Image of Celebration Worship
4 Mar

Celebration Worship

This morning in our whole school worship, we celebrated all of the amazing things that have been happening across school this week. Each class shared highlights from the week, including world book day, kindness challenges and shrove Tuesday. We also shared special prayers for Ukraine and thought about how we can help those who are most in need at the minute.

Image of Year 1-Road Safety
4 Mar

Year 1-Road Safety

Today in Year 1, Andy came into our class to teach us all about road safety. He talked to us about The Green Cross Code. We learnt to stop, look and listen before we cross the road and to continue to look and listen as we cross the road. We talked about giving ourselves plenty of time to cross a road, making sure there is space to reach the pavement at the other side, where it safe to cross a road avoiding bends, crossing between parked cars or close to the top of a hill. We also talked about the importance of high visibility clothing when we are crossing a road. We practised crossing the road safely at a zebra crossing and Andy checked whether we should be using a booster seat. Year 1 can’t wait for their goody bags to be delivered which will contain items to help us to keep safe on the roads such as high visibility key rings.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Road Safety
4 Mar

Year 3 PSHE - Road Safety

Year 3 had a Road Safety workshop. They were reminded of the Green Cross Code and the importance of wearing high visibility jackets (especially when it is dark). The children were also measured for whether they need a car booster seat or not. Only four children were tall enough not to need a booster seat. Everyone needs to wear a seatbelt.

Image of BRFC Gifted & Talented Football Tournament WINNERS
4 Mar

BRFC Gifted & Talented Football Tournament WINNERS

What a way to finish the week! A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our four superstar footballers in Year 3! This afternoon they played 7 matches, won 7 matches and came home as WINNERS of BRFC Gifted & Talented 3v3 Football Tournament. The smiles on their faces said it all! Well done and thank you to @brfccommunitytrust and Ben Howard for organising.

Image of Librarians- Whole School Competition
4 Mar

Librarians- Whole School Competition

Today at lunchtime, our librarians judged our whole school World Book Day competition which was to decorate bunting with your favourite book. They were blown away by so many wonderful efforts and found it very difficult to pick one winner per year group. However, they are have all been displayed In our library. We had a wide variety of books such as Stick Man, The Gruffalo, The Scarecrows’ Wedding, Oi Frog, The Snail and the whale, Dog Man, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Naughtiest Unicorn, The 39-Storey Treehouse, Harry Potter, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Beast Quest, Tom Gates, The Spy Who Loved School Dinners and many others. A great effort by our whole school- well done!

Image of Whole School World Book Day Display
4 Mar

Whole School World Book Day Display

We have created a display in the library to showcase all of the wonderful work that our whole school produced on World Book Day. Each class created a setting inspired by the story ‘Journey by Aaron Becker,’ and described this setting using descriptive phrases. As we look at the writing produced from Reception to Year 6, we can see more ambitious vocabulary being used and more complex language features. KS1 worked hard to create noun phrases and Year 2 used there’s in a list using commas. As we move into KS2, we can see language features such as similes, metaphors, expanded noun phrases and onomatopoeia.

Image of Year 1- World Book Day
4 Mar

Year 1- World Book Day

Year 1 enjoyed World Book day yesterday. As a whole school, we were focusing on the story ‘Journey by Aaron Becker.’ In the story the girl visited lots of settings such as a medieval city and the woods. Year 1 brainstormed ideas for their own settings. They came up with ideas such as a water park, a cave, a fairground, a toy museum, and a jungle. They even came up with ideas that meant that we would need to go back in time such as the Victorian times and the time when dinosaurs were alive. Eventually, we settled on a candy land. They then brainstormed ideas for getting to their destination. The girl in the video used a hot air balloon, boat and magic carpet. Year 1 came up with lots of ideas such as a witch’s broomstick, a zip line, a quad bike, a helicopter, a unicorn and a surfboard. We decided on a quad bike. Year 1 then did a piece of collaborative artwork to showcase their candy land setting and wrote some wonderful descriptive phrases to describe the setting using adjectives. Year 1 also took part in the whole school competition and decorated their own bunting with their favourite book. We had bunting decorated with The Gruffalo, Oi Frog, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Day the Crayon’s Quit, The Scarecrows’ Wedding, Funny Bones, The Runaway Pea, Rumpelstiltskin, Lost and Found, Stickman and Peace at Last. We can’t wait to have our bunting displayed in the library. We are hoping that it will encourage other children to choose our favourite book and take it home to read as their library book. 

Image of Year 4 Science
4 Mar

Year 4 Science

This week’s science focus in Year 4 was oral hygiene. We used white eggs to set up a comparative test to see which drinks were most likely to stain our teeth. We soaked the eggs in different drinks for 2 days then cleaned them with toothbrushes and toothpaste. Can you spot which drink was our main offender?

Image of Year 6 RE
4 Mar

Year 6 RE

In RE Year 6 have been discussing the events of Passover and considering their own significant events and why they are to be remembered.

Image of French colours in Year 6
4 Mar

French colours in Year 6

Year 6 have been recapping colours in French this week.

Image of Y6 Geography- Focusing on population
4 Mar

Y6 Geography- Focusing on population

Year 6 have been learning about population, density and it’s effects in Geography this week.

Image of Year 5- World Book Day
3 Mar

Year 5- World Book Day

We have had a great day today for World Book Day and everyone looked so brilliant in their pjs and oodies /snuggies. We have been creating our own setting and transport based on the book Journey by Aaron Becker and the art work has been absolutely fantastic! I have also sent home a £1 book voucher for each child. Happy World Book Day