Image of Year 3 Geography - locating Italy on a map
11 Mar

Year 3 Geography - locating Italy on a map

Year 3 Geography - Year 3 have been using atlases to locate Italy on a map of Europe. They have also identified the four countries that border Italy.

Image of Art - Tint and Shade with paint
11 Mar

Art - Tint and Shade with paint

In our art lesson today, we have looked at the use of tint and shade. The children tried really hard to create stage samples by adding white for a tint and black for shade. We will moving on to applying these techniques to skull designs.

Image of English - Persuasive Leaflets about Darwen
11 Mar

English - Persuasive Leaflets about Darwen

We have been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to develop our understanding of persuasive texts. Today we added the final touches to our Darwen leaflets, checking that we have used persuasive devices and created interesting content, which is appealing to the audience. Thank you to Mrs Ham and our Head and Deputy Girls for deciding on two overall winners. Well done to Oscar and Wilson. Every single child produced a quality piece of writing which they should be very proud of. They included many of the landmarks or places of interest in Darwen after researching them.

Image of Year 3/4 Cross Country Club
11 Mar

Year 3/4 Cross Country Club

Some superb performances from our Year 3/4 cross country club members today. Keep up the hard work - Go Team Barneys!

Image of Friday 11th March Celebration Worship
11 Mar

Friday 11th March Celebration Worship

Today, we started off by reflecting on Monday’s worship when we read the story of ‘Jesus Feeding the 5000,’ and thought about how nothing is too small to share. The children shared some examples of things that can be shared such as food, clothes and kindness. Kindness is always important at our school but particularly at the moment as we are currently completing ‘The 30 Days of Kindness Challenge,’ as a school. We reflected on the kindness challenges for this week which were helping an elderly member of our community, asking people how their day has been, asking someone if you can help when they’re upset, helping the teacher to hand out and collect in books. Today’s challenge is making a thank you card for someone. The children said they would make one for their teachers including their after school club teachers, their older siblings, their parents and Mr Tierney (our site supervisor). We then celebrated some in school achievements. We heard from our class teachers, the librarians announced our World Book Day competition winners for the books bunting and Mrs Ham presented the winners of the Blackburn Rovers Gifted and Talented completion to four of our Year 3 boys who showed a wonderful attitude and brilliant sportsmanship. We followed on from this with out of school achievements such as swimming, football, rainbows, young farmers rifle shooting and sailing. Finally, the heads and deputies shared a reminder about showing respect for the playground equipment and Lily in Year 6 shared a way of us helping Ukraine by bringing shampoo, body wash and hairbrushes next Friday. She will collect these in and pass them on to someone she knows who is travelling to Ukraine.

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm School

Image of Farm School
11 Mar

Farm School

Fun at Farm School

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Fun at Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school

Image of Farm school
11 Mar

Farm school

Farm school