose their own questions about church. This week we answered the question, “Why do people have bread and wine in church?”, by performing a mock holy communion. We used brioche to represent the body of Christ and red grape juice to represent the blood of Christ.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
24 May

Year 4 - Linking Schools

After discussing the things that we care about most in the world last week, Year 4 has spent this week considering how we can take social action to improve the things we care about. “Kindness” was definitely a key theme. Next, we will decide on 3 actions and share them with our linking school, St Matthew’s, Blackburn.

Image of Bee Stinger High Fives Netball Winners
23 May

Bee Stinger High Fives Netball Winners

We are so incredibly proud of our netball team for winning the final of the Bee Stinger High Fives competition today. They came first out of 26 schools across Blackburn with Darwen. First they played Feniscowles and won 4-1. Next they took on Lower Darwen and won 4-1. They then beat Wensley Fold 2-0 and then faced Shadsworth and beat them 6-0. In the last match they faced the Redeemer, who were also unbeaten, so it all came down to the last game, which we won 2-0. Our team will now go through to the Lancashire School Games on Tuesday 4th July to represent Blackburn with Darwen for the second year in a row. Well done Team Barneys!

Image of Reception- Buddhist Prayer Flags
23 May

Reception- Buddhist Prayer Flags

In R.E we have been learning all about prayer, this week we have been learning about how Buddhists pray and we have been looking at Tibetan prayer flags. We found out that there are five different coloured prayer flags which represent different elements such as earth, air, fire, space and water. A prayer flag is a printed image on paper or cloth intended to be fixed wherever the wind blows. The flags often contain images of animals along with words of kindness such as the wind horse, dragon, snow lion, tiger and garuda.

Image of Reception: Butterflies
23 May

Reception: Butterflies

Reception have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. Today they set the butterflies free.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Learning
23 May

Reception: Outdoor Learning

Reception love outdoor learning. The children enjoy playing sports on the MUGA, making musical instruments out of natural materials, role playing, climbing and balancing.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
22 May

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed their forest schools session today. We created a den and the children enjoyed role playing inside it. The children also found a variety of minibeasts and enjoyed climbing trees too.

Image of Year 1 Art Clarice Cliff Plates
22 May

Year 1 Art Clarice Cliff Plates

Year 1 created their own version of Clarice Cliff’s famous pottery plate design using primary and secondary colours. They mixed their own colours and then used black watery paint and a straw to blow the paint into the shape of a tree as a silhouette against the other coloured concentric circles on their paper plates.

Image of Year 1 Athletics
22 May

Year 1 Athletics

Year 1 have been working hard on their running technique ready for sports day next half term and also practised throwing the foam javelins using a straight aim during their PE lesson on Friday.

Image of Whole School Worship: Pentecost
22 May

Whole School Worship: Pentecost

Today in our worship we learned about the events of Pentecost and how the church began. We had some fab actors acting out when the Holy Spirit descended and flames appeared on the disciples’ heads. We sang a special song to welcome the Holy Spirit into our Worship and reflected on how excited the disciples must have felt when they received the Holy Spirit. We thought about how we could show Jesus' love through our words and actions this week.

Image of Mad Science Club
19 May

Mad Science Club

Today was the last session of Mad Science Club and the children all really enjoyed learning about the density of different liquids today. They carried out group experiments and watched our science expert carry out an experiment too, whilst learning about how different liquids in our seas and rivers can affect the environment. They experienced first-hand, how difficult it is to get oil out of water and got to take home a little souvenir from the lesson at the end of it too.

Image of Mrs Ham's Weekly Message
19 May

Mrs Ham's Weekly Message

Good afternoon parents and carers, we have had a wonderful week at St Barnabas with our official GOOD ofsted grading and being awarded GOLD for the school games award, for the fourth consecutive year for our commitment to sports. A huge thank you to our PE leader, Mrs Gardner, for her dedication to our school sports and to our wonderful staff and parents, who support our children with sports in school and at sports events. We are super proud of our Year 2 children for the way they have tackled their 'SATS quizzes' this week. They have all tried their best and have been superstars! I would like to welcome our new Reception children and their parents to our school family, as they have received their welcome letters and class dojo log ins this week. We can't wait for you to officially join our school family in September. We are now in a position to let you know about classes for next year and there will be some changes to staffing from September. Miss Ashworth has recently bought her own house with her partner and is currently commuting for 1 hour and 20 minutes each day, which is something that can't be sustained. Therefore she has gained a teaching position at a school close to her new home. This means that sadly Miss Ashworth will not be with us in September. I would like to thank her for her hard work, dedication and support to our school family over the last four years and wish her lots of luck in her new role. Her new school are very lucky to have her. We have had a successful recruitment process and we had some wonderful applicants. We have appointed Mr Ben Norris, who currently works at another local school and he is keen on sports and forest school activities. He is going to be a great addition to our staff team and he will join our school family in September in our Year 2 class. The Year 2 children will soon meet him at our transition session and other upcoming events. The classes for next year are as follows: Please click: On Thursday 6th July we will be having a move up session where the children can get to know their new teaching team. To see all the exciting things the children have been learning this week, please click here: Wishing you all a lovely weekend and I hope the sun shines for you all, Mrs Ham