Year 1 Food Technology- Cutting Techniques
Today in their food technology lesson, Year 1 explored two types of cutting techniques. They practised the bridge cutting technique and fork secure cutting technique. This will help them to safely and successfully prepare their fruit for their healthy breakfast pots as part of the end outcome for this unit. Year 1 also did some fruit tasting so that they could express their preferences with regards to which fruit they would like to be included in their healthy breakfast pot. They tasted honeydew melon, grapefruit, peaches, pineapple and dried apricots as well as lots of other fruits. They will be giving these preferences to another member of the class who will be making their breakfast pot for them.
Cross Country Club
Year 3,4,5 & 6 cross country club got underway after school, despite the awful weather. For our first session, the children ran up to Jacks Key Lodge and completed long distance shuttle runs to maximise their stamina and pace in preparation for the cross country races.
Year 5 - Orienteering
Today, Year 5’s orienteering session consisted of creating and reading maps to locate items. The children created a map of the class and created a key that matched items in the class. The children used these maps to locate items and understand points of view.
Reception- Palm Sunday
In our R.E lesson we have been learning all about Palm Sunday. We firstly looked at the bible story, which the children were really interested in. They answered some brilliant questions after listening to the story. The children then acted the story out. We had Jesus, the donkey, the crowd who took off their coats and made a path for Jesus. We also had some angry people in the crowd who didn’t believe Jesus was the king. Some people in the crowd waved palm leaves and branches as Jesus rode by.
Year 3- Science- Making Edible Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks.
The Year 3 Scientists are having a blast learning about different kinds of rocks and soils this term in science. This afternoon, the children had a super fun and exciting lesson where they made edible rocks to see how igneous rocks are formed. They made two types: one that forms underground (called intrusive) and one that forms above ground (called extrusive). Then, they compared the two to learn more about rocks.
Year 2 - Science
In Science this week, we investigated if we could change a material’s properties by melting and combing 2 materials together. We looked at how John McAdam designed roads and that he said a mixture of large rocks, small rocks and gravel was the best way to make the road strong. We put this to the test and made 3 roads. A chocolate road, a chocolate and raisins road and a chocolate and biscuit road. We made sure to use the same amount of chocolate for each road to keep it a fair test. After the roads had set, we placed cars on each road until it broke. We were able to place the most weight on the chocolate and biscuit road making it the strongest road.
Rev Matt’s Worship: Perseverance
Rev Matt’s worship began with a balloon challenge this morning. The aim was for the children to persevere and keep the balloon up in the air for as long as possible. All three contenders did extremely well. He then shared the story of the man through the roof, in which the sick man’s friends had persevered in seeking help for him. After bringing their friend to Jesus they discovered the house was overcrowded, but they refused to give up. Instead they made a hole in the roof and lowered him in so that Jesus might heal him. We spent time reflecting on how we could help our friends, and those in need.
Year 2 - RE
We continued to learn about the Easter story in RE, in particular the resurrection of Jesus. After Jesus had risen, in the book of John, he told his disciples that seeds must be planted so new life can shoot up. In class we planted flowers that will grow from the darkness of the soil and in to the world as beautiful, bright flowers. Just like Jesus rising from the darkness of the tomb. It will be lovely to have a reminder in class of new life being brought into the world at Easter.
SIG5 Times Tables Competition
We are so proud of our amazing mathematicians for showing great courage when taking part in the School Improvement Group (SIG) timestables competition at St Peter's. Our SIG is made up of 12 other local schools and this was the first timestables competition. Two children were chosen to represent our school from each KS2 class and they had to take part in a TT Rockstars battle with the other schools. We were amazed at the speed of the some of the competitors at some of the other schools and it has made us more determined to keep practising our tables and aim to get faster and faster. Thank you to Mr Prescott, our Maths Leader, for organising our school maths team and to St Peter's for hosting it.
Year 5 - The Mustard Seed
Today, Year 5 explored the parable of the mustard seed. The children delved into the deeper meaning of the parable that even the smallest of things can make a huge difference. We contrasted those with our Christian values and created our own mustard tree with the values we value the most. Both Year 5 and Year 6 class joined in the mustard tree song and enjoyed singing along.
Reception: Muddy Monday
Our Ducklings enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They were super explorers! They found pine cones, natural resources for their dens and also different minibeasts.
Easter Singing Worship
What a joyous start to the week! This morning we practised some of our Easter songs ready for our Easter church service in a few weeks. Each class took a turn to show our Reception and Year 1 classes the actions. We sang 'When I think about the cross', 'Give me oil in my lamp', 'This is the story of the cross' 'We have a King who rides a donkey' and our favourite Easter song 'Lord of the Dance'. Well done everyone for your amazing actions, beautiful singing voices and wonderful enthusiasm!