Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Year 1 PE- Rolling a Ball
10 Mar

Year 1 PE- Rolling a Ball

Year 1 have been learning how to roll a ball with accuracy. First, we looked at rolling a ball to a partner with our arm beside us, then rolling a ball with to a partner between our legs. We discussed which one allows us to be more accurate. Finally, we practised rolling a ball with accuracy through a target (between two cones).

Image of Year 3 PE - Net and Wall Game Skills
10 Mar

Year 3 PE - Net and Wall Game Skills

Year 3 PE - Practising Net and Wall Game Skills, throwing and catching with accuracy.

Image of Reception Obstacle course
10 Mar

Reception Obstacle course

We have been looking at ways we can be fit and healthy like real life superheroes! We talked about how police officers and fire fighters need to be strong and healthy for their jobs so we set up an outdoor assault course for us all to complete!

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Lent
10 Mar

Year 3 Class Worship - Lent

Year 3 Class Worship included watching a video clip of Bishop Philip talking about Lent and about making time for God. We wrote some Lenten Promises and we also wrote some prayers for peace in the Ukraine. We ended our worship by singing “Chain of Love”.

Image of Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.
10 Mar

Year 3 Art - Trencadis collage in the style of Gaudi.

Year 3 Art - We have begun our Trencadis collages in the style of Gaudi.

Image of The Great Plague - Symptoms and how it spread
10 Mar

The Great Plague - Symptoms and how it spread

Today we have been learning about the symptoms of the plague. The symptoms ranged from feeling delirious, vomiting and even buboes! We watched a Horrible History’s clip that showed how it spread and what people believed were cures such as eating arsenic and sitting in the sewers. Did you know that the famous song ‘ Ring o roses’ comes from the plague and the ring was the swelling or buboes?