Year 2 Science: Waterproofing Experiment
This week in Science, Year 2 explored the work of Charles Macintosh, who invented waterproof fabric. We looked at how the properties of materials can be changed, by completing a waterproofing experiment with felt and wax. We found that by rubbing the wax onto the piece of felt and melting the wax into the felt, this created a waterproof coating.
Year 6- Junior Jam
Year 6 had a great Wellbeing Wednesday learning how to play the ukulele in music and had fun on the tablets in computing.
Songs of Praise Worship- Rich in Kindness
We are focusing on kindness as part of our 30 day Kindness Challenge during Lent. We have loved learning ‘Rich in Kindness’ in our Songs of Praise Worship. This is to spread some kindness to Rev David and Lorraine as we all miss you & know how much you love this song! {youtube:LbeGjymwypc}
Reception: Firefighter Visit
A huge thank you to Firefighter Andy for coming to visit our children. The children learnt about what Firefighter Andy does, they found out about the clothes that firefighters wear, they learnt about smoke alarms and the importance of not playing with matches.
Year 6 RE- Passover
Year 6 have been continuing their work on Passover, here looking at the Seder meal and linking it to the Exodus.
Year 5 - Maths
In Maths, Year 5 have been multiplying 2 - digits (area model) using base 10 equipment. They have used the knowledge from a few weeks ago, finding the area of a rectangle.
Jesus as a Miracle Worker Worship
In Worship, we focussed on Jesus as a miracle worker. Today we read the story of ‘Jesus and the 5000’. Mrs Ham and the children acted the story out and we also watched a video. Jesus only had 5 loaves and 2 fish but thanks to the little boy sharing his food, Jesus performed a miracle and was able to feed 5000 people! During our reflection, we discussed the importance of sharing and giving to others. This is so important during Lent. Edward suggested that he would share his PlayStation with his siblings, Isaac suggested that we could share our money with charity, Kaylen suggested we could share our time and Dominic suggested we could share our kindness. At the end, Neve came to the front and shared her fundraising cake sale idea with the school to help those in Ukraine. It is a super idea and we can’t wait to buy lots of cakes to support her fundraising and to help those and give back. We also read some prayers about compassion that Year 5 wrote to remember all of those that are affected in Ukraine.
Support for Ukraine Day
In light of the current devastating situation in Ukraine and the wonderful generosity and compassion of Neve in Year 2, we have decided to change our red nose day on Friday 18th March to a 'Support for Ukraine Day' supporting the British Red Cross. As well as dressing in red (or children may want to wear yellow and blue like the Ukrainian flag), we will also be holding a cake sale. Neve and her friends and family will be baking cakes along with some of our infant classes. All of the money raised will go to the British red cross and every pound donated by the UK public will be matched by the UK government through its Aid Match scheme up to the value of £20 million. This support will double the impact of the public’s own donations and will ensure that charities working on the ground can reach those in urgent need. You can either donate on parent pay or via the red cross website. You will also find out more information of other ways you can support families in Ukraine. If you have already purchased red noses or red nose merchandise then they can still be worn in school on the 18th and the money you used to pay for them has already gone to support Comic Relief.
Pray for Ukraine
We have been having discussions in Year 6 regarding the current situation in the Ukraine. They decided to create some prayers which will be on display at the front of the school. We have been discussing how we are able to help those in need by donating clothes, toys and time.
Reception: Muddy Monday
The children really enjoyed visiting Whitehall park for their Muddy Monday session. We looked at all of the evergreen and deciduous trees. We also climbed trees and made bug hotels. The children were very excited when they found worms and insects for their hotels!
Year 3 Science - How muscles work
Year 3 Science - We have made models of how muscles work in an arm, either by contracting or relaxing when we lift or straighten our arm.
Latest Covid Update
Please click to read the latest Covid guidance for schools from the Government.