Year 4 - Practical Maths
This week in maths, our focus has been on spotting patterns in times tables. We took a hands-on approach, using equipment to calculate times tables, matching up fact families and solving Tarsia puzzles. It’s been great fun!
Year 5 - Christmas Cushions
Today, Year 5 completed their Christmas cushions and added their final details to match their designs. The cushions look amazing and Year 5 have been incredible making them. Well done.
Year 5 - Peace Chains
Year 5 have been creating their class peace chain during our worship. We looked at all the conflict that is happening in the world around us and how it can impact us. We wanted to spread the word of peace to reduce conflict around us and show that a peaceful world is much better than one filled with conflict.
Year 3 had a great time supporting 'NO PENS DAY' today. To encourage children to speak and listen to each other, the class took part on playing 'Who am I', imaginary show and tell, played snaps using multiplication and division cards and made some Christmas decorations using salt dough. They had a great time and it was a wonderful opportunity to give everyone a chance to talk about something they love and feel proud of.
Year 4 Christmas Stockings Commence
In our DT session we have finally moved onto the application of sewing skills. This week we added to the front of our stockings using over and running stitches. We used appliqué to add further embellishments and some children even managed to add bells and buttons.
Roman Battle Formations in Year 4
In our history lesson this week we discussed why the Roman army was so successful. We looked at why they were so powerful and disciplined. We then looked at how they used manoeuvres and drills to create various formations so that they could protect themselves from every angle in battle. We finished with a real life drill to see if Mrs Gardner could get through the children’s wedge formation that they created with their own shields. Not one boulder (ping pong ball) got through so well done Year 4 - it was a huge success!
Reception PE
Reception have had a jam packed PE session today, they played games, had music on and everyone took part in each activity focusing on the fundamental skill of jumping. As a class their listening was superb throughout which meant we could play more games and have more fun! Well done Reception!
Scholastic book fair
A huge thank you to everybody who visited and purchased a book at our Scholastic book fair. We have been given £458 in rewards to spend on new books so our librarians and Miss Flynn have been busy labelling our new books to be put in our library for our children to choose. Thank you for your support as always, Mrs Wilkinson
Year 1- No Pens Day
As part of ‘No Pens Day,’ Year One learnt the the days of the week using British Sign Language. We then played a game where I signed a day of the week and they had to sign back the day that either comes before or after it. Hopefully they can now teach someone else how to sign the days of the week too. Well done Year 1!
Year 1- Dance
Today in PE, Year 1 experimented with travelling dances. They each had a scarf (flame) and had to travel around the room in different ways. They threw the flame into the sky, wiggled the flame up and down, ran with the flame trailing behind them and spun around with the flame. As they practised these movements, the children moved around the room varying the speed, direction and the level at which they moved.
Online Safety: The Online Safety Act
New laws, new responsibilities? With the Online Safety Act now coming into effect, our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week highlights some key areas that the fresh legislation covers – and what this means for UK education providers Download >>
Year 3- Science- Labelling the human skeleton
Today in science, Year 3 learned that animals have different kinds of skeletons. They found out which animals have bones inside their bodies (endoskeleton), which ones have a hard outer shell (exoskeleton), and which ones use water pressure to move (hydrostatic skeleton). They were fascinated to learn that a giraffe, which has a super long neck, has the same amount of vertebrae as a human. We also labelled the different bones of a skeleton using technical vocabulary.