Image of Year 4 Dance Self Evaluation
7 Dec

Year 4 Dance Self Evaluation

Following the completion of our dance unit in PE, today we watched our final piece and then completed a self- evaluation form. We marked ourselves against specific criteria using the red amber green system.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
7 Dec

Year 2 - Maths

Year 2 have been working extremely hard with their maths work over the past couple of weeks. Today we moved onto subtraction across 10. This can be really tricky but using our number bonds to subtract definitely helped us with our new learning. We played a maths game where we started with 20 counters on our tens frames and slowly subtracted either 1, 2 or 3. We will continue to build on our subtracting skills in our upcoming lessons.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
7 Dec

Year 2 - PSHE

This week during PSHE, we continued to look at how words and actions can be appropriate or inappropriate. Today we looked at how sometimes physical touch is nice and loving. Physical touch should either be from a friend or trusted adult and if it makes you feel uncomfortable then it is not appropriate. We thought of different occasions where we are touched in a nice way by special people in our lives.

Image of Year 6 Debt Awareness
7 Dec

Year 6 Debt Awareness

This week, year 6 had a visit from the debt awareness team and carried on with their learning from last year. This time, they discussed jobs and working life. They looked at reasons why people choose their occupation; the average income of various jobs and potential careers that they may like to pursue.

Image of Year 6 DT
7 Dec

Year 6 DT

In DT, year 6 finally got round to completing their electronic loop game. They have produced some fantastic products with a Christmas theme and should be extremely proud of their work.

Image of Year 6 DT- Christmas Loop Games
7 Dec

Year 6 DT- Christmas Loop Games

In DT, year 6 finally got round to completing their electronic loop game. They have produced some fantastic products with a Christmas theme and should be extremely proud of their work.

Image of Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations
7 Dec

Erin’s Place Christmas Decorations

Our Reception class won a competition from Erin’s Place in Darwen where they have had the opportunity to paint a Christmas ornament which will then be baked in a special oven. The children have tried hard with their fine motor skills to paint the fine details on the ornaments and we can’t wait to see the final result.

Image of Year 3- D.T- Christmas Pouch
7 Dec

Year 3- D.T- Christmas Pouch

This term for our design and technology unit, the year 3 Christmas Elves have been busy making Christmas themed pouches. Prior to making the pouch, the children have carefully planned their pouch and thought about their design in detail. They have learnt how to sew fabric together using a running stitch, designing the front of their pouch and decorated it by using fabric glue to stick on embellishments to give that wow factor. They have also made sure that the pouch is functional and aesthetic. They have also evaluated their finished products by answering a series of questions. We are super proud of the dedication and enthusiasm that the children have shown throughout the planning and making of these products. We can't wait to showcase our products at our school Christmas Fair.

Image of Y4 English - The Diary of a Roman Soldier
7 Dec

Y4 English - The Diary of a Roman Soldier

Over the past few weeks, the children have been working hard on sentence stacking to develop their diary writing skills. We focused on the life of a Roman soldier and our success criteria included using personification, adverbs, fronted adverbials and inverted commas. They have now published these on the chrome books and we look forward to passing them on to another class to read and evaluate.

Image of Year 5 - Christmas Cards
7 Dec

Year 5 - Christmas Cards

Today RotaKids in year 5 took part in an initiative to bring joy to the residents in local nursing homes by sending them Christmas cards. The children all created Christmas cards with lovely messages to those who are feeling lonely this Christmas. They included lots of positive affirmations to remind them we all care.

Image of Year 6 DT
7 Dec

Year 6 DT

In DT, year 6 finally got round to completing their electronic loop game. They have produced some fantastic products with a Christmas theme and should be extremely proud of their work.

Image of Year 6 DT
7 Dec

Year 6 DT

In DT, year 6 finally got round to completing their electronic loop game. They have produced some fantastic products with a Christmas theme and should be extremely proud of their work.