Image of Year 1- Maths
7 Dec

Year 1- Maths

Year 1 have been exploring 3D shapes. This week, they have been recognising, naming and building them. Today they have sorted them into groups. They sorted them into groups by their shape name but also by their features e.g. does and doesn’t have a square face, rectangular face, circular face, triangular face and rounded/curved face. Well done year one.

Image of Performing Arts Club
6 Dec

Performing Arts Club

We took to the stage to practise in performing arts this week. Being on stage really helped the children to get into character, adding movement and facial expressions, rather than just reading lines. The performance is starting to take shape already!

Image of Year 4 - RE: How did Jesus bring light?
6 Dec

Year 4 - RE: How did Jesus bring light?

Some super acting was displayed in RE in Year 4 this week. We learned about who Jesus helped most and why, role playing the well-known religious figures Zacchaeus, Matthew and the rich young man. The children were tasked with spotting the parts in each story where Jesus brought light.

Image of Year 1 French- Learning Colours
6 Dec

Year 1 French- Learning Colours

Year One are really enjoying learning how to say the different colours in French. They sat in a circle singing a colour song whilst passing around a teddy. When the music stopped, the person who had the teddy had to say the colour that was on the screen in French. They then went on to complete a colouring challenge which allowed them to independently apply their knowledge of French colours. Well done Year 1.

Image of Reception Nativity
6 Dec

Reception Nativity

We are so proud of our Ducklings who performed the Nativity today. Their singing was beautiful and they told the story using their loud, clear voices. Their confidence shone and it was enjoyed by all!

Image of Year 1&2- A Christmas Cracker Concert
6 Dec

Year 1&2- A Christmas Cracker Concert

Year 1 & 2 have been busy learning the songs and actions for their ‘Christmas Cracker Concert’ which they will be presenting to our whole school and their families in a few weeks. How exciting!

Image of Boccia event
6 Dec

Boccia event

Super proud of these four boys on Friday. We went to QEGS for a Boccia competition and they represented school so well and not only that they played their socks off! We just missed out on qualifying for the final. We are super proud of you all ⭐️

Image of Reception PE
6 Dec

Reception PE

This morning Reception enjoyed using the parachute during their PE session, playing lots of teamwork games which required really good listening. Everyone joined in and had lots of fun!

Image of Year 2 - RE
6 Dec

Year 2 - RE

This week, we started our Christmas learning in RE we are going to be looking how good news about the birth of Jesus spread and how it made the world feel. We began by looking at what is the news and how do we find out about it. We read our happy newspapers from our library and watched Newsround. We made a note of the various ways we can consume the news and the impact it has on our lives.

Image of Year 3 - French - Animals
6 Dec

Year 3 - French - Animals

This week in French we have learnt lots of different animals including marine animals, farm animals, zoo animals and pets. The class are doing a great job remembering the names of all these different animals.

Image of Online Safety: Disney +
6 Dec

Online Safety: Disney +

‘Tis the season for family movie nights. Many parents will be turning to Disney+ for exactly that reason – but how free from #OnlineSafety risks is the House of Mouse’s streaming service? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide delves into Disney+ Download >>

Image of Whole School Worship: God the Rescuer
5 Dec

Whole School Worship: God the Rescuer

Rev Matt led our worship today. We began our worship by watching a selection of videos to discuss if people were in trouble. Rev Matt told a story from the bible about Abraham. The story discussed how Abraham wanted a child but he couldn’t because he was old. Abraham trusted God and one night God told Abraham that he would have lots of children one day. God’s promise came true and they called their son, Isaac. Rev Matt explained that when Abraham was in trouble, he needed a rescuer who was God. God made the impossible, possible. God is compassionate and will always look after us. Christmas is a time to remember this. We ended our worship by singing ‘Rescuer’.