Image of Year 4 PSHE - Team work
13 Sep

Year 4 PSHE - Team work

In our PSHE sessions we are looking at Me and My Relationships. This week we focused on teamwork and how we can show this both in and out of the classroom. We discussed how this links to our 4 B’s, Christian values and British Values too.

Image of Year 4 English - Planning a narrative based on The Explorer
13 Sep

Year 4 English - Planning a narrative based on The Explorer

As part of our English lessons, we are reading The Explorer by Jaqueline Wilson which is set in the South American rainforest. Today we have started to write our own narrative linked to a specific success criteria which included using fronted adverbials for time and place. We can’t wait to carry this on over the next few weeks to produce a final piece.

Image of Reception- Outdoor Gym
13 Sep

Reception- Outdoor Gym

This morning we have been out on our outdoor gym for the first time. After demonstrating how to use the equipment the children then had a go themselves. They were so sensible and used the equipment safely. They especially enjoyed the cross trainers and exercise bikes. Well done Reception class!

Image of Netball Club
13 Sep

Netball Club

What a great start to our new year netball club. A super turn out, hard work, determination and encouragement all round. We had some new members and some old with everyone showing great respect towards each other.

Image of Year 1 Art- Composing a Cold Landscape
12 Sep

Year 1 Art- Composing a Cold Landscape

This week in their art lesson, Year 1 explored landscapes. First of all, we looked at some landscapes (particularly cold ones) and brainstormed some of the features that we could see such as mountains and icebergs. We learnt about how to draw a horizon and then an additional line for where the sea meets the land. We then cut out images of features of our cold landscapes and positioned them on our own scenes, discussing where they should go: on the land, in the sea or in the sky. Next lesson, we will be exploring textures so that we can collage our landscape appropriately e.g. collaging the mountains in a hard, rough material and the polar bear in a soft, fluffy material.

Image of Year 5 - Irreversible changes
12 Sep

Year 5 - Irreversible changes

This week in science, Year 5 delved into the fascinating world of irreversible changes by experimenting with candles and exploring the process of combustion. The children carefully observed the behavior of burning candles, noting changes such as melting wax and the production of gases. They then created detailed diagrams to explain the scientific processes at play, including the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor during combustion. Through these observations, the children gained a deeper understanding of how chemical reactions work and why some changes cannot be reversed.

Image of Year 3- Handwriting-
12 Sep

Year 3- Handwriting-

Over the last two weeks, we have been placing a strong focus on handwriting, particularly focussing on letter joins and overall presentation. Year 3 have been working incredibly hard to join their letters and form them correctly . We are super proud of their dedication and hardwork.

Image of Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?
12 Sep

Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?

Today, Year 6 spent their P.E. lesson thinking about the qualities of a good play leader. They took part in a relay race and had to create a group image that displayed symbols representing these qualities. We spoke about the importance of being prepared, observant, patient, understanding and a good communicator. I’m sure year 6 will be great role models to the younger children in our school.

Image of Year 3- Maths- Place value
12 Sep

Year 3- Maths- Place value

This week in maths, Year 3 have been using concrete resources to help them partition numbers up to 100 and represent numbers up to a 1000.

Image of Rev Matt 's Worship - Moses
12 Sep

Rev Matt 's Worship - Moses

Collective Worship - 12.09.24 During this week's worship session with Rev. Matt, the children engaged in a meaningful and reflective activity. Rev. Matt began by reading a Bible story. The tale centered on a baby boy placed in a basket and gently set adrift along a riverbank. This story unfolds against a backdrop of great hardship for the Hebrew people, who were oppressed under the rule of the Egyptians. The Egyptian king, fearing that the Hebrew people might rise against them, had decreed that all Hebrew infants be killed. Amidst this dire situation, a courageous act of compassion emerged. The baby, destined for death, was discovered by none other than the Egyptian king’s daughter. Moved by the child’s innocence, she decided to save him and raise him as her own, naming him Moses. Under the watchful eyes of God, the baby was spared and later grew up to become the leader who would free his people from their suffering. Following the story, the children participated in a thoughtful discussion. They paired up and pondered a question: What are some ways they can show respect to their teachers, friends, or family members? The children shared numerous ideas, reflecting their understanding of Christian values. They suggested acts such as actively listening, showing kindness, and embodying respect in their interactions. Their responses demonstrated the importance of treating others as they themselves would wish to be treated, a principle at the heart of our Christian Value of Respect. Through this worship session, the children not only learned about a significant biblical figure but also explored the practical application of respect and kindness in their own lives.

Image of Year 1 Science- Can I Identify What Group an Animal Belongs to?
12 Sep

Year 1 Science- Can I Identify What Group an Animal Belongs to?

This afternoon in Year 1, we explored the different animal groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish) and discussed the features of animals in each of these groups such as having hair, scales, wet skin and feathers. We then looked at a variety of animals and sorted them into each of the five groups.

Image of Year 6 - Alice in Wonderland Workshop
12 Sep

Year 6 - Alice in Wonderland Workshop

After watching the Alice in Wonderland production, year 6 were lucky enough to take part in a workshop with the cast. They had a discussion about what goes into making a good show: costumes, direction, technology, acting and got to have a go at some of these elements themselves. Hopefully, some of the knowledge they have gained from this experience will be carried forward into their own performance at the end of the year.