Image of Year 4 - Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 4 - Safer Internet Day

In Year 4, we celebrated Safer Internet Day by writing our online safety rap. We practised performing it and we can’t wait to show the rest of the school on Thursday.

Image of Year 1 Art- Hundertwasser
7 Feb

Year 1 Art- Hundertwasser

Year 1 have been working extremely hard this week to produce a piece of artwork in the style of Hundertwasser. To produce this piece of artwork, they had to use and apply the skills that they’ve been learning in art over the last few weeks such as exploring with various lines (curved, wavy, horizontal, vertical, diagonal and swirls) and shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, semi-circles and pentagons). Their pieces of artwork are now on display ready to be viewed so please take a look. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 1 Science
7 Feb

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have had a challenging science lesson this week exploring whether materials are manufactured or natural. First, we explored natural materials and described these as materials that can be found out in the world either by being collected, farmed or harvested. Examples of these are materials such as wood, rock, iron, wool and sand. We then talked about manufactured materials which are those that don’t exist naturally and have to be created by being heated or by mixed with other substances. Examples of these are materials such as plastic, polyester and paper. What we found very tricky is learning that some materials can be both. For example rubber can be natural if it is the sap that has come directly from the tree but it can also be manufactured using plastic and some metals are natural such as iron but others are manufactured such as steel. Year 1 also watched polyester being made in a factory from recycled bottles and found out that their school polos were made 65% polyester.

Image of Online Safety: Monkey
7 Feb

Online Safety: Monkey

It’s a jungle out there! If a platform where young people can video chat with random strangers sounds like an #OnlineSafety risk which is – quite frankly – bananas, you’ll want to check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide to Monkey. Download >>

Image of Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day

We read the story of Jessie and friends which was all about keeping safe online. We discussed what to do if we feel worried or if something doesn’t feel right. We discussed how we should always tell someone. Percy said to tell our grandparents, Vienna said Mrs Thompson, Ida said Mrs Wilkinson, Millie said your older brother or sister, Holly said Mrs Ham, Joey said Miss Reynolds, Cici said your parents, Samuel said your Aunty and Uncle and Ed said Mrs Govan.

Image of Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Safer Internet Day

This morning our whole school enjoyed a special worship, focusing on how to stay safe on the internet to celebrate Safer Internet Day. We discussed why it is important to raise awareness. We looked at what technology looked like compared to now. We then looked at what can happen online and how important it is that we know what to do if we come across something that makes us feel uncomfortable. The children discussed how we can speak to Mrs Ham, Mrs Wilkinson, our teachers, our sports coaches and our families if we feel we have seen something we shouldn’t have. We also discussed why our parents might check our devices and how our grown ups, including our teachers always want to keep us safe. We then joined lots of other schools from all around the country on a special assembly to discuss safe and unsafe things which may happen online. The importance of passwords, checking the settings so they aren’t sharing information with people they don’t know and also what to do if people they don’t know try to contact them online. Every Wednesday, we post guidance on how to keep safe online. Please have a look and discuss the National Online Safety posters with your children. The online world can be wonderful as long as we know how to use it safely.

Image of Year 5 - Multiplication
6 Feb

Year 5 - Multiplication

Today, Year 5 have been exploring multiplying two digit numbers by two digit numbers. The children used an area model to understand the place value within the multiplication to answer the questions. This helped the children gain a deeper understanding of the material; understanding the role that place value plays when multiplying by a two digit number.

Image of Year 3- Art- Paper Weaving
6 Feb

Year 3- Art- Paper Weaving

For our final art lesson, Year 3 explored the work of Anni Albers' weaving techniques. Inspired by her amazing weaving the children picked coloured paper linking back to their mood boards to weave together with another one. Finally, they cut a cross shape and glued it onto their weaving.

Image of Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition
6 Feb

Year 3/4 Key Steps Gymnastics Competition

What a fantastic afternoon we have had at St Bedes taking part in the Key Steps Gymnastics competition. We entered the individual competition plus the girls and the mixed teams. The children have worked incredibly hard to memorise three routines both at home and in school. Today when they performed all three routines, they all had a huge smile and did it with pure Barney’s determination and perseverance. We are so proud of all nine of them for representing our school in such a great way! Also a huge WELL DONE to our girls team who came away with a bronze medal!

Image of National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024
6 Feb

National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024

It's #SaferInternetDay! The National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday guides are available to download for free, empowering our whole school community to keep children safe in the online world. We post one every Wednesday so please looo out of them! Explore hundreds of resources for parents, carers and educators >> #OnlineSafety #OnlineSafetyDay #SaferInternetDay2024

Image of After school clubs - Spring 2
5 Feb

After school clubs - Spring 2

Good afternoon parents and carers, please find attached the details of the after school clubs that will be taking place next half term. Some clubs such as SATS, choir and performing arts have already been signed up to but there are a couple of new clubs for KS1 including Forest schools and a Wellbeing Club. In Forest schools the children will be taking part in fun forest school activities so you need to make sure they are wrapped up warm and with boots or wellies. The wellbeing club will focus on the five ways to wellbeing including getting active and crafts. These can be booked shortly on parent pay and will be on a first come, first serve basis. A reminder that Cross Country trials will take place tomorrow at 12.00pm for Years 3-6. If you would like your child to try out for the cross country team, please send a spare pair of clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting muddy. After the half term holidays Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris will be running a Cross Country club for the children who are selected to be in the cross country team. The Mad science club is fully booked for next half term but an extra term has been added. See the previous post from Miss Kachwalla for details. Similar to this half term, we can only offer a limited number of clubs next half term due to the number of upcoming events and competitions such as cross country races, netball league, Let's go sing concert, the swimming gala and gymnastics etc .

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation
5 Feb

Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation

Today in whole-school worship, Rev Matt talked about temptation and how the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert. We thought about what tempts us and what we might do if we wanted to celebrate Lent.