Image of Friday Celebration Worship
16 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

Wow! What a busy first week back into our final half term of this academic year. Our theme this week has been encouragement and Mrs Ham asked us to reflect on how we have encouraged each other this week, and how we will continue to focus on this as we enjoy the last few weeks of the school year and support each other as we transition into our new year groups and up to high school for our Year 6 class. We had lots of out of school stars to celebrate this week. Well done to Ella-Grace, Ivy, Leo, Olivia, Sonny, Charlie and Jack and Desmond for their wonderful football skills, Jake, Will, Bobby and Austin for coming runners up in a football tournament in St Anne’s, Manni and Bobby for their attendance and skill at a recent football tournament, Matthew for his recent success in the Premier League writing competition, Harry for his swimming and cricket success, Lyla for her musical theatre singing performance, Isaac for his piano playing, Iris and Leonora for being fabulous gymnasts, Finn and Ruby for running the race for life and Ruby for also completing the couch to 5k, Grace for performing on the main stage at Darwen Music Live, Mila for showing kindness at Rainbows and Mason for his sensational kickboxing. We also celebrated lots of success in school. As always, we heard from our teachers who presented their Value Award Winners. Well done to Eve, Isabella, Miley, Euan, Ruby, Charlie, Katie and Elsa. We also said a huge well done to our group of our Year 4 children who attended a Quad Kids competition and came second place out of 17, our Year 5/6 cricket team for excellent participation and sportsmanship on Wednesday, our Year 5/6 Netball team who came 2nd place out of all the schools in BwD, Reception class and Year 6 for the best attendance this week, India Mill for being the award winners this week and to Lola, Jake, Esme, Harry, Mathew, Daisy, Freddie and Bobby for gaining their pen licenses. We ended our worship with some lovely singing and dancing to ‘Build Up.’ What wonderful way to end the week!

Image of Year 5- Food Technology- Serve a Greek Salad
15 Jun

Year 5- Food Technology- Serve a Greek Salad

A few weeks ago, the children learned three important food skills: the bridge hold, claw grip, and grating. Today, they put their skills to use and prepared a Greek salad for a friend to take home and enjoy as a side dish with their tea. They washed their hands and gathered the ingredients such as tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese, and lettuce. The children are excited to share their creations, and tomorrow, we will evaluate our salad to see how well we did.

Image of DPSSA Netball Finals
15 Jun

DPSSA Netball Finals

A huge well done to our netball superstars who represented the school this evening at the DPSSA Netball Finals at Darwen Vale. The children worked hard over three games in this boiling weather. The children have showed so much commitment in attending netball club, developing skills and tactics in order to grow as players. We came away with silver medals and we are really proud of each and every one of them! Go Team B!

Image of Year 1 Phonics Revision
15 Jun

Year 1 Phonics Revision

This week, Year 1 have been working really hard to revise their sounds during phonics lessons through a selection of activities including alien and real word games. We have looked at different graphemes that make the same sound and how to read and write these words too. They have completed their Year 1 phonics quizzes and we are very proud of them and how well they have done.

Image of Year 1 Maths Position and Direction: Turns
15 Jun

Year 1 Maths Position and Direction: Turns

Year 1 have been learning about positions and directions this week in their maths lessons. On Tuesday they practised full turns, quarter turns, half turns and three quarter turns outside. The children then looked at turning different shapes using these different turns in their maths books.

Image of Wednesday Well-being Club
15 Jun

Wednesday Well-being Club

We had so much fun at our first Wednesday Well-being Club! We had a short walk in the sun gathering flowers and leaves to decorate the woven twigs that we made. We talked about using nature and the outdoor world for our health and well-being and felt very relaxed when we arrived back at school.

Image of QUAD kids Athletics at Witton Athletics Track BwD Schools
15 Jun

QUAD kids Athletics at Witton Athletics Track BwD Schools

On Tuesday we went down to Witton Athletics track to take part in the BwD schools quad kids event. The children were exceptionally well behaved, especially in the heat and represented school brilliantly. One of our squad members even managed to throw the vortex further than any other school and 17 took part on the day. We have just received confirmation that we have been awarded with silver medal place - a great result! Well done to our Quad kids Squad!

Image of Smart School Council in Year 4
15 Jun

Smart School Council in Year 4

In our Smart School Council session we discussed the things that we would miss the most from this academic year. The children had to select from 1- the teachers 2- the person they sit next to 3- a certain topic 4- nothing( bring on the next year). We had a unanimous decision - the children will miss their teachers the most next year!

Image of Using analogue and digital time in Year 4
15 Jun

Using analogue and digital time in Year 4

In maths this morning, we have been looking at both analogue and digital times. We then moved on to converting time using the 24 hour clock. We found it quite challenging but learnt a new trick to convert time quickly.

Image of Year 3 School council
15 Jun

Year 3 School council

Year 3 have had their weekly school council meeting, today's topic was about things which they might miss about year 3, it was great to see tables discussing their ideas, listening to each other and respecting the majority vote.

Image of Year 3 RE- Rules for Living
15 Jun

Year 3 RE- Rules for Living

Year 3 have been learning all about the 10 commandments and why God gave people rules to live by and what their reaction to these rules might of been.

Image of Year 2 RE Church Observations
15 Jun

Year 2 RE Church Observations

As part of our RE unit, year 2 have been down to our local church, St Barnabas, to explore and to see what makes a church a church. The children were tasked with a scavenger hunt to find all the objects that are most symbolic to a church and to write down why they exist within the church.