Year 3 - English- Discovering Bear Island
Today, Year 3 worked in pairs to explore the book "The Last Bear." They made predictions and inferences about the story based on the front cover of the book. Next, they looked at the double-page illustration (map) of Bear Island. The children debated whether it was a real place and explored the map, identifying locations like Tromso and Svalbard. We used Google to research the island and discovered that it is a small, uninhabited island in the Arctic Ocean. The children were fascinated to learn that there is a Bear Island in Norway, not far from the UK.
Year 4- Why was the Roman army so successful ?
The focus of our history lesson today was to find out why the Roman army was so successful. We looked at why the Romans needed a powerful army, identifying the equipment of a Roman soldier and Roman fighting formations. We learnt lots of new things including; that the Romans had the largest fighting force in the ancient world, they were the best trained, had the best weapons and were so good that even when they fought against armies that were ten times their size, they still won!
Year 3- R.E- Exploring God's Story through Art
This afternoon in R.E, the children looked closely at the People of God panels in the big frieze by Emma Yarlett. They searched for words hidden among the pictures, such as "idols," "temptation," and "repent." The children discussed why these words were included in the artwork and how they relate to the stories of God's people in the Bible.
Year 1 History & Art- The Great Fire of London
This week in Year 1, we set the children a challenge to act out the Great Fire of London in our Role Play Area and decorate a Tudor style house in our Creative Area during their independent learning time. They absolutely rose to the challenge and wowed us with their knowledge of the Great Fire of London and their super drama and creative skills. Well done Year 1!
Teaching Cycle Safety
Teaching cycle safety to children empowers them to ride responsibly, reducing risks while out on the road. In advance of Road Safety Week, our next guide and the latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast explain how to keep kids safe when they set out on two wheels, helping them ride with confidence! Download here >> Listen here >>
Year 1 English- Story Planning
In English, Year 1 have been story planning. They have been innovating a scene from the Gruffalo which can be added into the original story. They have worked hard with their rhyming and came up with some brilliant ideas. We have had bears running away because the mouse has said that he is meeting the Gruffalo by the lair and his favourite food is chopped up bear, we have had the same but with the mouse meeting the Gruffalo by a trunk with his favourite food being fried skunk and so on.. Well done Year 1!
Year 6 - Anti-Bullying Live Lesson
At the beginning of this week, Year 6 took part in a PSHE lesson and a CBBC live lesson that focused on Anti-Bullying Week. The theme this year is ‘Choose Respect’. Year 6 were made aware that disagreements are actually a natural part of life and that we can’t avoid them. However, what we do have control of is the ability to be respectful when we have a disagreement. If we manage to do this, a resolution is easier to find.
Choir - Let’s Go Sing Workshop
Our choir have enjoyed their second LGS workshop with Matthew. We have been learning an exciting new set of songs in preparation for the concert, and they are already sounding brilliant! We are certainly a small but mighty choir. Matthew was really impressed with their attention and listening during this session.
Year 1- Interfaith Week and Hinduism Workshop
To celebrate Interfaith Week, Year 1 had a special Hindu Workshop. They started off by taking part in a traditional Hindu dance before learning about Hindu worship known as Puja which involves all five of the senses. Our visitor, Prags showed us some of the important artefacts used as part of Puja such as the bell (used to make sure that the God knows the worshippers are there), a candle, incense stick, the Swastika symbol and the red paste which is used to make a mark on a a Hindu’s head as a sign of respect to their God. Prags also told us about some other Hindu practises such as offering food or flowers to their God known as arti, washing thoroughly before worship and taking their shoes off as they enter the temple. Since Year 1 have also been learning about how Hindus created the world in their creation unit, Prags gave them the opportunity to ask some of their own questions that they had. Harry asked, ‘Why does the God have lots of heads?’ Prags explained this was because the God needs to look all around the world and also because they have many different forms. She explained that we have many roles e.g. Phoebe is a daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend etc.. and the Gods do too and this is why they’re drawn and painted with many heads. Callie asked, ‘Why does the God have four arms?’ Prags explained that this was because they are powerful and need to be able to do lots of things/carry many things at the same time. Bella asked, ‘Why is the God shown as being blue?’ Prags explained that Shiva is blue to symbolise the world’s poisons that he drank in order to protect it and Vishnu is blue to represent his calming personality. However, Prags also said that by representing them as blue, we are celebrating colour and appreciating people’s differences.
Year 1 PSHE- Odd Socks Day For Anti-Bullying Week
Yesterday, Year 1 celebrated Anti- Bullying Week by wearing their odd socks. Following on from the Collective Worship with Mrs Ham, we continued to explore the theme of respect. First of all, we played a game of ‘Huggy Bears’ where we had to get into a trio and hug each other on command. We talked about how hugging each other made us feel. Year 1 said it made them feel happy, smiley, loved and excited. We then explored other ways to build each other up and show both kindness and respect. Year 1 suggested clearing the path by stepping aside or moving an obstacle to let someone through, smiling at each other, sharing equipment, asking someone if they would like a hug, asking someone if they are okay, lining up smartly and sensibly and putting their hand up and not shouting out as ways of being respectful, to ensure that we all feel happy, remain safe and uninterrupted in our learning. All of the children then chose one that they think they could work on.
Year 2 - Sewing practice
In preparation for making our Christmas hand puppets, we began to practice a running stitch. We will be using a running stitch to join our two pieces of material. It was very difficult to thread the needle and tie a knot. A lot of perseverance and resilience was required, everyone had a really good go and I was impressed with our textiles skills!
Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas
To launch Anti-Bullying week, we celebrated Odd Socks Day in style today with some brilliant demonstrations of uniqueness. The children showed off their odd socks to their peers and shared reasons for their choices that really showed off their different preferences and personalities!